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Last active February 14, 2020 16:01
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Pool inflation simulation.
from random import randint
from time import sleep
target = .1
def proxy_id_gen():
c = 1
while True:
c += 1
yield c
px_ids = proxy_id_gen()
spw = 1. # sec
pool = {1: 0.}
stats = {'avg': target}
def update_stats(i):
a = 0.9555
stats['avg'] = a * stats['avg'] + (1. - a) * pool[i]
def policy():
if target * 0.8 <= stats['avg'] <= target * 1.2:
return 'noop', 1.
elif target * 1.1 < stats['avg']:
return 'inflate', 1.5
elif stats['avg'] < target * 0.9:
return 'deflate', 0.8
def inflate(f):
d = int(round(len(pool) * f) - len(pool))
assert d >= 0
for _ in range(0, max(1, d)):
pool[next(px_ids)] = 0.
def deflate(f):
d = int(len(pool) - round(len(pool) * f))
assert d >= 0
for _ in range(0, d):
item = pool.popitem()
# print('D: ', item)
clean_queue = []
clock = 0.
dt = 0.01
def clear_queue():
px, t = clean_queue[0]
while t <= clock:
if px in pool:
pool[px] -= 1.
assert pool[px] >= 0.
# print('QD: ', px, '-> ', pool[px])
# else:
# print('QDN: ', px)
px, t = clean_queue[0]
rotation_clock = 0.
def pick_proxy():
i = randint(0, len(pool) - 1)
px = list(pool.keys())[i]
return px
def pool_emptiness():
e = 0.
for k in pool:
if pool[k] == 0:
e += 1.
return e / len(pool)
while True:
px = pick_proxy()
update_stats(px) # IMPORTANT: this should be before than next
pool[px] += 1 # Increment queue length. This simulates throttler queue.
clean_queue.append((px, clock+spw))
if rotation_clock <= clock: # If it's time to rotate?
rotation_clock = clock+2. # Next time is in 1 sec
decide, factor = policy()
if decide == "inflate":
elif decide == "deflate":
elif decide == "noop":
print(decide, ": ", len(pool), '\t', stats['avg'])
stats['avg'] = target
print('pool', ": ", len(pool), '\t', stats['avg'], '\t', pool_emptiness())
clock += dt
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