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Created June 26, 2019 19:09
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module Globber (matchGlob, parseGlob, GlobPattern) where
type GlobPattern = String
type AST = [Node]
data Node = Literal Char | AnyChar | AnyString | SetMatch Ranges String deriving (Show, Eq)
type Ranges = [(Char, Char)]
parseGlob :: GlobPattern -> AST
parseGlob [] = []
parseGlob ('?':xs) = AnyChar : parseGlob xs
parseGlob ('*':xs) = AnyString : parseGlob xs
parseGlob ('\\':x:xs) = Literal x : parseGlob xs
parseGlob ('[':xs) = let (setmatch, remaining) = parseSet xs in setmatch : parseGlob remaining
parseGlob (x:xs) = Literal x : parseGlob xs
parseSet :: GlobPattern -> (Node, GlobPattern)
parseSet glob = parseSetH (SetMatch [] []) glob
parseSetH :: Node -> GlobPattern -> (Node, GlobPattern)
parseSetH setmatch (']':xs) = (setmatch, xs)
parseSetH (SetMatch ranges literals) (x:'-':']':xs) = (SetMatch ranges (x:'-':literals), xs)
parseSetH (SetMatch ranges literals) (x:'-':y:xs) = parseSetH (SetMatch ((x, y):ranges) literals) xs
parseSetH (SetMatch ranges literals) ('\\':x:xs) = parseSetH (SetMatch ranges (x:literals)) xs
parseSetH (SetMatch ranges literals) (x:xs) = parseSetH (SetMatch ranges (x:literals)) xs
matchGlob :: GlobPattern -> String -> Bool
matchGlob glob str = match (parseGlob glob) str
match [] [] = True
match (Literal x:xs) (y:ys) = (x == y) && match xs ys
match (AnyChar:xs) (_:ys) = match xs ys
match (AnyString:[]) [] = True
match (AnyString:xs) (y:ys) = match xs (y:ys) || match (AnyString:xs) ys
match (SetMatch ranges literals:xs) (y:ys) = matchSet (SetMatch ranges literals) y && match xs ys
match _ [] = False
match [] _ = False
matchSet :: Node -> Char -> Bool
matchSet (SetMatch ranges literals) x = x `elem` literals || any inRange ranges
inRange (lo, hi) = x >= lo && x <= hi
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