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WetHat / CL-Queues.ipynb
Last active February 11, 2025 16:44
Implementing the QUEUE abstract data type while exploring Common Lisp generic functions.
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Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
ralt / foo.lisp
Last active October 30, 2024 15:42
Parenscript async/await support
(ps::defprinter ps-js::await (x)
(ps::psw (string-downcase "(await "))
(ps::print-op-argument 'ps-js::await x)
(ps::psw ")"))
await ps-js::await)
(ps::define-statement-operator async-defun (name lambda-list &rest body)
(multiple-value-bind (effective-args body-block docstring)
Niquarl / gist:5f8bd756a51b55ccc1785444e64c416e
Created September 30, 2018 23:10
Radio France | Adresses des flux Live mp3 Octobre 2016
Radio France | Adresses des flux Live mp3 Octobre 2016
Ces adresses sont fournies pour des usages privés uniquement. Pour tout autre usage, merci de contacter [email protected].
Sont listés ici les flux de qualité "FM". En as de problème de coupures récurrentes dûes à une bande passante disponible trop faible, reportez-vous à la liste des flux «bas débit» en fin de document.
France Inter
; John McCarthy. Puzzle Solving Program in LISP. Memo 20, Artificial Intelligence Project
; 1960
; Common Lisp translation: Rainer Joswig, 2016, [email protected]
; basically the code is unchanged, but using s-expression syntax in Common Lisp
(defparameter pzl
'((a1 (a2 a5) 7.5)
(a2 (a1 a5 a9 a3) 3.5)
svetlyak40wt / get-lisp-dependencies.lisp
Last active April 30, 2024 01:08
A helper to gather all lisp system's dependencies
(ql:quickload :fset)
(defun get-dependencies (system)
"Returns a set with all dependencies of a given system.
System should be loaded first."
(labels ((normalize (name)
(etypecase name
(string (string-downcase name))
(symbol (normalize (symbol-name name)))
BusFactor1Inc / scheme-coin.lisp
Created December 16, 2017 07:28
A Common Lisp Blockchain - Scheme Coin
;; scheme coin - a common lisp blockchain
;; Burton Samograd
;; 2017
(load "~/quicklisp/setup.lisp")
(defconstant *coin-name* "Scheme Coin")
chebert / lisp.el
Created September 3, 2017 01:05
(defun multiline? (string)
(position ?\n string))
(defun multiline-comment (string)
(concat "#||\n" string "\n||#\n"))
;; Note: Redefining to send the error message too.
(defun chebert-eval-async (sexp &optional cont package)
"Evaluate EXPR on the superior Lisp and call CONT with the result."
(declare (indent 1))
fukamachi / quicklisp-badges.markdown
Last active July 19, 2021 21:26
Quicklisp badge

Quicklisp badge now provides project badges for Quicklisp projects. It shows Quicklisp dist version when the project was updated last.

Once the project owner adds this badge to their README file, it will inform the project is ready for Quicklisp and its documentation is available on


It's available, however it was just added in this morning at whim and it may still have issues. Please try it and tell @nitro_idiot if you encountered any issues.

shortsightedsid / cl-tcpip.lisp
Last active November 22, 2024 09:23
Short guide to TCP/IP Client/Server programming in Common Lisp using usockets
; Short guide to TCP/IP Client/Server programming in Common Lisp using usockets
; The main reason for this guide is because there are very few examples that
; explain how to get started with socket programming with Common Lisp that I
; could understand. After spending a day trying, I finally came up with a small
; bit of code that makes it easy to understand the basics. I've written this
; primarily for myself, but should help others get started as well.
; As usual, we will use quicklisp to load usocket.
dirn / .pylintrc
Created September 25, 2013 13:19
# Specify a configuration file.
# Python code to execute, usually for sys.path manipulation such as
# pygtk.require().
# Profiled execution.