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Created December 17, 2019 08:35
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Find matrix point neighbors
const getNeighboors = (matrix, row,col) => {
let isTopBorder = row === 0;
let isRightBorder = col === matrix[row].length - 1;
let isBottomBorder = row === matrix.length - 1;
let isLeftBorder = col === 0;
let top = isTopBorder ? row : row - 1;
let left = isLeftBorder ? col : col - 1;
let bottom = isBottomBorder ? row : row + 1;
let right = isRightBorder ? col : col + 1;
const neighboors = [];
for(let r = top; r <= bottom; r++) {
for(let c = left; c <= right; c++){
if(!(row === r && col === c)) {
const matrixTest = [
getNeighboors(matrixTest, 0, 5)
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