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Forked from vraravam/
Created February 18, 2019 12:42
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Steps to get "up and running" with new Mac OSX
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Install command line dev tools #
/usr/bin/xcode-select -p > /dev/null 2>&1
if [ $# != 0 ]; then
xcode-select --install
sudo xcodebuild -license accept
# Do not allow rootless login #
ROOTLESS_STATUS=$(/usr/bin/csrutil status | awk '/status/ {print $5}' | sed 's/\.$//')
if [[ $ROOTLESS_STATUS == "enabled" ]]; then
echo "csrutil (\"rootless\") is enabled. please disable in boot screen and run again!"
exit 1
# Turn on FileVault #
FILEVAULT_STATUS=$(fdesetup status)
if [[ $FILEVAULT_STATUS != "FileVault is On." ]]; then
echo "FileVault is not turned on. Please encrypt your hard disk!"
# Change default shell to `zsh` #
chsh -s /bin/zsh
# Setup ssh scripts/directories #
mkdir -p ~/.ssh
sudo chmod 755 ~ && sudo chmod 700 ~/.ssh && sudo chmod 600 ~/.ssh/id* && sudo chmod 644 ~/.ssh/id*.pub
# vim configurations #
curl -L -o ~/.vimrc
# Install oh-my-zsh #
curl -L | sh
curl -L -o ~/.zshrc
curl -L -o ~/.zshrc.pre-oh-my-zsh
# Install custom plugins for auto-suggestions and syntax highlighting #
git clone git:// "${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}"/plugins/zsh-autosuggestions
git clone git:// "${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}"/plugins/zsh-syntax-highlighting
# Prep for installing homebrew #
sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/tmp /usr/local/repository /usr/local/plugins
sudo chown -fR "$(whoami)":admin /usr/local
sudo rm -rf ~/.gnupg # to delete gpg keys that might have been generated from an older version of gpg
# Install homebrew (on empty machine) #
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
# This list is the 'first-set' of installations from brew, followed by the others inside the Brewfile. Done as an extra bootstrap step - so as to avoid installation issues when running the full bundle
brew install direnv zsh coreutils autoconf automake readline openssl libyaml libxslt libtool unixodbc gnupg git
curl -L -o Brewfile
brew bundle # You can run this here - but be prepared to have errors reported due to missing java
# <At this point, you will need to login into the gmail account, retrieve the keybase paper key and install keybase app>
# Clone the home repo #
mkdir ~/tmp
git clone keybase://private/avijayr/vijay ~/tmp
mv ~/tmp/.git ~
rm -rf ~/tmp
# Clone the Library repo #
mkdir ~/tmp
git clone keybase://private/avijayr/Library ~/tmp
mv ~/tmp/.git ~/Library
rm -rf ~/tmp
# <At this point, you will need to manually reconcile which files to be kept/deleted from the Library repo>
# Fix /etc/hosts file to block facebook #
sudo cp ~/.bin/etc.hosts /etc/hosts
# Checkout some of the common dotfiles (these should not have any modifications/conflicts with what is in the remote repo) #
git checkout .aliases .anyconnect .bundle .config .dbshell .dlv .eclipse .editorconfig .erdconfig .gitconfig .gitmodules .gnupg .gsutil .helm .iex.exs .ionic .kube .mix .notify-osd .openvpn-connect.json .p2 .profile .sqldeveloper .ssh .tldrc .tmuxp .tool-versions .tooling .vscode-insiders .vscode-react-native .zlogin ".*lint*" ".*rc" ".ansible*" ".bash*" ".docker*" ".erl*" ".fzf*" ".gitignore*" ".hgignore*" ".psql*" ".tmux*" ".v8flags*" ".zshrc*" "*history" Brewfile OSX Personal
# Manually diff, triage and checkout other files #
# <Checkout those files that you want in addition to the above; resolve differences in existing files>
# Reapply permissions for ssh and gnupg files #
sudo chmod 600 ~/.ssh/id* && sudo chmod 644 ~/.ssh/id*.pub
sudo chmod 600 ~/.gnupg/* && chmod 700 ~/.gnupg && rm -rf .gnupg/crls.d
# Note: VS Code and Tmux settings are in a separate git repository
git clone ~/.vscode
git clone ~/.tmux
# Install ASDF package manager - requires changes present in the `.zshrc` #
# Note: installing via homebrew is broken. To check see `ruby -v`
export ASDF_DIR="$HOME/.asdf"
rm -rf ~/.asdf
git clone ~/.asdf --branch v0.6.3
# Note: immediately after you install asdf, you will also have to echo certain lines into bash_profile or zshrc - please see here: (since i have that incorporated already, i dont have it in this script)
asdf plugin-add erlang
asdf plugin-add elixir
asdf plugin-add ruby
asdf plugin-add java
asdf plugin-add rust
asdf plugin-add golang
asdf plugin-add python
# Imports Node.js release team's OpenPGP keys to main keyring
asdf plugin-add nodejs
# TODO: Not sure why $ASDF_DIR is not working
bash ~/.asdf/plugins/nodejs/bin/import-release-team-keyring
# Note: Since I have already configured the `.tool-versions` file, we don't need to install each language separately
asdf install
# asdf plugin-list
# asdf plugin-update --all
# To list all versions of a plugin
# asdf list-all erlang
# To reshim the plugin
# asdf reshim erlang
# To set the global version
# asdf global erlang 20.3.8
# To install the latest versions of the hex, rebar and phoenix packages
mix local.hex --force && mix local.rebar --force
mix archive.install hex phx_new 1.4.1
# Rerun after java is installed #
brew bundle # This will use the Brewfile to install/upgrade all the libraries and apps and their dependencies
# Post-install step for postgres
createuser -s postgres
psql -U postgres -c "CREATE ROLE \"postgres\" WITH PASSWORD 'postgres' LOGIN CREATEDB;"
# Post-install step for fzf
"$(brew --prefix)"/opt/fzf/install # TODO: See how this can be accomplished within the Brewfile syntax
# since we are using 'code-insiders' only, symlink it to 'code' for ease of typing
ln -sf "$(brew --prefix)"/bin/code-insiders "$(brew --prefix)"/bin/code
# tmuxp #
pip3 install --user tmuxp
# To get a specific version of imagemagick - TODO: check how this can be incorporated into the Brewfile
#brew uninstall -f imagemagick
#brew install
#brew pin imagemagick
# default gems
# libffi needs some missing gcc lib linked. for more info, see here:
cd /usr/local/lib && sudo ln -s ../../lib/libSystem.B.dylib libgcc_s.10.4.dylib
gem install bundler rake rubocop bundler-audit ruby_audit brakeman metric_fu mry
# <FOLLOW instructions on to install for jdk>
# For eg:
# ls /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/
# asdf install jdk 1.8.0
# ls /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_152.jdk/Contents/Home/bin/*
# ln -vs /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_152.jdk/Contents/Home/bin/* /Users/vijay/.asdf/installs/jdk/1.8.0/bin
# asdf reshim jdk
# Enabling history for iex shell (might need to be done for each erl that is installed via asdf)
rm -rf tmp
mkdir -p tmp
cd tmp
git clone
cd erlang-history
sudo make install
cd ../..
rm -rf tmp
if [[ "$OSTYPE" = darwin* ]] ; then
# rm -rf ~/Library/Application\ Support/Skype && ln -sf ~/Dropbox/Skype ~/Library/Application\ Support/Skype
rm -rf ~/Library/Application\ Support/Mozilla ~/Library/Mozilla
# mkdir -p ~/Library/Application\ Support/Google/Chrome
# rm -rf ~/Library/Application\ Support/Google/Chrome && ln -sf ~/Personal/vijay/ChromeProfile ~/Library/Application\ Support/Google/Chrome
mkdir -p ~/Library/Application\ Support/Firefox ~/Personal/vijay/FirefoxProfile
rm -rf ~/Library/Application\ Support/Firefox/Crash\ Reports ~/Library/Application\ Support/Firefox/Profiles
rm -rf ~/Library/Application\ Support/Firefox/profiles.ini && ln -sf ~/Personal/vijay/profiles.ini.ff ~/Library/Application\ Support/Firefox/profiles.ini
touch ~/Library/Application\ Support/Firefox/ignore-dev-edition-profile
mkdir -p ~/Library/Application\ Support/TorBrowser-Data/Browser
rm -rf ~/Library/Application\ Support/TorBrowser-Data/Browser/profiles.ini && ln -sf ~/Personal/vijay/profiles.ini.ff ~/Library/Application\ Support/TorBrowser-Data/Browser/profiles.ini
mkdir -p ~/Library/Thunderbird ~/Personal/vijay/ThunderbirdProfile
rm -rf ~/Library/Thunderbird/Crash\ Reports ~/Library/Thunderbird/Profiles
rm -rf ~/Library/Thunderbird/profiles.ini && ln -sf ~/Personal/vijay/profiles.ini.tb ~/Library/Thunderbird/profiles.ini
# Sencha download (not present in homebrew) - If I continue with contribution on rambox
# curl -o ~/Downloads/
# open ~/Downloads/
# ln -s "$(brew --prefix)"/include/ImageMagick/wand "$(brew --prefix)"/include/wand && ln -s "$(brew --prefix)"/include/ImageMagick/magick "$(brew --prefix)"/include/magick
# npm install -g npm@latest eslint eslint-config-defaults eslint-config-google eslint-plugin-backbone eslint-plugin-html
# vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest
# TO install the ansible-elixir-stack tools for releasing elixir apps
# ansible-galaxy install HashNuke.elixir-stack
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