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Created March 5, 2024 06:55
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Podcast summary: Claude 3 Opus
"sections": [
"title": "Tyler Cowen's use of ChatGPT",
"summary": [
"Uses ChatGPT on iPhone as a universal translator when traveling in foreign countries",
"Uses it to read menus, identify plants and animals, and get recommendations",
"On laptop, uses it to learn about obscure history and get background context for interviews",
"Asks follow-up questions to probe deeper and fact-check potential hallucinations"
"quotes": [
"If I'm in a foreign country, I was in Tokyo, don't speak Japanese, not many people there speak English. I use it as my universal translator.",
"I was in Buenos Aires. I was at a Paraguayan restaurant. Paraguay is one of the countries I've never been to. So I'm an idiot when it comes to Paraguayan food. I took a photo of the menu asking, well, GPT, what should I order here? What, which are the classic dishes? And it tells me.",
"I was reading a book about the Byzantine Empire, the area I don't know much about. And it mentioned inflation under Emperor Aurelian, which is early part is still Roman Empire times before it splits. And I was like, okay, well, how high was that inflation? I wanted to know. I really wanted to know. I didn't just do it for this show. And I asked it and it understood the query very well."
"title": "Comparing ChatGPT with other tools",
"summary": [
"Uses Google primarily for finding links, not for learning information",
"Uses Perplexity AI for getting citations and references",
"Believes Anthropic's AI is better for pure writing tasks"
"quotes": [
"Google is for links. AI is for learning, perplexity is for references and sometimes has context that GPT doesn't because it's looking to tie it to references.",
"I think just as a pure writer, anthropic is better. But I don't use it to write anything I do. I'm really very, very careful not to do that. I just think it's a bad habit. And it's in many cases unethical or even illegal."
"title": "Using AI in education",
"summary": [
"Requires students in his classes to use ChatGPT",
"Believes it can significantly improve writing skills, especially for non-native English speakers",
"Encourages students to explore and find smart ways to incorporate AI, as long as they avoid plagiarism"
"quotes": [
"Well, foreign students, especially from China, use it to improve their English and it has a big, big effect. Yeah. Not just a marginal effect. And I don't think they even always know that maybe they're not supposed to or maybe it's a loud or maybe it's a gray area. Personally, I think it's fine.",
"I told the students last night, I was like, look, if you want to quote unquote, plagiarize with this thing, your paper still won't be great. So like, don't do it. And probably I'll know you did it. I know enough about this stuff. But just figure out some way to use it wisely and in a smart manner."
"title": "The Tyler Test",
"summary": [
"An experiment where a ChatGPT-based clone of Tyler Cowen is asked the same questions as the real Tyler Cowen",
"The clone performs well on questions about core economic principles and describing Tyler's personality",
"It struggles to capture Tyler's unique perspective on how AI will change economics in the next decade"
"quotes": [
"Incentives matter. There's no such thing as a free lunch, which I have heard you say before. That's the same as opportunity cost. I would give it that answer is correct.",
"Intellectual. Curious. We got curious. Analytical. Excentric. Those are good answers. They're not worse than my answers.",
"For accuracy, it's doing fine. For Tyler-ness, I'd give it a C minus. We got an A, and the middle one was? We had two excellent ones, and then one that's a perfectly fine answer, but has no Tyler in it."
"title": "The future of book publishing with AI",
"summary": [
"Published a book, Econ GOAT, with an embedded chatbot that readers can interact with",
"Believes this is the future for at least some book publishing",
"Allows authors to learn what readers really care about and potentially shape how books are written in the future"
"quotes": [
"I made a deliberate decision to publish a whole book, quite a quote-unquote, in GPT-4, and we're working on Claude and also Gemini versions of it. I think this is the future for at least some book publishing. Why not interact with the thing? It's an option.",
"Many people email me or on Twitter, they say what their questions are for the thing, and you learn what your readers really care about. It's not what you want them to care about, and that's part of the experiment. Maybe Books of the Future will, in fact, use this data and give readers what they really want to care about."
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