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Vishwajeet vishwajeetio

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<title>iOS 8 web app</title>
vishwajeetio / constants
Created April 26, 2023 07:19 — forked from adrianhajdin/constants
import { people01, people02, people03, facebook, instagram, linkedin, twitter, airbnb, binance, coinbase, dropbox, send, shield, star } from "../assets";
export const navLinks = [
id: "home",
title: "Home",
id: "features",
title: "Features",
vishwajeetio / airflow_on_docker
Last active January 9, 2023 11:15
setup airflow on docker container in ubuntu 20.04 server
1. inbstall docker on ubuntu 20.04
2. install airflow in docker
3. work with airflow
4. create a user:
airflow users create -r Admin -u admin -e [email protected] -f admin -l user -p test
vishwajeetio /
Created November 21, 2020 06:40
digital ocean cheatsheet

setting up a droplet

  1. reset password
  2. login to console with user as root and password from email
  3. open file nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config
  4. go to the very botton of file and find line with PasswordAuthentication and change its value from no to yes
  5. then run sudo service sshd reload
  6. come to local terminal and run ssh user@server
vishwajeetio /
Created October 16, 2020 18:01 — forked from akhan118/
A Python Client For TdAmeritrade API
import pandas as pd
import requests
from import json_normalize
from datetime import datetime
import time
class Td:
def __init__(self,refresh_token,client_id,apikey):
# URL decoded refresh token
self.refresh_token= refresh_token
start a django project
django-admin startproject 'project-name'
run server
python runserver
start app:
python startapp polls
vishwajeetio /
Created July 13, 2020 19:09
kubernetes on digitalocean

In this space I will write some basic commands on dealing with postgresql install on docker.

  1. Connet to postgres docker container for psql commands:

    docker exec -it Name or id psql -U postgres_username

  2. list databases:


  3. switch between databases:

    \c database_name

  4. list of tables:


vishwajeetio /
Created May 25, 2020 10:00
postgreSQL in docker

PostgreSQL with Docker AGENDA

1 : Create a Postgres docker container docker run --name demo -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password1 -d postgres

2: Connect and run some queries docker exec -it demo psql -U postgres
