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Last active October 4, 2022 17:57
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"meta": { "theme": "stackoverflow" },
"basics": {
"name": "Vinicius A. dos Santos",
"label": "Software Engineer",
"image": "",
"email": "[email protected]",
"url": "",
"summary": "Generalist Software Engineer with Software Architecture and Leadership experience. \nPassion for backend, but extremely comfortable with React/React Native. \nLooking for the perfect balance between generating business value, achieve time to market and deliver scalable, reliable and well designed software solutions.",
"location": {
"countryCode": "BR"
"profiles": [
"network": "GitHub",
"username": "viniciusvasti",
"url": ""
"work": [
"breakBefore": true,
"name": "Clevertech Biz",
"company": "Clevertech Biz",
"position": "Full Stack Software Engineer",
"url": "",
"startDate": "2021-04-12",
"endDate": "2021-10-12",
"summary": "Responsible for new features and maintenance on backend and frontend of company's Hiring Web App.",
"highlights": [
"Stack: ReactJS, NodeJS + Express, MongoDB + Mongoose and Redis",
"Lead 3 other developers;",
"Redesigned a slow React page and its backend API's improving its loading by 60%. Delivered a more clean and maintainable code;",
"Advocated Clean Code, helping developers improve their coding skills and making code easier to change;",
"Had to deal with client directly and manage his expectations."
"breakBefore": true,
"name": "Lojas Riachuelo SA",
"company": "Lojas Riachuelo SA",
"position": "Software Architect / Software Engineer Lead",
"url": "",
"startDate": "2019-07-01",
"endDate": "2021-04-10",
"summary": "As the Tech Leader/Architect, I was responsible for redesigning the whole architecture of a Point of Sales system used by almost 300 physical stores having ~10 PoS's each. 100 requests/sec on microservices during high sales rate (Christmas, Mother's days...)",
"highlights": [
"Stack: Spring Boot/Java, MySQL, DynamoDB, Apache Kafka, AWS API Gateway (Rest and Websocket), AWS Lambda + Serverless Framework + NodeJS, Redis, ReactJS, React Native;",
"Lead and trained 9 developers;",
"Redesigned one of the most important Systems of the company (almost) form scratch;",
"Designed microservices-based architecture, having dozens of integrations with legacy and modern corporate Systems;",
"Designed offline-first mobile and desktop app, where both should share as much as code as possible;",
"Have built the first company-wide Serverless CI/CD pipeline."
"breakBefore": true,
"name": "Lojas Riachielo SA",
"company": "Lojas Riachielo SA",
"position": "Full Stack Software Engineer",
"url": "",
"startDate": "2021-09-18",
"endDate": "2019-07-01",
"summary": "Riachuelo is one of the biggest fashion stores in Brazil. I was a member of 4-developers team.",
"highlights": [
"Stack: Spring Boot/Java, Oracle SQL, NodeJS/Node-Red, AWS Elastic Beanstalk, React Native, ReactJS",
"Architected and implemented a Java microservices-based backend for a Smart Locker",
"Minimum of 90% of code covered by Unit Tests",
"Brought standards/good practices to a work in progress React Native app",
"Implemented an integration between companies ERP and a third-party GPS tracking system"
"breakBefore": true,
"name": "Ma9 Soluções Inteligentes",
"company": "Ma9 Soluções Inteligentes",
"position": "Backend Software Engineer",
"url": "",
"startDate": "2017-11-01",
"endDate": "2018-09-14",
"summary": "Responsible for development of a REST API for a Banking Credit Platform",
"highlights": [
"Stack: .NET MVC (Just as a rest api), Microsoft SQL Server",
"Informally lead the dev team (4)",
"Demonstrated the highest business knowledge even being the last joinning member"
"breakBefore": true,
"name": "SM Soluções",
"company": "SM Soluções",
"position": "Full Stack Software Engineer",
"url": "",
"startDate": "2012-06-01",
"endDate": "2017-09-30",
"summary": "Responsible for development and maintenance of an agriculture System used by Government employees.",
"highlights": [
"Stack: Java, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PostgreSQL",
"Reduced bug incidents from 20/week to 5/week",
"Developed a new System's module by taking requirements directly form client",
"\"Walked\" through each developer career's stage (Jr, Mid, Sr)"
"education": [
"institution": "Universidade Federal de Sergipe",
"url": "",
"area": "Software Development",
"studyType": "Bachelor",
"startDate": "2010-03-01",
"endDate": "2014-06-30"
"institution": "Universidade Tiradentes.",
"url": "",
"area": "Software Development",
"studyType": "Bachelor",
"startDate": "2014-07-30",
"endDate": "2017-10-30"
"skills": [
"name": "Architecture",
"level": "Intermediate",
"keywords": [
"Event Driven",
"Message Bus",
"name": "AWS (Cloud)",
"level": "Intermediate",
"keywords": [
"API Gateway",
"Secrets Manager",
"name": "Golang",
"level": "Beginner",
"keywords": ["REST"]
"name": "NodeJS",
"level": "Master",
"keywords": [
"name": "Java Backend",
"level": "Master",
"keywords": [
"Spring Boot",
"Apache Kafka"
"name": "ReactJS",
"level": "Master",
"keywords": [
"React Router",
"name": "React Native",
"level": "Master",
"keywords": [
"React Native Navigation",
"name": "Databases",
"level": "Master",
"keywords": ["MySQL", "Postgres", "MSSQL", "MongoDB", "DynamoDB"]
"level": "Beginner",
"name": "DevOps",
"keywords": ["Azure DevOps", "Docker", "Kubernetes Concepts"]
"name": "Other",
"keywords": [
"Clean Code",
"Clean Architecture",
"languages": [
"language": "English",
"fluency": "Advanced"
"language": "Portuguese",
"fluency": "Native"
"interests": [
{ "name": "Software Architecture" },
{ "name": "Microservices" },
{ "name": "Cloud" },
{ "name": "Golang" },
{ "name": "DevOps" }
"projects": []
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