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Created December 16, 2020 01:47
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Edge for redhat
kubernates zone:
kubernates zone can slow down the rate or, in some cases, completely stop the pod evictions.
Edge solution from Redhat
1. Three-node architeccture
Basically, the solution is a mutiple cluster solution, like k3s. to make Openshift smaller to make it could deploy on edge side
then leverage ACM to do the mangement.
2. Remote worker node
Same solution as Openyurt and KubeEdge
but in very begging stage, the challenges Redhat though are:
a. Network separation
b. Power outage
c. Latency spikes or temporary reduction in throughput
For #a, redhat has no specific solution, the key point of the #a is avoid eviction. Redhat suggest to use Taint/toleration
For #b, redhat has no specific solution, the key point is recover, Redhat suggest to use static pod, Taint/toleration
In Openyurt, they use conception: "autonomy", they enhance the "kube-controller-manager" not evicted the pod on a "autonomy" node.
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