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Created May 10, 2019 23:51
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BDD - Login example with Cucumber
Feature: Login
I want to login on Keepfy
Given I go to '/login'
And the field 'email' is empty
And the field 'password' is empty
Scenario: Error on empty fields
When I click on 'enter'
Then field 'email' should be with error
And field 'password' should be with error
Scenario: Wrong password
When I type '[email protected]' in 'email'
And I type '123456' in 'password'
And I click on 'enter'
Then I should see 'E-mail or password is incorrect'
Scenario: Login successfully
Given I have users:
| name | email | password |
| Vitor Batista | [email protected] | abcdef |
When I type '[email protected]' in 'email'
And I type 'abcdef' in 'password'
And I click on 'enter'
Then I shouldn't see 'Access your account'
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