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Last active December 14, 2023 07:13
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def tilt(ls):
for i in range(len(ls)):
for j in range(len(ls[0])):
if ls[i][j]!='O': continue
new_loc = 0
for k in range(i-1, -1, -1):
if ls[k][j]=='.': continue
new_loc = k+1
ls[i][j] = '.'
ls[new_loc][j] = 'O'
def rotate(ls): # rotate clockwise
return [list(l) for l in zip(*ls[::-1])]
def copy(ls):
return [l[:] for l in ls]
def step(ls):
ls = copy(ls)
for _ in range(4):
ls = rotate(ls)
return ls
def floyd(f, x0):
tortoise = f(x0)
hare = f(f(x0))
while tortoise!=hare:
tortoise = f(tortoise)
hare = f(f(hare))
mu = 0
tortoise = x0
while tortoise!=hare:
tortoise = f(tortoise)
hare = f(hare)
mu += 1
lam = 1
hare = f(tortoise)
while tortoise!=hare:
hare = f(hare)
lam += 1
return lam, mu
def brent(f, x0):
power = lam = 1
tortoise = x0
hare = f(x0)
while tortoise!=hare:
if power==lam:
tortoise = hare
power *= 2
lam = 0
hare = f(hare)
lam += 1
mu = 0
tortoise = hare = x0
for _ in range(lam):
hare = f(hare)
while tortoise!=hare:
tortoise = f(tortoise)
hare = f(hare)
mu += 1
return lam, mu
def number_of_leading_zeros32(n):
return 35-len(bin(-n))& -n>>32
def number_of_trailing_zeros32(n):
return 31-number_of_leading_zeros32(n& -n)
def gosper(f, x0):
tortoises = [None for _ in range(33)]
tortoises[0] = x0
xn = x0
n = 1
while True:
cycle_found = None
xn = f(xn)
# 31 minus number of leading zeros in n
kmax = 31-number_of_leading_zeros32(n)
for k in range(kmax+1):
if xn==tortoises[k]:
cycle_found = k
if cycle_found is not None: break
n += 1
tortoises[number_of_trailing_zeros32(n)] = xn
k = cycle_found
m = ((((n>>k)-1)|1)<<k)-1
lam = n-m
lgl = 31-number_of_leading_zeros32(lam-1)
mu_u = m
mu_l = m-max(1, 1<<lgl)+1
return lam, mu_u, mu_l
def solve1(ls):
return ls
def solve2(ls):
# lam, mu = floyd(step, copy(ls))
# lam, mu = brent(step, copy(ls))
lam, mu, _ = gosper(step, copy(ls)) # fastest
for _ in range(mu+(1000000000-mu)%lam):
ls = step(ls)
return ls
ls = [list(l.strip()) for l in open(0)]
print(sum(l.count('O')*(len(ls)-i) for i, l in enumerate(solve2(ls))))
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