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Vivian Guillen vivgui

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vivgui /
Created December 18, 2024 17:33 — forked from yifanzz/
EP12 - The One File to Rule Them All

[Project Name]

Every time you choose to apply a rule(s), explicitly state the rule(s) in the output. You can abbreviate the rule description to a single word or phrase.

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vivgui / bigger-tailwindcss-spacing-scale.js
Last active August 28, 2023 21:55
Here's a bigger spacing scale for TailwindCSS.
spacing: {
"13": '3.25rem',
"15": '3.75rem',
"17": '4.25rem',
"18": '4.5rem',
"19": '4.75rem',
"76": "19rem",
"84": "21rem",
"88": "22rem",
"92": "23rem",
<script src=""></script>
<form action="" method="post" data-sv-form="FORM_ID" data-uid="UID_FROM_FORM_HTML">
<ul data-element="errors"></ul>
<div data-element="fields">
<input name="fields[first_name]" type="text">
<input name="email_address">
<button data-element="submit">Subscribe</button>