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FiniteAuditTrail Trait

Support for keeping an audit trail for any state machine, borrowed from the Ruby StateMachine audit trail gem. Having an audit trail gives you a complete history of the state changes in your model. This history allows you to investigate incidents or perform analytics, like: “How long does it take on average to go from state a to state b?”, or “What percentage of cases goes from state a to b via state c?”


  1. PHP >= 5.4
  2. Laravel 4 framework
  3. Install Finite package
  4. Use FiniteStateMachine in your Eloquent model


In your Stateful Class use this trait after FiniteStateMachine trait, like this use FiniteAuditTrail;. Then call initAuditTrail() method at the end of initialization (__contruct() method) after initStateMachine() and parent::__construct() methods call. Then create or complete the static boot() method in your model like this:

    public static function boot()

Finally add the column_names() function in your app/start/global.php or app/helpers.php file.


Check MyStatefulModel.php, MyStatefulModelStateTransition.php and Usage.php.

And the migration files: 2013_10_01_124809_create_my_stateful_models_table.php and 2013_10_01_125509_create_my_stateful_model_state_transitions_table.

You should migrate your database with this command:

php artisan migrate



Use At Your Own Risk

// app/database/migrations/2013_10_01_124809_create_my_stateful_models_table.php
use Illuminate\Database\Migrations\Migration;
use Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint;
class CreateMyStatefulModelsTable extends Migration {
* Run the migrations.
* @return void
public function up()
Schema::create('my_stateful_models', function(Blueprint $table) {
* Reverse the migrations.
* @return void
public function down()
// app/database/migrations/2013_10_01_125509_create_my_stateful_model_state_transitions_table.php
use Illuminate\Database\Migrations\Migration;
use Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint;
class CreateMyStatefulModelStateTransitionsTable extends Migration
* Run the migrations.
* @return void
public function up()
Schema::create('my_stateful_model_state_transitions', function(Blueprint $table) {
// $table->string('custom_field')->nullable();
// $table->foreign('my_stateful_model_id')->references('id')->on('my_stateful_models');//Optional foreign key
* Reverse the migrations.
* @return void
public function down()
use Finite\StateMachine\StateMachine;
* The FiniteAuditTrail Trait.
* This plugin for the Finite package (see adds support for keeping an audit trail for any state machine.
* Having an audit trail gives you a complete history of the state changes in your stateful model.
* Prerequisites:
* 1. Install Finite package (
* 2. Use FiniteStateMachine in your model (
* Usage: in your Stateful Class use this trait after FiniteStateMachine trait, like this "use FiniteAuditTrail;".
* Then call initAuditTrail() method at the end of initialization (__contruct() method) after initStateMachine() and parent::__construct() call.
* Finally create or complete the static boot() method in your model like this:
* class MyStatefulModel extends Eloquent implements Finite\StatefulInterface
* {
* use FiniteStateMachine;
* use FiniteAuditTrail;
* public static function boot()
* {
* parent::boot();
* static::finiteAuditTrailBoot();
* }
* public function __construct($attributes = [])
* {
* $this->initStateMachine();
* parent::__construct($attributes);
* $this->initAuditTrail();
* }
* }
* Optionally in your AuditTrail model, you can create a $statefulModel property to access the StateMachine model who's audited:
* class MyStatefulModelStateTransition extends Eloquent
* {
* public $statefulModel;
* }
* @author Tortue Torche <[email protected]>
trait FiniteAuditTrail
public static function finiteAuditTrailBoot()
protected static function saveInitialState()
static::created(function($model) {
$transition = new \Finite\Transition\Transition(null, null, $model->findInitialState());
$model->storeAuditTrail($model, $transition, false);
protected $auditTrailModel;
protected $auditTrailName;
protected $auditTrailAttributes;// We can't set an empty array as default value here, maybe a PHP Trait bug ?
* @param mixed|array|args $args
* if $args is an array:
* initAuditTrail(['to' => 'ModelAuditTrail', 'attributes' => ['name', 'email'], 'prepend' => true]);
* else: initAuditTrail('ModelAuditTrail', ['name', 'email']);
* first param: string $to Model name who stores the history
* second param: string|array $attributes Attribute(s) or method(s) from stateful model to save
protected function initAuditTrail($args = null)
// Default options
$options = [ 'attributes' => (array) $this->auditTrailAttributes, 'to' => "\\".get_called_class()."StateTransition" ];
if (func_num_args() === 2) {
$args = func_get_args();
list($options['to'], $attributes) = $args;
$newOptions = array_extract_options($attributes);
$options['attributes'] = $attributes;
$options = array_merge($options, $newOptions);
} elseif ( func_num_args() === 1) {
if (is_array($args)) {
$newOptions = array_extract_options($args);
if(empty($newOptions)) {
$options['attributes'] = $args;
} else {
$options = array_merge($options, $newOptions);
} elseif ( is_string($args) ) {
$options['to'] = $args;
if (array_get($options, 'prepend') === true) {
// Audit trail State Machine changes at the first 'after' transition
$this->auditTrailAttributes = (array) $options['attributes'];
$this->auditTrailName = $options['to'];
$this->prependAfter([$this, 'storeAuditTrail']);
} else {
// Audit trail State Machine changes at the last 'after' transition
$this->addAfter([$this, 'storeAuditTrail']);
* Create a new model instance that is existing.
* @param array $attributes
* @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model|static
public function newFromBuilder($attributes = [])
$instance = parent::newFromBuilder($attributes);
return $instance;
* @param \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model|static $instance
protected function restoreAuditTrail($instance)
// Initialize the StateMachine when the $instance is loaded from the database and not created via __construct() method
* @param object $self
* @param \Finite\Event\TransitionEvent|Finite\Transition\Transition $transitionEvent
* @param boolean $save Optional, default: true
public function storeAuditTrail($self, $transitionEvent, $save = true)
// Save State Machine model to log initial state
if ($save === true || $this->exists === false) {
if (is_a($transitionEvent, "\Finite\Event\TransitionEvent")) {
$transition = $transitionEvent->getTransition();
} else {
$transition = $transitionEvent;
$this->auditTrailModel = \App::make($this->auditTrailName);
if (property_exists($this->auditTrailModel, 'statefulModel')) {
$this->auditTrailModel->statefulModel = $this;
$values = [];
$values['event'] = $transition->getName();
$initialStates = $transition->getInitialStates();
if (! empty($initialStates)) {
$values['from'] = $transitionEvent->getInitialState()->getName();
$values['to'] = $transition->getState();
$statefulAttribute = snake_case(str_singular($this->getTable()));
$values[$statefulAttribute.'_id'] = $this->getKey();//Foreign key
$statefulType = $statefulAttribute.'_type';
$columnNames = column_names($this->auditTrailModel->getTable());
if (in_array($statefulType, $columnNames)) {
$values[$statefulType] = get_class($this);// For morph relation
// TODO: Fill and save additional attributes in a created()/afterCreate() model event
foreach ((array) $this->auditTrailAttributes as $attribute) {
if ($this->getAttribute($attribute)) {
$values[$attribute] = $this->getAttribute($attribute);
$validated = $this->auditTrailModel->save();
if (! $validated) {
// TODO: Use this $validationErrors var in the Exception class
// $validationErrors = '<ul>'.implode('', array_values($this->auditTrailModel->errors()->all('<li>:message</li>'))).'</ul>';
throw new \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\ModelNotFoundException("Unable to save auditTrail model '".$this->auditTrailName."'");
public function getAuditTrailModel()
return $this->auditTrailModel;
// Add this function in your 'app/start/global.php' or 'app/helpers.php' file
if (! function_exists('column_names')) {
* @param string $table
* @param string $connectionName Database connection name
* @return array
function column_names($table, $connectionName = null)
$schema = \DB::connection($connectionName)->getDoctrineSchemaManager();
return array_map(function ($var) {
return str_replace('"', '', $var); // PostgreSQL need this replacement
}, array_keys($schema->listTableColumns($table)));
// app/models/MyStatefulModel.php
class MyStatefulModel extends Eloquent implements Finite\StatefulInterface
use FiniteStateMachine;
use FiniteAuditTrail;
public static function boot()
public function __construct($attributes = [])
protected function stateMachineConfig()
return [
'states' => [
's1' => [
'type' => 'initial',
'properties' => ['deletable' => true, 'editable' => true],
's2' => [
'type' => 'normal',
'properties' => [],
's3' => [
'type' => 'final',
'properties' => [],
'transitions' => [
't12' => ['from' => ['s1'], 'to' => 's2'],
't23' => ['from' => ['s2'], 'to' => 's3'],
't21' => ['from' => ['s2'], 'to' => 's1'],
'callbacks' => [
'before' => [
['on' => 't12', 'do' => [$this, 'beforeTransitionT12']],
['from' => 's2', 'to' => 's3', 'do' => function($myStatefulInstance, $transitionEvent) {
echo "Before callback from 's2' to 's3'";// debug
['from' => '-s3', 'to' => ['s3' ,'s1'], 'do' => [$this, 'fromStatesS1S2ToS1S3']],
'after' => [
['from' => 'all', 'to' => 'all', 'do' => [$this, 'afterAllTransitions']],
public function beforeTransitionT12($myStatefulInstance, $transitionEvent)
echo "Function called before transition: '".$transitionEvent->getTransition()->getName()."' !";// debug
public function fromStatesS1S2ToS1S3()
echo "Before callback from states 's1' or 's2' to 's1' or 's3'";// debug
public function afterAllTransitions($myStatefulInstance, $transitionEvent)
echo "After All Transitions !";// debug
// app/models/MyStatefulModelStateTransition.php
class MyStatefulModelStateTransition extends Eloquent
public $statefulModel;
protected $guarded = ['id', 'created_at', 'updated_at'];
public static function boot()
// Pro tips:
static::creating(function($model) {
// You can save fields/additional attributes in your database here:
// $model->custom_field = "Hello world!";
$myStatefulObject = new MyStatefulModel;
$myStatefulObject->getState(); // → "s1"
$myStatefulObject->can('t23'); // → false
$myStatefulObject->can('t12'); // → true
$myStatefulObject->apply('t12'); // $myStatefulObject is saved in the database
$myStatefulObject->is('s2'); // → true
MyStatefulModel::orderBy('id', 'desc')->first()->getState();// → "s2"
MyStatefulModel::orderBy('id', 'desc')->first()->is('s2'); // → true
MyStatefulModelStateTransition::orderBy('id', 'desc')->first()->event;// → "t12"
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