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Last active August 29, 2015 14:17
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PREFIX acto: <>\
PREFIX s: <>\
PREFIX skos: <>\
PREFIX ns: <>\
SELECT DISTINCT ?uri ?title ?startDate ?endDate ?startTime ?endTime ?horario ?tipo min(?latitud) as ?latitud min(?longitud) as ?longitud
WHERE { ?uri a acto:Evento.
OPTIONAL{ ?uri rdfs:label ?title}.
OPTIONAL {?uri s:subEvent ?subEvent.}
OPTIONAL {?subEvent s:startDate ?startDate.}
OPTIONAL {?subEvent s:endDate ?endDate.}
OPTIONAL {?subEvent s:startTime ?startTime.}
OPTIONAL {?subEvent s:endTime ?endTime.}
OPTIONAL {?subEvent s:openingHours ?horario.}
OPTIONAL {?uri skos:broader/skos:prefLabel ?tema.}
OPTIONAL {?uri ns:category/skos:prefLabel ?subtema.}
bind (CONCAT(?tema, " ", ?subtema) AS ?tipo).
?uri acto:diasParaTerminar ?diasParaTerminarstr.
OPTIONAL {?uri geo:geometry ?geo.
?geo geo:lat ?latitud.
?geo geo:long ?longitud.}
bind (coalesce(xsd:date(?startDate), now()) as ?startAsDate)
bind (xsd:int(?diasParaTerminarstr) as ?diasParaTerminar)
filter(?diasParaTerminar >= 0) .
filter(!strstarts(str(?tema), "Cursos") ).
GROUP BY ?diasParaTerminar ?uri ?title ?startDate ?endDate ?startTime ?endTime ?horario ?tipo
ORDER BY ASC(?diasParaTerminar)
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