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Created January 2, 2018 14:40
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declare module "yoga-dom" {
declare opaque type AlignAuto;
declare opaque type AlignFlexStart;
declare opaque type AlignCenter;
declare opaque type AlignFlexEnd;
declare opaque type AlignBaseline;
declare opaque type AlignSpaceBetween;
declare opaque type AlignSpaceAround;
declare type Align =
| AlignAuto
| AlignFlexStart
| AlignCenter
| AlignFlexEnd
| AlignBaseline
| AlignSpaceBetween
| AlignSpaceAround;
declare opaque type DimensionWidth;
declare opaque type DimensionHeight;
declare type Dimension = DimensionWidth | DimensionHeight;
declare opaque type DirectionInherit;
declare opaque type DirectionLTR;
declare opaque type DirectionRTL;
declare type Direction = DirectionInherit | DirectionLTR | DirectionRTL;
declare opaque type DisplayFlex;
declare opaque type DisplayNone;
declare type Display = DisplayFlex | DisplayNone;
declare opaque type FlexDirColumn;
declare opaque type FlexDirColumnReverse;
declare opaque type FlexDirRow;
declare opaque type FlexDirRowReverse;
declare type FlexDirection =
| FlexDirColumn
| FlexDirColumnReverse
| FlexDirRow
| FlexDirRowReverse;
declare opaque type JustifyFlexStart;
declare opaque type JustifyCenter;
declare opaque type JustifyFlexEnd;
declare opaque type JustifySpaceBetween;
declare opaque type JustifySpaceAround;
declare opaque type JustifySpaceEvenly;
declare type Justify =
| JustifyFlexStart
| JustifyCenter
| JustifyFlexEnd
| JustifySpaceBetween
| JustifySpaceAround
| JustifySpaceEvenly;
declare opaque type MeasureModeUndefined;
declare opaque type MeasureModeExactly;
declare opaque type MeasureModeAtMost;
declare type MeasureMode =
| MeasureModeUndefined
| MeasureModeExactly
| MeasureModeAtMost;
declare opaque type OverflowVisible;
declare opaque type OverflowHidden;
declare opaque type OverflowScroll;
declare type Overflow = OverflowVisible | OverflowHidden | OverflowScroll;
declare opaque type PositionRelative;
declare opaque type PositionAbsolute;
declare type PositionType = PositionRelative | PositionAbsolute;
declare opaque type UnitUndefined;
declare opaque type UnitPoint;
declare opaque type UnitPercent;
declare opaque type UnitAuto;
declare type Unit = UnitUndefined | UnitPoint | UnitPercent | UnitAuto;
declare opaque type WrapNoWrap;
declare opaque type WrapWrap;
declare opaque type WrapWrapReverse;
declare type Wrap = WrapNoWrap | WrapWrap | WrapWrapReverse;
declare type YGSize = { width: number, height: number };
declare type YGLayout = {
top: number,
left: number,
width: number,
height: number
declare type YGValue = {
value: number,
unit: Unit
declare type MeasureFunction = (
width: number,
widthMode: MeasureMode,
height: number,
heightMode: MeasureMode
) => YGSize;
declare class YogaConfig {
constructor(): YogaConfig;
setPointScaleFactor(ratio: number): void;
declare class YogaNode {
[propName: string]:
| number
| YGValue
| Align
| Direction
| Display
| FlexDirection
| Justify
| Overflow
| PositionType
| Unit
| Wrap;
constructor(): YogaNode;
static createWithConfig(config: YogaConfig): YogaNode;
insertChild(child: YogaNode, index: number): void;
removeChild(child: YogaNode): void;
getChildCount(): number;
getParent(): ?YogaNode;
getChild(index: number): ?YogaNode;
setMeasureFunc(measureFunc: MeasureFunction): void;
unsetMeasureFunc(): void;
markDirty(): void;
isDirty(): boolean;
free(): void;
freeRecursive(): void;
width: ?number,
height: ?number,
direction: ?Direction
): void;
getComputedLayout(): YGLayout;
declare type YogaPropConstants = {
align: {
[string]: ?Align,
auto: AlignAuto,
"flex-start": AlignFlexStart,
center: AlignCenter,
"flex-end": AlignFlexEnd,
baseline: AlignBaseline,
"space-between": AlignSpaceBetween,
"space-around": AlignSpaceAround
direction: {
[string]: ?Direction,
inherit: DirectionInherit,
ltr: DirectionLTR,
rtl: DirectionRTL
display: {
[string]: ?Display,
flex: DisplayFlex,
none: DisplayNone
flexDirection: {
[string]: ?FlexDirection,
column: FlexDirColumn,
"column-reverse": FlexDirColumnReverse,
row: FlexDirRow,
"row-reverse": FlexDirRowReverse
justify: {
[string]: ?Justify,
"flex-start": JustifyFlexStart,
center: JustifyFlexStart,
"flex-end": JustifyFlexEnd,
"space-between": JustifySpaceBetween,
"space-around": JustifySpaceAround,
"space-evenly": JustifySpaceEvenly
overflow: {
[string]: ?Overflow,
visible: OverflowVisible,
hidden: OverflowHidden,
scroll: OverflowScroll
position: {
[string]: ?PositionType,
absolute: PositionAbsolute,
relative: PositionRelative
wrap: {
[string]: ?Wrap,
"no-wrap": WrapNoWrap,
wrap: WrapWrap,
"wrap-reverse": WrapWrapReverse
declare type YogaConstants = YogaPropConstants & {
measureMode: {
[string]: ?MeasureMode,
undefined: MeasureModeUndefined,
exactly: MeasureModeExactly,
atMost: MeasureModeAtMost
unit: {
[string]: ?Unit,
undefined: UnitUndefined,
point: UnitPoint,
percent: UnitPercent,
auto: UnitAuto
declare type Exports = {
Node: typeof YogaNode,
Config: typeof YogaConfig,
Constants: YogaConstants
declare export type Node = YogaNode;
declare export type Config = YogaConfig;
declare export type Constants = YogaConstants;
declare export type Module = Exports;
declare export type PropEnumMap = $Values<YogaPropConstants>;
declare export type Value = YGValue;
declare export default Promise<Exports>
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