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Last active May 6, 2020 12:19
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vscode tools plugins


what sets us apart from the animals are our apposable thumbs. " two thumbs up pointed to the camera"

while VSCode is a tool itself, it is also a tool box filled with plugins/purpose built tools, think philips vs flathead screw driver.

( sidebar but what about vim, it also has lots of plugins. However I have only seen the most seasoned vim users doing that)

the immediate plugins the tool box comes with are

  • source control intergrations with ( git )
  • syntax highighting for most languages.


For my workflows I most commonly use the following tools:

  • Remote Development

    which includes remote ssh ( quick demo connecting to aws-tf-workspace)

  • Mauve.terraform

    syntax higlighitng and various language support by version for terraform

  • Docker

    view and manage your local or remote containers right from vs code

  • YAML

    syntax highlighting for yaml

optional demo

All together " quick run on kubernetes master with vscode remote showing text editing on live k8s cluster "

optional other plugins

  • settings sync

    sync your vs code settings, between devices

  • live share

    share a live coding session with multiple users, ( they get credit in your git commit messsage so watch for that)

optional other topics

  • local vs remote plugin installs
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