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Forked from sararob/data-structure.js
Created February 13, 2017 12:27
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Role-based security in Firebase
This example shows how you can use your data structure as a basis for
your Firebase security rules to implement role-based security. We store
each user by their Twitter uid, and use the following simplistic approach
for user roles:
10 - USER
This file shows the data structure, and the security-rules file below
shows the corresponding security rules.
"users": {
"twitter:12345": {
"full-name": "Sara Robinson",
"username": "SRobTweets",
"role-value": 10
"twitter:56789": {
"full-name": "Michael 'Kato' Wulf",
"username": "katowulf",
"role-value": 20
"rooms": {
"public-room-1": {
"users": {
"twitter:56789": 20,
"twitter:12345": 10
"admin-only-room": {
"users": {
"twitter:56789": 20
"messages": {
"public-room-1": {
-JVwTPcWMIt0J6Gbtrqh: {
"user": "twitter:12345",
"text": "Hello everyone!"
"admin-only-room": {
-JVwU5tLQRPbzXo4s_a1: {
"user": "twitter:56789",
"text": "This is a top secret message."
"rules": {
".read": true,
"users": {
"$user": {
//can add a message if authenticated
".write": "auth.uid === $user"
"rooms": {
"$room": {
"users": {
// can write to the users list only if ADMINISTRATOR
"$user": {
"write":"newData.parent().child(auth.uid).val() === 99"
"messages": {
"$room": {
"$message": {
//can add a message if they are a MEMBER
".write": "(!data.exists() && newData.exists() && root.child('rooms/' + $room + '/users/' + auth.uid).val() >= 10)"
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