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Created May 14, 2016 21:41
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In 1995, I had a Friends fan site. This is the first code I ever wrote to support a message board on the site.
# guest book script #
# Visnu Pitiyanuvath #
push(@INC, "/home/h/hello/.html/cgi-bin");
#print an error message if there's nothing there..
if ($in{'Name'} eq "") {
print &PrintHeader;
print "<html>\n";
print "<head><title>Error</title></head>\n";
print "<body>\n";
print "<h2>";
print "<font size=6>E</font>RROR";
print "</h2>\n";
print "<hr>\n";
print "I guess you didn't put in your name or something.\n";
print "</body></html>";
#check fields for "nonchalantness"...
$badwords = "fuck|shit|cunt|penis|suck|lick|bite|asshole|bitch";
if (($in{'Name'} =~ /$badwords/i) || ($in{'EMail'} =~ /$badwords/i) || ($in{'category'} =~ /$badwords/i) || ($in{'something'} =~ /$badwords/i)) {
print &PrintHeader;
print "<html>\n";
print "<head><title>Error</title></head>\n";
print "<body>\n";
print "Don't do that...\n";
print "</body></html>";
if ($in{'EMail'} !~ /@/) {
print &PrintHeader;
print "<html>\n";
print "<head><title>Error</title></head>\n";
print "<body>\n";
print "EMail has no @ sign\n";
print "</body></html>";
if ($in{'URL'} !~ m\^http://\) {
print &PrintHeader;
print "<html>\n";
print "<head><title>Error</title></head>\n";
print "<body>\n";
print "URL must start with \"http://\"\n";
print "</body></html>";
#print out formatted info into @foo
@foo = " <td>\n";
$in{'Name'} =~ s/\b(\w)(\w+)/\u$1\L$2/g;
if($in{'URL'} =~ /\w+/) {
push(@foo, " <a href=\"$in{'URL'}\">$in{'Name'}</a>\n");
else {
push(@foo, " $in{'Name'}\n");
push(@foo, " - <a href=\"mailto:$in{'EMail'}\">&lt;$in{'EMail'}&gt;</a><br>\n");
push(@foo, " Favorite Character: $in{'fav_char'}<br>\n");
push(@foo, " Favorite Episode: $in{'fav_ep'}<br>\n");
if ($in{'color'} =~ /\w+/) {
$in{'color'} = ucfirst $in{'color'};
push(@foo, " Favorite Color: $in{'color'}<br>\n");
if (("$in{'category'}" ne ("[REPLACE ME]" || "")) & ("$in{'something'}" ne ("[REPLACE ME TOO]" || ""))) {
$in{'category'} =~ s/\b(\w)(\w+)/\u$1\L$2/g;
$in{'something'} =~ s/\b(\w)(\w+)/\u$1\L$2/g;
push(@foo, " Favorite $in{'category'}: $in{'something'}\n");
push(@foo, " </td>");
#set up "Last Updated" string...
#get the time
($sec, $min, $hour, $day, $month, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst) = localtime;
#list of months...
@months = (January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December);
$LastUpdated = "$months[$month] $day, 19$year - $hour:$min GMT(-7)";
if ("$in{'go'}" eq "0") {
print &PrintHeader;
print "<html>\n";
print "<head><title>Preview</title></head>\n";
print "<body>\n";
print "<h2><font size=6>P</font>REVIEW</h2>\n";
print "<hr>\n";
print "Here's what it will look like in the table:<p>\n";
print "<table border cellpadding=12>\n";
print "@foo\n";
print "</table>\n";
print "<hr>\n";
print "<form method=get action=\"\">\n";
print "<input type=hidden name=\"go\" value=\"1\">";
print "<input type=hidden name=\"Name\" value=\"$in{'Name'}\">";
print "<input type=hidden name=\"EMail\" value=\"$in{'EMail'}\">";
print "<input type=hidden name=\"URL\" value=\"$in{'URL'}\">";
print "<input type=hidden name=\"fav_char\" value=\"$in{'fav_char'}\">";
print "<input type=hidden name=\"fav_ep\" value=\"$in{'fav_ep'}\">";
print "<input type=hidden name=\"color\" value=\"$in{'color'}\">";
print "<input type=hidden name=\"category\" value=\"$in{'category'}\">";
print "<input type=hidden name=\"something\" value=\"$in{'something'}\">\n";
print "<input type=submit value=\"Sign Away!\">\n";
print "</form>\n";
print "Last Updated: $LastUpdated\n";
print "</body></html>";
elsif ("$in{'go'}" eq "1") {
$quit = 0;
while ($quit != 1) {
#lock/unlock guest book...
if (-e "/home/h/hello/.html/.guestlock") {
else {
open (LOCK, ">/home/h/hello/.html/.guestlock");
close (LOCK);
#open, read in guest.html
open (GB,"</home/h/hello/.html/friends/guest.html");
@gb = <GB>;
close (GB);
#open, read out guest.html
open (GB, ">/home/h/hello/.html/friends/guest.html");
foreach $_ (@gb) {
if (/<tr><!-- INSERT HERE -->/) {
s/<tr><!-- INSERT HERE -->\n/<!-- INSERT HERE -->\n <tr>\n@foo\n/;
elsif (/ <!-- INSERT HERE -->/) {
s/<!-- INSERT HERE -->\n/<tr><!-- INSERT HERE -->\n@foo\n <\/tr>\n/;
s/Last Updated:.+<\/address>/Last Updated: $LastUpdated<\/address>/;
print GB $_;
close (GB);
print "Location:\n\n";
# unlock me and quit out!
$quit = 1;
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