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Forked from ymendel/southwest_checkin.rb
Created July 22, 2010 17:45
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#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'rubygems'
require 'mechanize'
MY_NAME = 'Yossef Mendelssohn'
prompt = false
conf = ARGV[0]
unless conf
prompt = true
print 'Enter your confirmation number: '
conf = gets.chomp
name = ARGV[1] || MY_NAME
name = name.split(' ')
# print 'Enter your name: '
# name = gets.chomp.split(' ')
agent =
agent.user_agent_alias = 'Mac Mozilla'
checkin_request_page = agent.get(CHECKIN_REQUEST_URL)
checkin_request_form = checkin_request_page.form_with(:name => 'retrieveItinerary')
checkin_request_form.confirmationNumber = conf
checkin_request_form.firstName = name.first
checkin_request_form.lastName = name.last
checkin_page = checkin_request_form.submit
error = (checkin_page / 'div#error_wrapper').first
if error
puts if prompt
puts "Could not check in."
puts error.content
checkin_form = checkin_page.form_with(:name => 'checkinOptions')
checkin_form.checkboxes.each { |box| box.check }
print_button = checkin_form.buttons.detect { |b| == 'printDocuments' }
boarding_page = checkin_form.click_button(print_button)
puts if prompt
puts "Successfully checked in, got"
boarding_passes = boarding_page / 'div.details'
boarding_passes.each do |pass|
boarding_name = (pass / ' span').collect { |x| x.content }.join(' ')
boarding_info = pass / 'div.boardingPosition img'
boarding_position = boarding_info.collect { |x| x.attributes['src'].to_s.match(/(\w).gif$/)[1] }.join
puts "#{boarding_name} - #{boarding_position}"
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