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Last active February 2, 2025 09:45
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Polymorphism with API Platform
operations: [
// no GetCollection operation
new Get(...),
new Post(...),
new Patch(...),
final class CustomCalendarPeriod implements Period
public const string PERIOD_TYPE = 'custom';
#[Groups(groups: ['period:read'])]
public function getPeriodType(): string
return self::PERIOD_TYPE;
// ...
operations: [
new GetCollection(
uriTemplate: '/periods',
provider: PeriodCollectionProvider::class,
normalizationContext: [
'groups' => ['period:read'],
interface Period
public function getPeriodType(): string;
#[AsDecorator(decorates: 'api_platform.jsonld.context_builder')]
final readonly class PeriodsContextBuilder implements AnonymousContextBuilderInterface
public function __construct(private AnonymousContextBuilderInterface $decorated)
* Overrides Period context with external contexts for polymorphism.
* @see
* @see
* @phpstan-ignore-next-line return type has no value type specified in iterable type array
public function getResourceContext(string $resourceClass, int $referenceType = UrlGeneratorInterface::ABS_PATH): array
$context = $this->decorated->getResourceContext($resourceClass, $referenceType);
if ($resourceClass === Period::class) {
// keep "@vocab" and "hydra" from API Platform JSON-LD context as generic keys
// override the rest of the context to disable the generated schema and implement polymorphism
return [
['@vocab' => $context['@vocab']],
['hydra' => $context['hydra']],
return $context;
* @phpstan-ignore-next-line $context has no value type specified in iterable type array
public function getAnonymousResourceContext(object $object, array $context = [], int $referenceType = UrlGeneratorInterface::ABS_PATH): array
return $this->decorated->getAnonymousResourceContext($object, $context, $referenceType);
* @phpstan-ignore-next-line return type has no value type specified in iterable type array
public function getBaseContext(int $referenceType = UrlGeneratorInterface::ABS_PATH): array
return $this->decorated->getBaseContext($referenceType);
* @phpstan-ignore-next-line return type has no value type specified in iterable type array
public function getEntrypointContext(int $referenceType = UrlGeneratorInterface::ABS_PATH): array
return $this->decorated->getEntrypointContext($referenceType);
public function getResourceContextUri(string $resourceClass, int $referenceType = UrlGeneratorInterface::ABS_PATH): string
return $this->decorated->getResourceContextUri($resourceClass, $referenceType);
#[AsDecorator(decorates: 'api_platform.openapi.factory')]
final readonly class PeriodsOpenApiFactory implements OpenApiFactoryInterface
public function __construct(private OpenApiFactoryInterface $decorated)
public function __invoke(array $context = []): OpenApi
return $this->overrideSchema($this->decorated->__invoke($context));
* Overrides Period schema with polymorphism.
* @see
private function overrideSchema(OpenApi $openApi): OpenApi
$components = $openApi->getComponents();
$schema = $components->getSchemas() ?? new \ArrayObject();
$schema[''] = [
'oneOf' => [
['$ref' => '#/components/schemas/'],
['$ref' => '#/components/schemas/'],
'discriminator' => [
'propertyName' => 'periodType',
'mapping' => [
SubscribedCalendarPeriod::PERIOD_TYPE => '#/components/schemas/',
CustomCalendarPeriod::PERIOD_TYPE => '#/components/schemas/',
return $openApi->withComponents($components->withSchemas($schema));
operations: [
// no GetCollection operation
new Get(...),
new Post(...),
new Patch(...),
final class SubscribedCalendarPeriod implements Period
public const string PERIOD_TYPE = 'subscribed';
#[Groups(groups: ['period:read'])]
public function getPeriodType(): string
return self::PERIOD_TYPE;
// ...
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Thanks! It seems to work fine, but in my Swagger UI, I get the following error messages:

Resolver error at responses.200.content.application/$ref
Could not resolve reference: JSON Pointer evaluation failed while evaluating token "" against an ObjectElement
Resolver error at responses.200.content.application/$ref
Could not resolve reference: JSON Pointer evaluation failed while evaluating token "" against an ObjectElement
Resolver error at responses.200.content.application/$ref
Could not resolve reference: JSON Pointer evaluation failed while evaluating token "" against an ObjectElement
Resolver error at responses.200.content.application/$ref
Could not resolve reference: JSON Pointer evaluation failed while evaluating token "" against an ObjectElement

Any idea how to fix this? Your help is greatly appreciated.

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