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Ubuntu cheat sheet
# Ubuntu CLI Cheat Sheet πŸš€
## πŸ“‚ File & Directory Management
ls -la # List all files, including hidden ones
pwd # Show current directory
cd /path/to/dir # Change directory
mkdir folder_name # Create a new folder
rm -rf folder_name # Remove a folder and its contents
cp file1 file2 # Copy a file
cp -r dir1 dir2 # Copy a directory
mv file1 file2 # Move or rename a file
find /path -name "filename" # Find a file by name
locate filename # Find file (faster but needs `sudo updatedb`)
## πŸ“„ File Operations
cat file.txt # Show file contents
less file.txt # View large files page by page
nano file.txt # Edit file in Nano
vim file.txt # Edit file in Vim
echo "text" > file.txt # Create a file with text
echo "text" >> file.txt # Append text to a file
touch file.txt # Create an empty file
wc -l file.txt # Count lines in a file
## πŸ” Process & Resource Management
ps aux # Show all running processes
top # Monitor system processes
kill PID # Kill a process by ID
kill -9 PID # Force kill a process
pkill -9 processname # Kill a process by name
## πŸ”₯ Kill Process on a Port
sudo lsof -i :PORT # Find process using a port
sudo fuser -k PORT/tcp # Kill process using a port
sudo netstat -tulnp | grep :PORT # Find process (alternative)
sudo kill -9 $(sudo lsof -t -i :PORT) # Kill process directly
## πŸ”— Network Commands
ifconfig or ip a # Show network interfaces
ping # Ping a website
wget URL # Download a file
curl -O URL # Download with curl
netstat -tulnp # List active network connections
ss -tulnp # Modern alternative to netstat
traceroute # Trace the route packets take
host # Get DNS information
## πŸ”‘ User Management
whoami # Show current user
id username # Show user ID and group
sudo adduser username # Add a new user
sudo userdel -r username # Delete a user
passwd # Change user password
who # Show logged-in users
sudo visudo # Edit sudoers file
## πŸ“¦ Package Management
sudo apt update # Refresh package list
sudo apt upgrade # Upgrade installed packages
sudo apt install package # Install a package
sudo apt remove package # Remove a package
dpkg -l | grep package # Check if a package is installed
apt-cache search keyword # Search for a package
## πŸ›  System Control
uname -a # Show system information
df -h # Check disk usage
du -sh folder/ # Check folder size
history # Show command history
sudo reboot # Restart the system
sudo shutdown -h now # Shutdown immediately
uptime # Show system uptime
## πŸ’Ύ File Permissions
chmod 777 file # Full permissions for everyone
chmod +x # Make a script executable
chown user:group file # Change file ownership
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