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Last active June 10, 2018 06:19
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Download all XKCD comics - incomplete
# Python 3
# Algorithm
# 1) Open the latest page of XKCD
# 2) Download the image, title and alternate text from the page and save the images in specified folder
# 3) Build a html file which contains the alt, title and src in a html file
# 4) If any error in download skip the page
# 5) Find the previous page url from current page and repeat steps 2, 3 & 4
# 6) Continue until you find the very 1st comic
# file title format - val + "-" + alt
# val - unique number in the url of each comic page
# alt - title of each comic
import requests
import bs4
import os
# Folder name to contain all comic images and html file
comicPath = "XKCD"
# For the very 1st comic, the "prev" attribute carries the value "#". Indicates end of loop
endChar = "#"
def write_html(text):
# TODO: Unicode characters will be printed as gibberish. Find an elegant solution
with open(os.path.join(comicPath, "xkcd" + ".html"), "a", encoding="utf-8") as xkcdHtmlFile:
def build_block(alt, title, src):
block = "<tr><td>"
block += "<head><b>" + alt + "</b></head>"
block += "<p></P>"
block += "<img src=" + "\"" + src + "\"" + ">"
block += "<body><p><i>" + title + "</i></p></body>"
block += "<p></P>"
block += "<p>-----------------------</p>"
block += "</td></tr>"
return block
def download_image(pageUrl):
# Create a folder under the root folder called "XKCD". If already exists, ignore
os.makedirs(comicPath, exist_ok=True)
print("Downloading comic from " + pageUrl)
imgResponse = requests.get(pageUrl)
imgSoup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(imgResponse.text)
imgLinks = imgSoup.find_all("div", {"id": "comic"})
for tag in imgLinks:
attrs = tag.find_all("img")
for attr in attrs:
alt = attr.get("alt")
src = attr.get("src")
title = attr.get("title")
baseUrl, pageNum = pageUrl.split("/")[-3:-1]
#print("base url: {0}, pageNum: {1}".format(baseUrl, pageNum))
# Download the comic image in png format and save it in specific folder
pngRes = requests.get("http:" + src)
with open(os.path.join(comicPath, pageNum + " " + alt + ".png"), "wb") as xkcdFile:
for chunk in pngRes.iter_content(1024):
print("XKCD comic downloaded at path {0}".format(os.path.join(comicPath, pageNum + " " + alt + ".png")))
# Define global variable which is used to construct the html file with all XKCD comics
htmlBlockString = ""
# Build the html block string for thie iteration of comic
htmlBlockString += build_block(alt, title, pageNum + " " + alt + ".png")
# Append the html file with the specific block of current loop's comic strip
print("html block constructed for {0} {1}".format(pageNum, alt))
def navigate_url(myUrl, baseUrl, comicCounter):
print("comic number: ", comicCounter)
# Get the response object from the url
myResponse = requests.get(myUrl)
# Pass the text of the response object to beautifulsoup
mySoup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(myResponse.text)
myLinks = mySoup.find_all("a", {"rel": "prev"})
prevList = list()
for link in myLinks:
# XKCD has 2 placeholders for "prev" links. Use set to extract distinct values from list
imgSet = set(prevList)
for val in imgSet:
while val != endChar:
download_image((baseUrl + val))
#while comicCounter < 10:
comicCounter += 1
# return statement is important for recursive functions, otherwise infinite loop
return navigate_url(baseUrl + val, baseUrl, comicCounter)
def main():
myUrl = ""
baseUrl = myUrl
# Start the construction of html file
# TODO: download_image function extracts pageNum variable which will be blank for the latest page. Explore
# Download the image from the latest url first
# Navigate to the previous comic url and then continue the process
navigate_url(myUrl, baseUrl, comicCounter = 0)
# Complete the construction of html file
print("XKCD html file created at path {0}".format(os.path.join(comicPath, "xkcd" + ".html")))
if __name__ == "__main__":
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For some xkcd pages (e.x. 1525), the src link is broken. Such cases throw an error.

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