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Created December 19, 2015 19:42
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JedWatson/classnames (2650855 dls, 1465 stars)
yannickcr/eslint-plugin-react (2077066 dls, 710 stars)
rackt/react-router (1833204 dls, 9050 stars)
facebook/react-dom (782024 dls, 33044 stars)
gaearon/react-hot-loader (708042 dls, 3250 stars)
rackt/redux (568969 dls, 10743 stars)
rackt/react-redux (495498 dls, 1509 stars)
jsdf/coffee-react-transform (463488 dls, 380 stars)
JedWatson/react-input-autosize (455277 dls, 107 stars)
reflux/reflux (393281 dls, 4316 stars)
JedWatson/react-select (364020 dls, 2088 stars)
brigand/react-mixin (314358 dls, 460 stars)
gaearon/redux-thunk (298925 dls, 622 stars)
mridgway/hoist-non-react-statics (295288 dls, 32 stars)
goatslacker/alt (292758 dls, 2493 stars)
facebook/react-addons-test-utils (279566 dls, 33044 stars)
yahoo/react-intl (252701 dls, 1558 stars)
royriojas/esformatter-jsx (246079 dls, 27 stars)
jquense/uncontrollable (235017 dls, 30 stars)
Pomax/react-onclickoutside (234304 dls, 147 stars)
babel/babel-plugin-transform-react-jsx (207149 dls, 12309 stars)
facebook/react-addons-pure-render-mixin (201185 dls, 33044 stars)
react-bootstrap/dom-helpers (201058 dls, 14 stars)
callemall/material-ui (180165 dls, 12466 stars)
gaearon/redux-devtools (179183 dls, 2308 stars)
fcomb/redux-logger (178959 dls, 344 stars)
gaearon/react-side-effect (170362 dls, 257 stars)
gaearon/react-dnd (170028 dls, 2112 stars)
gaearon/redux-devtools (169077 dls, 2252 stars)
gaearon/babel-plugin-react-transform (168722 dls, 570 stars)
reactjs/react-timer-mixin (164902 dls, 43 stars)
acdlite/flummox (156740 dls, 1513 stars)
gaearon/react-proxy (156710 dls, 192 stars)
babel/babel-plugin-transform-react-jsx-source (152051 dls, 12309 stars)
chibicode/react-json-tree (147517 dls, 108 stars)
JedWatson/exenv (145275 dls, 24 stars)
gaearon/react-deep-force-update (145113 dls, 25 stars)
gaearon/react-transform-hmr (144088 dls, 234 stars)
gaearon/react-document-title (132252 dls, 348 stars)
flintjs/flint (121938 dls, 377 stars)
amireh/canvas_react_i18n (121466 dls, 3 stars)
mikepb/react-draggable2 (115781 dls, 16 stars)
gaearon/react-transform-catch-errors (109854 dls, 69 stars)
rackt/react-modal (109097 dls, 577 stars)
jasmine-addons/jasmine_react (104966 dls, 8 stars)
gaearon/react-pure-render (102666 dls, 268 stars)
facebook/react-addons-css-transition-group (101620 dls, 33044 stars)
mpowaga/react-slider (95752 dls, 150 stars)
BinaryMuse/fluxxor (90257 dls, 1583 stars)
jquense/react-widgets (89939 dls, 637 stars)
Hacker0x01/react-datepicker (89268 dls, 306 stars)
paramaggarwal/react-dropzone (85941 dls, 647 stars)
react-component/rc-util (85749 dls, 8 stars)
andreypopp/react-async (83271 dls, 371 stars)
jsdf/react-layout (82963 dls, 48 stars)
react-bootstrap/react-router-bootstrap (79911 dls, 428 stars)
andreypopp/react-textarea-autosize (79750 dls, 203 stars)
chenglou/react-tween-state (78948 dls, 1261 stars)
erikras/redux-form (78265 dls, 989 stars)
reactjs/express-react-views (76927 dls, 605 stars)
rackt/redux-router (74549 dls, 1295 stars)
strml/react-router-component (74082 dls, 710 stars)
KleeGroup/focus-components (74069 dls, 15 stars)
facebook/react-addons-update (72026 dls, 33044 stars)
facebook/react-addons-transition-group (70683 dls, 33044 stars)
KyleAMathews/cjsx-loader (70522 dls, 39 stars)
GriddleGriddle/griddle-react (70506 dls, 994 stars)
jsdf/react-form-for (70318 dls, 26 stars)
christianalfoni/formsy-react (68063 dls, 722 stars)
acdlite/flux-standard-action (66053 dls, 598 stars)
HurricaneJames/react-immutable-proptypes (66011 dls, 142 stars)
insin/newforms (64453 dls, 526 stars)
chenglou/react-motion (62848 dls, 2951 stars)
yonatanmn/reflux-state-mixin (62343 dls, 30 stars)
zippyui/react-date-picker (61647 dls, 236 stars)
react-component/rc-tooltip (61263 dls, 92 stars)
facebook/react-addons-create-fragment (58299 dls, 33044 stars)
akiran/react-slick (57211 dls, 473 stars)
rackt/react-a11y (55254 dls, 517 stars)
akiran/react-responsive-mixin (54922 dls, 67 stars)
yahoo/fetchr (53189 dls, 279 stars)
webpack/react-proxy-loader (48024 dls, 130 stars)
jgebhardt/react-for-atom (46336 dls, 6 stars)
moroshko/react-autosuggest (44891 dls, 419 stars)
ernestofreyreg/poormansflux (43535 dls, 0 stars)
gpbl/react-day-picker (43258 dls, 346 stars)
gcanti/tcomb-form (42775 dls, 662 stars)
rackt/reselect (42080 dls, 1092 stars)
js-next/react-style (41682 dls, 1379 stars)
acdlite/redux-actions (41564 dls, 508 stars)
reactjs/htmltojsx (41431 dls, 307 stars)
yahoo/flux-router-component (40760 dls, 267 stars)
yiminghe/css-animation (40466 dls, 4 stars)
js-data/js-data (39365 dls, 716 stars)
acdlite/redux-actions (39125 dls, 496 stars)
yahoo/fluxible-plugin-fetchr (39085 dls, 58 stars)
jhudson8/react-chartjs (39085 dls, 362 stars)
orgsync/react-list (39053 dls, 304 stars)
quickleft/react-loader (38781 dls, 183 stars)
js-data/js-data (38522 dls, 711 stars)
JedWatson/react-tappable (37813 dls, 290 stars)
brigand/react-zeroclipboard (37735 dls, 64 stars)
rofrischmann/inline-style-prefixer (37476 dls, 35 stars)
react-component/rc-animate (37156 dls, 41 stars)
JedWatson/react-tappable (37097 dls, 285 stars)
acdlite/redux-promise (36551 dls, 338 stars)
seatgeek/react-infinite (36057 dls, 521 stars)
reapp/reapp (35234 dls, 3060 stars)
mzabriskie/react-draggable (34294 dls, 501 stars)
tommyh/jasmine-react-helpers (34248 dls, 201 stars)
gaearon/redux-devtools-log-monitor (33779 dls, 48 stars)
erikras/react-lazy-cache (33691 dls, 10 stars)
instructure-react/react-toggle (33325 dls, 177 stars)
tomchentw/react-google-maps (33275 dls, 562 stars)
jurassix/react-immutable-render-mixin (33017 dls, 102 stars)
wwayne/react-tooltip (32532 dls, 86 stars)
eXon/react-cookie (32284 dls, 71 stars)
JedWatson/react-alt-text (31998 dls, 22 stars)
gaearon/redux-devtools-dock-monitor (31840 dls, 68 stars)
yahoo/fluxible-addons-react (31827 dls, 1344 stars)
skratchdot/react-bootstrap-daterangepicker (31626 dls, 114 stars)
react-component/rc-calendar (31484 dls, 191 stars)
eXon/react-cookie (31194 dls, 70 stars)
alexkuz/react-dock (31171 dls, 155 stars)
omniscientjs/immstruct (31141 dls, 307 stars)
newtriks/generator-react-webpack (31037 dls, 903 stars)
yahoo/fluxible-addons-react (30773 dls, 23 stars)
halt-hammerzeit/webpack-isomorphic-tools (30625 dls, 183 stars)
kirjs/react-highcharts (30621 dls, 150 stars)
yahoo/fluxible-router (30366 dls, 106 stars)
zordius/fluxex (30284 dls, 29 stars)
gaearon/redux-devtools-log-monitor (29362 dls, 42 stars)
stample/atom-react (29127 dls, 113 stars)
AdeleD/react-paginate (28949 dls, 96 stars)
reactjs/react-docgen (28836 dls, 301 stars)
react-component/rc-tools (28771 dls, 18 stars)
fmoo/react-typeahead (28745 dls, 290 stars)
martinandert/react-interpolate-component (28160 dls, 22 stars)
moreartyjs/morearty (28057 dls, 632 stars)
gaearon/redux-devtools-dock-monitor (27780 dls, 60 stars)
glittershark/reactable (27711 dls, 689 stars)
dogfessional/react-swipeable (27707 dls, 119 stars)
elierotenberg/react-nexus (27463 dls, 481 stars)
dogfessional/react-swipeable (26771 dls, 116 stars)
jurassix/react-validation-mixin (26422 dls, 163 stars)
STRML/react-grid-layout (26285 dls, 1307 stars)
ambitioninc/react-ui (26164 dls, 14 stars)
kodyl/react-document-meta (25974 dls, 89 stars)
facebook/react-addons-linked-state-mixin (25089 dls, 33044 stars)
malonecj/ron-react-autocomplete (24894 dls, 2 stars)
optimizely/nuclear-js (24400 dls, 1058 stars)
bigdatr/bd-stampy (24277 dls, 8 stars)
ant-design/antd (23928 dls, 1902 stars)
captivationsoftware/react-sticky (23884 dls, 130 stars)
tutorialhorizon/react-tagged-input (23839 dls, 17 stars)
eiriklv/react-masonry-mixin (23669 dls, 128 stars)
bentatum/react-matter (23500 dls, 0 stars)
kriasoft/react-routing (23458 dls, 77 stars)
hzdg/react-imageloader (22709 dls, 123 stars)
facebook/react-addons-perf (22476 dls, 33044 stars)
olahol/react-tagsinput (22468 dls, 329 stars)
kriasoft/react-routing (22465 dls, 67 stars)
Lapple/react-json-inspector (22435 dls, 91 stars)
fisshy/react-scroll (22301 dls, 104 stars)
StoneCypher/flocks.js (22190 dls, 65 stars)
andreypopp/react-time (21738 dls, 88 stars)
brigade/react-waypoint (21624 dls, 261 stars)
reactjs/react-static-container (21454 dls, 33 stars)
Rebelizer/pellet (21109 dls, 87 stars)
adazzle/react-data-grid (20987 dls, 203 stars)
hellojwilde/react-pick (20984 dls, 11 stars)
react-component/rc-trigger (20783 dls, 5 stars)
odysseyscience/react-s3-uploader (20716 dls, 83 stars)
tajo/react-portal (20712 dls, 211 stars)
wix/react-templates (20520 dls, 1142 stars)
insin/react-maskedinput (20502 dls, 109 stars)
andreypopp/react-fa (20399 dls, 133 stars)
rackt/react-tabs (20246 dls, 213 stars)
jhudson8/react-backbone (20001 dls, 109 stars)
igorprado/react-notification-system (19991 dls, 265 stars)
react-component/rc-slider (19813 dls, 94 stars)
react-component/rc-server (19303 dls, 9 stars)
martinandert/react-translate-component (18945 dls, 137 stars)
react-component/rc-menu (18901 dls, 32 stars)
zippyui/react-datagrid (18655 dls, 529 stars)
chenglou/react-radio-group (18313 dls, 136 stars)
paypal/react-engine (18211 dls, 715 stars)
akiran/react-highlight (18057 dls, 46 stars)
facebook/react-relay (18014 dls, 5203 stars)
securingsincity/react-ace (17891 dls, 106 stars)
RickWong/react-transmit (17674 dls, 829 stars)
walmartreact/electrode-bolt (17659 dls, 22 stars)
fraserxu/react-dropdown (17539 dls, 52 stars)
AlexGilleran/jsx-control-statements (17405 dls, 139 stars)
zippyui/react-datagrid (17384 dls, 519 stars)
jed/react-swipe (17074 dls, 263 stars)
kohei-takata/learnyoureact (16850 dls, 248 stars)
graphql/graphql-relay (16747 dls, 315 stars)
vigetlabs/microcosm (15861 dls, 119 stars)
react-component/rc-select (15810 dls, 30 stars)
pedronauck/react-simpletabs (15800 dls, 101 stars)
felixgirault/pure-render-decorator (15666 dls, 42 stars)
zpao/qrcode.react (15601 dls, 62 stars)
percyhanna/rquery (15504 dls, 42 stars)
formalfiction/ff-react (15459 dls, 3 stars)
pieterv/react-googlemaps (15421 dls, 169 stars)
erikras/map-props (15324 dls, 12 stars)
AllenFang/react-bootstrap-table (15133 dls, 159 stars)
hzdg/react-google-analytics (15098 dls, 51 stars)
ForbesLindesay/react-code-mirror (14840 dls, 60 stars)
koistya/gulp-render (14755 dls, 21 stars)
matthewwithanm/react-inlinesvg (14308 dls, 114 stars)
fraserxu/react-chartist (14098 dls, 106 stars)
KyleAMathews/react-spinkit (13948 dls, 145 stars)
PixelsCommander/reactive-elements (13947 dls, 428 stars)
KyleAMathews/react-gravatar (13770 dls, 37 stars)
codesuki/react-d3-components (13732 dls, 768 stars)
svenanders/react-stickydiv (13628 dls, 34 stars)
mosch/react-avatar-editor (13461 dls, 161 stars)
facebook/react-addons-shallow-compare (13340 dls, 33044 stars)
firebase/reactfire (13287 dls, 325 stars)
AlexanderPavlenko/react-templates-loader (13130 dls, 8 stars)
henrikjoreteg/hjs-webpack (13076 dls, 885 stars)
danawoodman/react-fontawesome (12994 dls, 28 stars)
magalhas/backbone-react-component (12766 dls, 729 stars)
yuanyan/react-kit (12640 dls, 32 stars)
gajus/react-css-modules (12636 dls, 1172 stars)
milankinen/livereactload (12591 dls, 642 stars)
mweststrate/mobservable (12560 dls, 265 stars)
larrymyers/react-mini-router (12558 dls, 191 stars)
react-component/rc-dialog (12543 dls, 34 stars)
corymsmith/react-native-icons (12458 dls, 764 stars)
casesandberg/reactcss (12323 dls, 863 stars)
Khan/react-components (12304 dls, 630 stars)
JakeSidSmith/react-fastclick (12267 dls, 41 stars)
radubrehar/react-event-names (12250 dls, 1 stars)
react-native-fellowship/react-native-side-menu (12187 dls, 355 stars)
tomchentw/react-toastr (12002 dls, 137 stars)
skidding/cosmos-js (11980 dls, 947 stars)
randylien/generator-react-gulp-browserify (11968 dls, 354 stars)
troybetz/react-youtube (11957 dls, 108 stars)
odysseyscience/react-router-proxy-loader (11872 dls, 111 stars)
KyleAMathews/react-retina-image (11719 dls, 29 stars)
chenglou/react-treeview (11678 dls, 325 stars)
jlongster/redux-simple-router (11586 dls, 984 stars)
twitter-fabric/velocity-react (11527 dls, 951 stars)
troybetz/react-youtube (11486 dls, 108 stars)
QubitProducts/react-test-tree (11432 dls, 202 stars)
react-component/generator-rc (11344 dls, 13 stars)
jhudson8/react-mixin-manager (11298 dls, 28 stars)
istarkov/google-map-react (11215 dls, 663 stars)
Rudeg/react-input-calendar (11215 dls, 63 stars)
ngReact/ngreact (11152 dls, 1676 stars)
instructure-react/react-select-box (11064 dls, 66 stars)
jhudson8/react-events (11046 dls, 66 stars)
react-native-fellowship/react-native-navbar (11001 dls, 444 stars)
rvdkooy/react-testutils-additions (11001 dls, 10 stars)
littlebits/react-popover (10896 dls, 58 stars)
instructure-react/react-select-box (10821 dls, 64 stars)
JedWatson/react-hammerjs (10820 dls, 120 stars)
martyjs/marty-lib (10754 dls, 3 stars)
jedireza/flux-constant (10626 dls, 13 stars)
mozilla/react-ga (10426 dls, 41 stars)
zippyui/react-color-picker (10425 dls, 34 stars)
helior/react-highlighter (10379 dls, 12 stars)
sheepsteak/react-shallow-testutils (10311 dls, 43 stars)
zordius/gulp-jsx-coverage (10295 dls, 19 stars)
oblador/react-native-vector-icons (10228 dls, 406 stars)
zippyui/react-menus (10210 dls, 21 stars)
react-component/rc-tabs (10108 dls, 21 stars)
react-components/onus (9968 dls, 0 stars)
nmn/react-timeago (9869 dls, 96 stars)
Techwraith/ribcage-preview (9799 dls, 2 stars)
idmitriev/hypr (9799 dls, 26 stars)
noeldelgado/react-gemini-scrollbar (9783 dls, 40 stars)
apeman-demo-labo/apeman-demo-react (9755 dls, 1 stars)
zippyui/react-menus (9712 dls, 19 stars)
jeroencoumans/react-scroll-components (9695 dls, 83 stars)
danvk/prop-validation-mixin (9647 dls, 1 stars)
PearlVentures/react-essence (9532 dls, 178 stars)
nikgraf/belle (9510 dls, 1135 stars)
brentvatne/react-native-overlay (9509 dls, 179 stars)
arqex/react-datetime (9507 dls, 64 stars)
johnhaley81/react-toastr-redux (9388 dls, 1 stars)
react-d3/react-d3-map-core (9374 dls, 1 stars)
sindresorhus/eslint-config-xo-react (9164 dls, 14 stars)
react-component/rc-pagination (9112 dls, 17 stars)
ide/react-native-button (9076 dls, 122 stars)
eiriklv/react-masonry-component (9064 dls, 94 stars)
JedWatson/react-codemirror (9048 dls, 78 stars)
aino/ainojs-react-image (9026 dls, 2 stars)
Kindling/react-tinymce-mention (9025 dls, 6 stars)
bebraw/reactabular (9016 dls, 158 stars)
pingyuanChen/react-ui-components (8971 dls, 14 stars)
gcanti/tcomb-react (8953 dls, 83 stars)
jsdir/react-simple-forms (8809 dls, 6 stars)
carlosrocha/react-data-components (8765 dls, 113 stars)
KyleAMathews/react-markdown-textarea (8759 dls, 84 stars)
jedireza/flux-dispatcher (8697 dls, 2 stars)
instructure-react/react-tinymce (8683 dls, 21 stars)
banderson/generator-flux (8683 dls, 307 stars)
effektif/react-mentions (8628 dls, 70 stars)
brentvatne/react-native-video (8615 dls, 339 stars)
FormidableLabs/component-playground (8550 dls, 286 stars)
jsdir/react-ladda (8547 dls, 96 stars)
acdlite/react-remarkable (8526 dls, 79 stars)
svenanders/react-breadcrumbs (8483 dls, 39 stars)
react-component/rc-upload (8459 dls, 17 stars)
markdalgleish/react-themeable (8447 dls, 208 stars)
react-native-fellowship/react-native-blur (8398 dls, 273 stars)
KyleAMathews/react-smart-time-ago (8382 dls, 16 stars)
chenglou/react-chosen (8362 dls, 71 stars)
ipselon/react-ui-builder (8269 dls, 2321 stars)
rt2zz/redux-persist (8204 dls, 119 stars)
yoshuawuyts/barracks (8173 dls, 83 stars)
Yomguithereal/baobab-react (8133 dls, 178 stars)
elierotenberg/react-animate (8107 dls, 212 stars)
glenjamin/react-hotkey (8074 dls, 24 stars)
react-component/rc-table (7978 dls, 11 stars)
matthewwithanm/react-controllables (7910 dls, 180 stars)
felixrieseberg/react-dropzone-component (7895 dls, 178 stars)
jedireza/hapi-react-views (7875 dls, 86 stars)
Yomguithereal/baobab-react (7860 dls, 174 stars)
zippyui/react-simple-toolbar (7856 dls, 6 stars)
pivotal-cf/pui-react-media (7835 dls, 20 stars)
lwansbrough/react-native-camera (7824 dls, 580 stars)
karlbright/react-stub-context (7772 dls, 13 stars)
zippyui/react-virtual-scroller (7770 dls, 8 stars)
chenglou/react-spinner (7769 dls, 63 stars)
instructure-react/react-tokeninput (7730 dls, 64 stars)
radubrehar/react-load-mask (7729 dls, 3 stars)
mapbox/react-keybinding (7721 dls, 63 stars)
joshwnj/react-visibility-sensor (7694 dls, 68 stars)
react-components/onus-translate (7584 dls, 1 stars)
sanniassin/react-input-mask (7569 dls, 90 stars)
pivotal-cf/pui-react-media (7548 dls, 20 stars)
pivotal-cf/pui-react-typography (7502 dls, 20 stars)
pivotal-cf/pui-react-buttons (7495 dls, 20 stars)
reactjs/react-art (7491 dls, 767 stars)
KyleAMathews/react-headroom (7467 dls, 135 stars)
brigade/react-simple-pie-chart (7437 dls, 18 stars)
KyleAMathews/react-autoupdate-time (7430 dls, 13 stars)
zippyui/react-class (7428 dls, 8 stars)
casesandberg/react-color (7398 dls, 1663 stars)
zippyui/react-virtual-scroller (7392 dls, 8 stars)
foss-haas/fynx (7373 dls, 291 stars)
brentvatne/react-native-modal (7344 dls, 207 stars)
ericclemmons/react-resolver (7302 dls, 792 stars)
pburtchaell/react-notification (7281 dls, 149 stars)
yuanyan/halogen (7280 dls, 519 stars)
pivotal-cf/pui-react-buttons (7248 dls, 20 stars)
boopathi/react-svg-loader (7231 dls, 9 stars)
react-components/react-loading-status-mixin (7220 dls, 0 stars)
wix/grunt-react-templates (7180 dls, 4 stars)
miklschmidt/capacitor (7179 dls, 4 stars)
pivotal-cf/pui-react-lists (7172 dls, 20 stars)
stayradiated/react-colorpicker (7163 dls, 58 stars)
bebraw/react-pagify (7137 dls, 29 stars)
elementalui/elemental (7109 dls, 1944 stars)
marnusw/react-css-transition-replace (7010 dls, 14 stars)
react-components/react-component-loader (6949 dls, 0 stars)
pivotal-cf/pui-react-iconography (6947 dls, 20 stars)
mizchi/md2react (6931 dls, 114 stars)
pivotal-cf/pui-react-lists (6929 dls, 20 stars)
quri/react-form-builder (6881 dls, 34 stars)
securingsincity/backbone-react-ui (6852 dls, 9 stars)
yahoo/babel-plugin-react-intl (6841 dls, 32 stars)
jessy1092/react-semantify (6795 dls, 168 stars)
JedWatson/react-component-gulp-tasks (6787 dls, 53 stars)
pivotal-cf/pui-react-tooltip (6783 dls, 20 stars)
frilljs/frill (6779 dls, 2 stars)
pivotal-cf/pui-react-dropdowns (6762 dls, 20 stars)
hzdg/react-loadermixin (6761 dls, 10 stars)
pivotal-cf/pui-react-iconography (6740 dls, 20 stars)
bgrsquared/d3-react-squared (6700 dls, 122 stars)
rackt/react-autocomplete (6687 dls, 390 stars)
twisty/formsy-react-components (6681 dls, 72 stars)
react-component/rc-steps (6680 dls, 8 stars)
react-component/rc-dropdown (6619 dls, 5 stars)
ubilabs/react-geosuggest (6617 dls, 76 stars)
mhart/react-server-example (6613 dls, 813 stars)
react-component/rc-tree (6554 dls, 21 stars)
pivotal-cf/pui-react-tooltip (6525 dls, 20 stars)
freiksenet/react-calendar (6515 dls, 110 stars)
pivotal-cf/pui-react-dropdowns (6512 dls, 20 stars)
KyleAMathews/react-simple-table (6506 dls, 15 stars)
yahoo/jsx-test (6475 dls, 21 stars)
roadmanfong/react-cropper (6464 dls, 78 stars)
danielstocks/react-sortable (6454 dls, 242 stars)
react-d3/react-d3-core (6443 dls, 36 stars)
mapbox/react-geocoder (6439 dls, 26 stars)
akiran/react-layer-mixin (6423 dls, 3 stars)
edge/fluxette (6419 dls, 40 stars)
jquense/react-bootstrap-modal (6380 dls, 23 stars)
linxtion/react-image-gallery (6346 dls, 45 stars)
yoshuawuyts/wayfarer (6336 dls, 142 stars)
exponentjs/react-native-scrollable-mixin (6285 dls, 34 stars)
react-component/rc-input-number (6243 dls, 9 stars)
tasti/react-linkify (6239 dls, 22 stars)
react-toolbox/react-toolbox (6235 dls, 2407 stars)
AZaviruha/react-pager (6224 dls, 25 stars)
pivotal-cf/pui-cursor (6220 dls, 4 stars)
jsdf/react-native-refreshable-listview (6180 dls, 449 stars)
vigetlabs/react-ink (6146 dls, 46 stars)
brentvatne/react-native-linear-gradient (6123 dls, 148 stars)
dancormier/react-native-swipeout (6118 dls, 213 stars)
mjohnston/react-native-webpack-server (6066 dls, 547 stars)
root-two/react-native-drawer (6043 dls, 262 stars)
akiran/react-foundation-apps (6032 dls, 177 stars)
KyleAMathews/react-component-width-mixin (6012 dls, 20 stars)
subschema/subschema (6009 dls, 57 stars)
syranide/react-swf (6003 dls, 24 stars)
chrisui/react-hotkeys (5977 dls, 264 stars)
rsamec/react-designer-widgets (5954 dls, 3 stars)
bjyoungblood/energize (5949 dls, 5 stars)
mapbox/react-colorpickr (5932 dls, 56 stars)
zippyui/react-time-picker (5925 dls, 30 stars)
STRML/react-localstorage (5878 dls, 120 stars)
skidding/react-component-playground (5871 dls, 43 stars)
wangzuo/react-input-color (5856 dls, 98 stars)
envato/react-studio-uploader (5823 dls, 6 stars)
wmira/react-datatable (5771 dls, 27 stars)
dschnare/mighty-mail (5771 dls, 5 stars)
chrisui/react-hotkeys (5765 dls, 265 stars)
tylermcginnis/re-base (5758 dls, 443 stars)
CalebMorris/react-moment-proptypes (5750 dls, 6 stars)
seeden/react-form-controlled (5743 dls, 5 stars)
dozoisch/react-google-recaptcha (5679 dls, 19 stars)
QubitProducts/react-page-objects (5669 dls, 34 stars)
borisyankov/react-sparklines (5615 dls, 586 stars)
pivotal-cf/pui-react-dividers (5612 dls, 20 stars)
jsstyles/react-jss (5583 dls, 160 stars)
dlau/react-icon-rating (5546 dls, 5 stars)
pivotal-cf/pui-react-overlay-trigger (5512 dls, 20 stars)
seethroughtrees/react-ux-password-field (5511 dls, 58 stars)
Lesha-spr/react-validation (5496 dls, 2 stars)
cdebotton/pruno-cli (5493 dls, 0 stars)
jquense/react-layer (5470 dls, 25 stars)
umhan35/react-native-search-bar (5465 dls, 104 stars)
thechriswalker/react-simple-router (5451 dls, 1 stars)
pivotal-cf/pui-react-dividers (5434 dls, 20 stars)
AppliedMathematicsANU/plexus-form (5411 dls, 103 stars)
antisocialmunky/sentai (5408 dls, 2 stars)
buildo/rc-datepicker (5407 dls, 13 stars)
pivotal-cf/pui-react-search-input (5404 dls, 20 stars)
pivotal-cf/pui-react-modals (5356 dls, 20 stars)
pivotal-cf/pui-react-grids (5345 dls, 20 stars)
acdlite/recompose (5318 dls, 812 stars)
pivotal-cf/pui-react-panels (5300 dls, 20 stars)
pivotal-cf/pui-react-search-input (5272 dls, 20 stars)
pivotal-cf/pui-react-overlay-trigger (5264 dls, 20 stars)
kriasoft/generator-react-fullstack (5252 dls, 5473 stars)
ldesplat/react-picture (5236 dls, 11 stars)
wizardzloy/react-zeroclipboard-mixin (5224 dls, 2 stars)
boblauer/react-onclickout (5214 dls, 13 stars)
leandrowd/react-responsive-carousel (5213 dls, 48 stars)
pivotal-cf/pui-react-grids (5208 dls, 20 stars)
magus/react-native-facebook-login (5200 dls, 206 stars)
instructure-react/react-menu (5198 dls, 46 stars)
tomkp/react-split-pane (5193 dls, 93 stars)
landau/hapi-react (5189 dls, 46 stars)
acdlite/react-rx-component (5184 dls, 73 stars)
johanneslumpe/react-native-keyboardevents (5178 dls, 134 stars)
vslinko/babel-plugin-react-require (5177 dls, 44 stars)
4Catalyzer/babel-plugin-dev-expression (5172 dls, 14 stars)
robcolburn/react-page-parts (5161 dls, 3 stars)
jquense/react-formal (5158 dls, 114 stars)
weblogixx/react-webpack-template (5151 dls, 10 stars)
rnpm/rnpm (5142 dls, 335 stars)
pivotal-cf/pui-react-alerts (5140 dls, 20 stars)
pivotal-cf/pui-react-modals (5137 dls, 20 stars)
martinandert/react-lorem-component (5136 dls, 22 stars)
pivotal-cf/pui-react-panels (5092 dls, 20 stars)
yuanyan/boron (5074 dls, 760 stars)
javascriptismagic/aui (5049 dls, 19 stars)
mxenabled/mx-react-components (5019 dls, 15 stars)
jonjaques/react-loaders (5013 dls, 28 stars)
antwarjs/antwar (4994 dls, 150 stars)
pivotal-cf/pui-react-alerts (4936 dls, 20 stars)
walmartreact/bolt-standard-flux (4935 dls, 1 stars)
ide/react-native-clone-referenced-element (4935 dls, 4 stars)
aino/ainojs-react-touchclick (4934 dls, 0 stars)
yuanyan/boron (4924 dls, 755 stars)
prakhar1989/react-tag-input (4922 dls, 93 stars)
babel/babel-plugin-transform-react-constant-elements (4903 dls, 12309 stars)
facebook/react-addons-clone-with-props (4901 dls, 33044 stars)
paramaggarwal/react-progressbar (4887 dls, 18 stars)
michaelcontento/redux-storage (4859 dls, 97 stars)
jquense/react-component-metadata (4856 dls, 8 stars)
algolia/react-element-to-jsx-string (4792 dls, 56 stars)
markdalgleish/redux-analytics (4765 dls, 184 stars)
aksonov/react-native-router-flux (4714 dls, 182 stars)
ziad-saab/react-checkbox-group (4714 dls, 10 stars)
schovi/react-iscroll (4701 dls, 33 stars)
ericsuh/react-outsideclickhandler (4695 dls, 1 stars)
gcanti/tcomb-form-native (4682 dls, 605 stars)
nkbt/react-copy-to-clipboard (4645 dls, 32 stars)
geekyme/react-doc-meta (4626 dls, 37 stars)
jljsj33/enter-animation (4609 dls, 13 stars)
react-component/rc-radio (4606 dls, 8 stars)
noyobo/gulp-jsx2example (4587 dls, 7 stars)
gyzerok/adrenaline (4584 dls, 241 stars)
ikr/jsdom-test-browser (4575 dls, 7 stars)
yahoo/fluxible-action-utils (4574 dls, 33 stars)
loktar00/react-lazy-load (4532 dls, 66 stars)
brentvatne/react-native-scrollable-tab-view (4511 dls, 469 stars)
babel/babel-plugin-transform-react-inline-elements (4489 dls, 12309 stars)
cameronjroe/react-star-rating (4483 dls, 25 stars)
souhe/react-scrollbar (4477 dls, 32 stars)
balloob/react-sidebar (4400 dls, 147 stars)
altjs/alt-container (4363 dls, 4 stars)
politejs/fluxo (4347 dls, 0 stars)
pivotal-cf/pui-react-helpers (4331 dls, 93 stars)
alingam/generator-express-react (4330 dls, 2 stars)
redhataccess/react-redhat (4316 dls, 3 stars)
philcockfield/ui-harness (4298 dls, 3 stars)
arqex/freezer-js (4282 dls, 345 stars)
react-d3/react-d3-basic (4280 dls, 23 stars)
formidablelabs/victory-line (4259 dls, 8 stars)
legitcode/simple-react-modal (4241 dls, 27 stars)
Rudolph-Miller/react-sortable-table (4215 dls, 5 stars)
JedWatson/react-domify (4206 dls, 35 stars)
marcshilling/react-native-image-picker (4202 dls, 166 stars)
xeodou/react-crouton (4200 dls, 65 stars)
omnidan/redux-undo (4189 dls, 439 stars)
wangzuo/react-input-slider (4179 dls, 11 stars)
pivotal-cf/pui-react-tabs (4166 dls, 20 stars)
instructure-react/react-crop (4163 dls, 6 stars)
leecade/react-native-swiper (4162 dls, 728 stars)
KyleAMathews/react-component-gallery (4133 dls, 49 stars)
blakeembrey/free-style (4130 dls, 179 stars)
seeden/react-g-analytics (4107 dls, 34 stars)
tcoopman/ga-react-router (4102 dls, 18 stars)
skystebnicki/chamel (4086 dls, 3 stars)
pivotal-cf/pui-react-helpers (4082 dls, 93 stars)
JohnyDays/react-credit-card (4082 dls, 40 stars)
ryanseddon/react-frame-component (4074 dls, 111 stars)
tleunen/react-mdl (4034 dls, 227 stars)
acdlite/react-suitcss (4024 dls, 19 stars)
FormidableLabs/react-shuffle (4011 dls, 60 stars)
captivationsoftware/react-file-input (4005 dls, 14 stars)
garth/material-components (3988 dls, 43 stars)
mlmorg/react-hyperscript (3985 dls, 80 stars)
pivotal-cf/pui-react-images (3975 dls, 20 stars)
rsamec/react-page-renderer (3973 dls, 2 stars)
pivotal-cf/pui-react-tabs (3969 dls, 20 stars)
vegetableman/react-modal-component (3949 dls, 10 stars)
azmenak/react-stripe-checkout (3947 dls, 48 stars)
theogravity/react-baseplate (3945 dls, 0 stars)
bausmeier/react-infinite-scroll-mixin (3938 dls, 13 stars)
marcio/react-skylight (3926 dls, 48 stars)
exponentjs/react-native-invertible-scroll-view (3904 dls, 74 stars)
KyleAMathews/typography (3899 dls, 174 stars)
buildo/react-cookie-banner (3886 dls, 14 stars)
omnidan/redux-undo (3881 dls, 433 stars)
cezary/react-loading (3875 dls, 35 stars)
pivotal-cf/pui-react-radio-group (3872 dls, 20 stars)
tjwebb/react-kendo (3867 dls, 32 stars)
TechnologyAdvice/tap-flux (3865 dls, 5 stars)
pivotal-cf/pui-react-radio (3860 dls, 20 stars)
pocotan001/react-styleguide-generator (3846 dls, 301 stars)
pivotal-cf/pui-react-collapse (3845 dls, 20 stars)
pivotal-cf/pui-react-images (3845 dls, 20 stars)
ali1k/linked-data-reactor (3840 dls, 29 stars)
enigma-io/react-input-placeholder (3837 dls, 20 stars)
hung-phan/generator-rails-react-webpack (3832 dls, 42 stars)
blakeembrey/react-free-style (3824 dls, 47 stars)
lovasoa/react-contenteditable (3819 dls, 66 stars)
HurricaneJames/lazy-input (3813 dls, 17 stars)
mapbox/react-native-mapbox-gl (3798 dls, 268 stars)
pivotal-cf/pui-react-radio-group (3784 dls, 20 stars)
mesosphere/reactjs-components (3782 dls, 19 stars)
pivotal-cf/pui-react-radio (3773 dls, 20 stars)
ezequiel/react-typeahead-component (3763 dls, 111 stars)
heilhead/react-bootstrap-validation (3750 dls, 23 stars)
buildo/react-cookie-banner (3750 dls, 14 stars)
pivotal-cf/pui-react-collapse (3745 dls, 20 stars)
buildo/react-autosize-textarea (3742 dls, 10 stars)
goncalvesjoao/react-to-commonjs (3741 dls, 6 stars)
furqanZafar/react-selectize (3730 dls, 118 stars)
davidtheclark/react-aria-menubutton (3712 dls, 124 stars)
nrako/react-component-resizable (3712 dls, 32 stars)
pivotal-cf/pui-react-back-to-top (3710 dls, 20 stars)
Brightspace/react-vui-alerts (3664 dls, 0 stars)
pivotal-cf/pui-react-draggable-list (3655 dls, 20 stars)
levitanong/plotypus (3644 dls, 0 stars)
pivotal-cf/pui-react-expander (3627 dls, 20 stars)
pivotal-cf/pui-react-back-to-top (3608 dls, 20 stars)
cloud9ide/prop-type (3599 dls, 1 stars)
DylanPiercey/syntux (3564 dls, 7 stars)
UXtemple/babel-plugin-react-autoprefix (3560 dls, 103 stars)
pivotal-cf/pui-react-draggable-list (3559 dls, 20 stars)
ThunderCatsJS/thundercats-react (3550 dls, 3 stars)
TheLudd/react-form-data (3544 dls, 13 stars)
vasanthk/react-inline-edit (3540 dls, 19 stars)
martinandert/react-ago-component (3539 dls, 11 stars)
teambition/talk-message-forms (3535 dls, 3 stars)
pivotal-cf/pui-react-expander (3535 dls, 20 stars)
ryan-mahoney/react-layer-router (3534 dls, 1 stars)
formidablelabs/biff (3533 dls, 26 stars)
axross/bemmer (3526 dls, 15 stars)
negomi/react-burger-menu (3520 dls, 201 stars)
kodyl/react-flexr (3517 dls, 54 stars)
pivotal-cf/pui-react-sortable-table (3503 dls, 20 stars)
jedireza/flux-store (3492 dls, 18 stars)
dowjones/react-picture-show (3460 dls, 35 stars)
vn38minhtran/generator-react-flux (3437 dls, 7 stars)
jasonslyvia/react-anything-sortable (3434 dls, 112 stars)
pivotal-cf/pui-react-sortable-table (3391 dls, 20 stars)
chenxsan/react-date-picker-cs (3371 dls, 3 stars)
buildo/buildo-react-components (3361 dls, 2 stars)
mheiber/react-tabs-component (3356 dls, 1 stars)
howardwu/react-openpublish-assets (3352 dls, 0 stars)
legitcode/legit-tests (3349 dls, 234 stars)
bloodyowl/bloody-react-styled (3337 dls, 24 stars)
andreypopp/sitegen (3334 dls, 82 stars)
facebook/react-native-fbsdklogin (3309 dls, 218 stars)
cezary/react-progress (3289 dls, 50 stars)
QianmiOpen/iflux (3283 dls, 37 stars)
FormidableLabs/builder-react-component (3271 dls, 3 stars)
vigetlabs/react-focus-trap (3270 dls, 23 stars)
kodyl/stilr (3267 dls, 160 stars)
WickyNilliams/react-clipboard (3266 dls, 9 stars)
kraf/react-datetimepicker (3252 dls, 3 stars)
patw0929/react-intl-tel-input (3244 dls, 18 stars)
facebook/react-native-fbsdkcore (3228 dls, 218 stars)
dustingetz/react-cursor (3227 dls, 954 stars)
sabeurthabti/react-native-css (3218 dls, 129 stars)
Nase00/react-shift (3204 dls, 12 stars)
touchstonejs/touchstonejs (3196 dls, 2721 stars)
freecodecamp/react-vimeo (3194 dls, 7 stars)
yoshuawuyts/react-anchor (3192 dls, 3 stars)
wangzuo/react-input-number (3180 dls, 1 stars)
svenanders/react-markdown-to-html (3167 dls, 3 stars)
ctan1345/react-expandable-nav (3103 dls, 15 stars)
buildo/react-input-link (3096 dls, 7 stars)
hongymagic/react-number-input (3095 dls, 15 stars)
eiriklv/react-packery-mixin (3088 dls, 20 stars)
ronik-design/react-drive-in (3081 dls, 26 stars)
pivotal-cf/pui-react-notifications (3076 dls, 20 stars)
uxtemple/autoprefix (3067 dls, 11 stars)
willdady/react-elements (3065 dls, 19 stars)
react-component/rc-time-picker (3056 dls, 7 stars)
rofrischmann/react-look (3043 dls, 80 stars)
zippyui/react-button (3038 dls, 8 stars)
pivotal-cf/pui-react-ribbons (3037 dls, 20 stars)
imcnally/react-currency-masked-input (3034 dls, 8 stars)
odysseyscience/react-markdown-el (3014 dls, 3 stars)
thomasboyt/react-spin (3010 dls, 10 stars)
collingo/react-transition-manager (3001 dls, 39 stars)
alexlande/react-style-guide (2994 dls, 48 stars)
pivotal-cf/pui-react-notifications (2984 dls, 20 stars)
stoeffel/react-mini (2975 dls, 32 stars)
jurassix/joi-validation-strategy (2969 dls, 3 stars)
apeman-react-labo/apeman-react-style (2964 dls, 0 stars)
pedronauck/react-video (2954 dls, 95 stars)
lynnaloo/mullet (2952 dls, 116 stars)
gilbarbara/react-joyride (2948 dls, 155 stars)
yahoo/react-i13n (2945 dls, 153 stars)
heroku/react-refetch (2944 dls, 20 stars)
gabrielbull/react-desktop (2924 dls, 3899 stars)
thomasboyt/react-pikaday (2922 dls, 73 stars)
markfinger/react-render (2922 dls, 3 stars)
pivotal-cf/pui-react-ribbons (2912 dls, 20 stars)
wangzuo/react-medium-editor (2910 dls, 96 stars)
bevacqua/react-dragula (2908 dls, 153 stars)
mapbox/react-tangle (2906 dls, 28 stars)
matthewwithanm/react-mediaswitch (2904 dls, 50 stars)
pburtchaell/react-input (2904 dls, 28 stars)
react-component/rc-css-transition-group (2892 dls, 19 stars)
olahol/react-social (2890 dls, 24 stars)
AgentME/react-hot-transform (2887 dls, 20 stars)
oblador/react-native-keychain (2879 dls, 53 stars)
drd/jsxlate (2869 dls, 18 stars)
zippyui/react-dropdown-button (2860 dls, 5 stars)
javierbyte/react-blur (2858 dls, 187 stars)
react-component/rc-queue-anim (2855 dls, 42 stars)
pivotal-cf/pui-react-panes (2852 dls, 20 stars)
pivotal-cf/pui-react-labels (2852 dls, 20 stars)
lebowski89/carpentry (2851 dls, 4 stars)
rrag/react-stockcharts (2849 dls, 166 stars)
rexxars/react-markdown (2849 dls, 85 stars)
mathieudutour/react-progress-button (2823 dls, 84 stars)
aaronkaka/es6-react-component (2822 dls, 4 stars)
Zinggi/r-layout (2818 dls, 19 stars)
DelvarWorld/unique-id-mixin (2795 dls, 8 stars)
rexxars/commonmark-react-renderer (2793 dls, 14 stars)
banderson/generator-redux (2791 dls, 135 stars)
pivotal-cf/pui-react-panes (2769 dls, 20 stars)
pivotal-cf/pui-react-labels (2766 dls, 20 stars)
pivotal-cf/pui-react-portals (2765 dls, 20 stars)
xinthink/react-native-material-kit (2757 dls, 427 stars)
robrichard/react-shallow-renderer-helpers (2756 dls, 12 stars)
gatsbyjs/gatsby (2754 dls, 1904 stars)
ivanph/react-native-webintent (2754 dls, 34 stars)
bmcmahen/react-wysiwyg (2748 dls, 100 stars)
tjwebb/react-bootstrap-select (2745 dls, 21 stars)
sarink/material-ui-with-sass (2743 dls, 20 stars)
wmira/react-sidenav (2742 dls, 43 stars)
cezary/react-favicon (2739 dls, 18 stars)
pivotal-cf/pui-css-autocomplete (2733 dls, 93 stars)
mgechev/react-reorderable (2729 dls, 35 stars)
joshforisha/react-app-kit (2728 dls, 0 stars)
elucidata/elucidata-react-coffee (2718 dls, 17 stars)
bloodyowl/react-translate (2716 dls, 46 stars)
zsutton/react-fuzzy-search (2710 dls, 14 stars)
angus-c/es6-react-mixins (2705 dls, 96 stars)
tjunghans/react-simple-list (2702 dls, 2 stars)
nnarhinen/react-pdf (2690 dls, 31 stars)
pivotal-cf/pui-react-portals (2684 dls, 20 stars)
wmira/reactor-ui (2681 dls, 17 stars)
pocotan001/bem-classnames (2675 dls, 68 stars)
tomchentw/react-prism (2672 dls, 40 stars)
tcoopman/react-flexbox (2658 dls, 82 stars)
MandarinConLaBarba/react-tree-menu (2653 dls, 56 stars)
jmcriffey/mingus (2642 dls, 0 stars)
mukeshsoni/react-telephone-input (2629 dls, 21 stars)
pivotal-cf/pui-css-autocomplete (2628 dls, 93 stars)
onefinestay/react-choice (2620 dls, 20 stars)
aksonov/react-native-tableview (2618 dls, 200 stars)
synapsestudios/synfrastructure (2615 dls, 2 stars)
alsoscotland/react-super-select (2588 dls, 38 stars)
marudor/inline-css-loader (2585 dls, 0 stars)
chentsulin/electron-react-boilerplate (2585 dls, 1021 stars)
radubrehar/property-grid (2576 dls, 10 stars)
Theadd/react-panels (2572 dls, 53 stars)
gajus/react-carousel (2569 dls, 1 stars)
markdalgleish/react-to-html-webpack-plugin (2569 dls, 98 stars)
azu/material-flux (2559 dls, 61 stars)
pqx/react-ui-tree (2549 dls, 139 stars)
rogeriochaves/jasmine-react-diff (2549 dls, 20 stars)
KyleAMathews/react-micro-bar-chart (2546 dls, 49 stars)
andreypopp/reactdown (2543 dls, 28 stars)
race604/react-native-viewpager (2535 dls, 170 stars)
dancormier/react-native-listitem (2534 dls, 39 stars)
chentsulin/electron-react-boilerplate (2508 dls, 995 stars)
Laiff/react-scroll-lock (2498 dls, 2 stars)
Izzimach/react-three (2491 dls, 562 stars)
FormidableLabs/ecology (2476 dls, 14 stars)
apeman-react-labo/apeman-react-draggable (2473 dls, 0 stars)
azazdeaz/transhand (2472 dls, 15 stars)
ikr/react-star-rating-input (2472 dls, 25 stars)
RacingTadpole/react-dropdown-input (2470 dls, 9 stars)
aino/ainojs-react-finger (2464 dls, 0 stars)
banderson/generator-redux (2457 dls, 128 stars)
Rudolph-Miller/react-simple-tab (2446 dls, 0 stars)
enkidevs/react-search-input (2443 dls, 30 stars)
matthewwithanm/monorouter (2440 dls, 116 stars)
wuct/react-stepper (2430 dls, 0 stars)
StevenIseki/react-search (2428 dls, 23 stars)
Kureev/browserify-react-live (2425 dls, 82 stars)
dogfessional/react-carousel (2422 dls, 19 stars)
apeman-react-labo/apeman-react-touchable (2419 dls, 0 stars)
jurassix/react-display-name (2416 dls, 1 stars)
rakannimer/react-google-charts (2412 dls, 34 stars)
rt2zz/react-native-addressbook (2402 dls, 48 stars)
fluxury/fluxury (2401 dls, 5 stars)
rogeriochaves/react-decompiler (2398 dls, 8 stars)
FormidableLabs/victory-tree (2397 dls, 7 stars)
rpominov/react-demo (2363 dls, 47 stars)
cerebral/cerebral-react (2362 dls, 11 stars)
JedWatson/react-container (2361 dls, 41 stars)
teambition/actions-recorder (2360 dls, 12 stars)
johanneslumpe/react-native-fs (2346 dls, 118 stars)
gja/react-templatify (2344 dls, 5 stars)
RickWong/react-transmit-native (2344 dls, 829 stars)
happy-charlie-777/react-doxygen (2344 dls, 1 stars)
Flipboard/react-canvas (2340 dls, 7259 stars)
xeodou/react-range-slider (2336 dls, 17 stars)
ProjectSeptemberInc/gl-react-native (2333 dls, 442 stars)
abaddonGIT/react-paginator-box (2325 dls, 3 stars)
sapegin/react-styleguidist (2313 dls, 223 stars)
JedWatson/react-container (2292 dls, 41 stars)
erikras/react-native-listener (2291 dls, 28 stars)
bigdatr/react-bouncefix (2289 dls, 5 stars)
toptal/chai-react-suite (2289 dls, 14 stars)
t4t5/react-native-router (2288 dls, 676 stars)
FormidableLabs/builder-react-component-dev (2278 dls, 3 stars)
soundblogs/soundplayer-widget (2276 dls, 20 stars)
joeybaker/react-element-query (2265 dls, 17 stars)
pushtell/react-ab-test (2264 dls, 15 stars)
fender-guy/react-scaffold (2261 dls, 3 stars)
tinydoc/tinydoc-plugin-react (2252 dls, 6 stars)
apeman-react-labo/apeman-react-basic (2244 dls, 0 stars)
dreyescat/react-rating (2228 dls, 27 stars)
ameyms/diffract (2226 dls, 71 stars)
asbjornenge/react-datalist (2226 dls, 18 stars)
pilwon/react-famous (2220 dls, 137 stars)
pivotal-cf/pui-react-autocomplete (2215 dls, 93 stars)
kristijan-pajtasev/react-date-picker-component (2209 dls, 2 stars)
epsitec-sa/electrum (2192 dls, 3 stars)
naoufal/react-native-activity-view (2189 dls, 123 stars)
saulecabrera/react-accordion-component (2178 dls, 2 stars)
react-utils/react-utils-helper (2178 dls, 19 stars)
WickyNilliams/react-simple-colorpicker (2174 dls, 11 stars)
theogravity/react-mapbox-components (2172 dls, 0 stars)
KyleAMathews/react-html-elements-styleguide (2169 dls, 5 stars)
pzavolinsky/react-unit (2168 dls, 112 stars)
skidding/react-data-fetch (2165 dls, 4 stars)
ipselon/structor (2163 dls, 2321 stars)
dubert/react-kronos (2153 dls, 26 stars)
mistadikay/doob (2151 dls, 61 stars)
Versent/redux-loader (2150 dls, 23 stars)
javierbyte/react-textselect (2142 dls, 21 stars)
timhudson/react-image-component (2133 dls, 21 stars)
tomchentw/react-prop-types-element-of-type (2132 dls, 1 stars)
stoeffel/react-motion-drawer (2126 dls, 21 stars)
nmn/react-infinity (2125 dls, 270 stars)
willowtreeapps/compwnents (2115 dls, 1 stars)
pushtell/react-ab-test (2111 dls, 14 stars)
browniefed/react-htmlparser2 (2101 dls, 38 stars)
orgsync/olay-react (2099 dls, 7 stars)
pivotal-cf/pui-react-autocomplete (2095 dls, 93 stars)
jhudson8/backbone-reaction (2094 dls, 17 stars)
mistadikay/doob (2093 dls, 60 stars)
ryanflorence/react-magic-move (2093 dls, 360 stars)
jankopriva/react-infinite-list (2091 dls, 10 stars)
toptal/component-css-loader (2087 dls, 7 stars)
bloodyowl/bloody-react-transition-child (2084 dls, 6 stars)
jsdf/react-native-htmlview (2077 dls, 155 stars)
algolia/react-nouislider (2073 dls, 9 stars)
duereg/express-coffee-react-views (2068 dls, 3 stars)
CherrySoftware/translate-maker (2064 dls, 2 stars)
KyleAMathews/react-sparkline (2060 dls, 79 stars)
gianu/react-fittext (2060 dls, 42 stars)
uniflow/uniflow-component (2054 dls, 0 stars)
banyan/react-emoji (2054 dls, 43 stars)
naoufal/react-native-touch-id (2053 dls, 102 stars)
mic159/react-render-service (2028 dls, 33 stars)
coopinabox/react-develop (2023 dls, 0 stars)
Sedus/react-websocket (2021 dls, 4 stars)
svenanders/react-datepicker-compat (2018 dls, 0 stars)
LevInteractive/react-serial-forms (2015 dls, 117 stars)
mpipet/react-bootpag (2012 dls, 1 stars)
formidablelabs/victory-axis (2011 dls, 6 stars)
Brightspace/react-vui-forms (2010 dls, 2 stars)
RIAEvangelist/js-message (2008 dls, 2 stars)
facebook/nuclide-react-native-node-executor (2006 dls, 3250 stars)
Izzimach/react-pixi (2003 dls, 236 stars)
jomaxx/flux-master-flex (2003 dls, 1 stars)
yieme/byrnie (2000 dls, 9 stars)
GertjanReynaert/react-native-device (1997 dls, 81 stars)
fdecampredon/rx-react (1987 dls, 350 stars)
dowjones/react-stuck (1986 dls, 5 stars)
JustinTulloss/immutable-reactfire (1983 dls, 0 stars)
wearefractal/react-tabbar (1978 dls, 3 stars)
jdlehman/switcheroo (1971 dls, 4 stars)
OpenGov/react-autolink-text (1967 dls, 14 stars)
jhamlet/svg-react-loader (1962 dls, 15 stars)
dcousens/react-maps (1958 dls, 13 stars)
popkirby/react-props-decorators (1956 dls, 8 stars)
appsforartists/ambidex (1956 dls, 609 stars)
almost/react-native-html-webview (1952 dls, 52 stars)
legitcode/react-legit-table (1948 dls, 26 stars)
ikr/react-period-of-stay-input (1948 dls, 3 stars)
FormidableLabs/spectacle (1942 dls, 1990 stars)
henriquea/react-text-highlight (1941 dls, 10 stars)
KyleAMathews/react-responsive-grid (1938 dls, 43 stars)
chadpaulson/react-cassette-player (1936 dls, 65 stars)
natew/reactor-router (1935 dls, 4 stars)
nkbt/react-interval (1935 dls, 8 stars)
joakimbeng/react-swiper (1926 dls, 41 stars)
orgsync/formatted-text (1922 dls, 6 stars)
mvayngrib/rn-nodeify (1914 dls, 11 stars)
hzdg/gsap-react-plugin (1908 dls, 78 stars)
Pomax/react-component-visibility (1900 dls, 17 stars)
KyleAMathews/react-message (1898 dls, 5 stars)
gre/bezier-easing-editor (1897 dls, 22 stars)
michalkvasnicak/routex (1890 dls, 35 stars)
hellyeahllc/exim (1887 dls, 56 stars)
ekonstantinidis/reloading (1879 dls, 2 stars)
johanneslumpe/react-native-browser-polyfill (1878 dls, 11 stars)
nick/react-native-carousel (1872 dls, 101 stars)
alinz/react-native-webview-bridge (1868 dls, 67 stars)
marcohamersma/react-bem-helper (1867 dls, 20 stars)
formidablelabs/victory-scatter (1863 dls, 5 stars)
toptal/component-resolver-webpack (1858 dls, 14 stars)
christianalfoni/cerebral-react-immutable-store (1850 dls, 11 stars)
pieterv/react-layers (1840 dls, 43 stars)
airbnb/enzyme (1840 dls, 2114 stars)
skiano/react-safe-render (1837 dls, 14 stars)
stampit-org/react-stampit (1837 dls, 122 stars)
mzabriskie/rackt-cli (1835 dls, 54 stars)
maxs15/react-native-modalbox (1832 dls, 142 stars)
almost/react-native-sqlite (1827 dls, 361 stars)
mzabriskie/react-disqus-thread (1824 dls, 27 stars)
lwhiteley/gravatar-api (1822 dls, 0 stars)
bsbeeks/react-component-icon (1815 dls, 0 stars)
Olical/react-faux-dom (1815 dls, 197 stars)
razagill/react-phone-input (1814 dls, 2 stars)
nkbt/react-debounce-input (1813 dls, 12 stars)
ArnaudRinquin/react-native-radio-buttons (1810 dls, 36 stars)
neilgupta/pandapush-react (1810 dls, 0 stars)
lapanoid/redux-cropper (1809 dls, 17 stars)
mweststrate/mobservable-react (1807 dls, 17 stars)
MateusZitelli/react-points-allocator (1806 dls, 2 stars)
arnemart/react-topcoat (1803 dls, 8 stars)
oliviertassinari/react-swipeable-views (1803 dls, 52 stars)
bdefore/redux-universal-starter (1798 dls, 84 stars)
devfd/react-native-geocoder (1798 dls, 33 stars)
zackify/reactview (1797 dls, 95 stars)
nkbt/react-collapse (1797 dls, 90 stars)
apeman-scff-labo/apeman-scff-react (1796 dls, 0 stars)
ericwooley/react-in-style (1793 dls, 32 stars)
JedWatson/generator-react-component (1786 dls, 95 stars)
yahoo/react-dnd-touch-backend (1785 dls, 106 stars)
Brightspace/react-frau-events (1781 dls, 0 stars)
thealjey/react-bootstrap-combobox (1780 dls, 1 stars)
principle-systems/react-shopping-cart-starter-kit (1779 dls, 3 stars)
troybetz/react-soundcloud-widget (1778 dls, 15 stars)
darul75/web-react (1777 dls, 57 stars)
MandarinConLaBarba/react-datepicker-component (1776 dls, 8 stars)
transistorsoft/react-native-background-geolocation (1774 dls, 133 stars)
petehunt/react-touch (1770 dls, 63 stars)
badsyntax/react-seed (1768 dls, 292 stars)
dmotz/natal (1765 dls, 308 stars)
react-d3/react-d3-brush (1764 dls, 9 stars)
tradle/react-native-udp (1749 dls, 24 stars)
nkt/react-flexgrid (1745 dls, 16 stars)
pingyuanChen/react-dynamic-list (1743 dls, 6 stars)
lucholaf/react-native-grid-view (1724 dls, 79 stars)
azazdeaz/react-gsap-enhancer (1723 dls, 49 stars)
cht8687/react-listview-sticky-header (1722 dls, 18 stars)
nkbt/react-swap (1721 dls, 12 stars)
timbur/react-mixin-decorator (1719 dls, 69 stars)
pirelenito/generator-react-webpack-component (1714 dls, 25 stars)
unicorn-standard/react-passthrough (1714 dls, 20 stars)
eisisig/react-isolate (1706 dls, 3 stars)
FormidableLabs/generator-formidable-react-component (1703 dls, 7 stars)
terry81811/c3-react (1701 dls, 20 stars)
podio/istanbul-react (1698 dls, 7 stars)
samvtran/react-sortable-items (1694 dls, 9 stars)
danleavitt0/react-components-9dots (1693 dls, 0 stars)
andrewjmeier/react-gist-slideshow (1691 dls, 13 stars)
hzdg/react-controlfacades (1688 dls, 10 stars)
eliftech/treeview-react-bootstrap (1687 dls, 4 stars)
shatran/card-react (1682 dls, 10 stars)
gcanti/tcomb-react-bootstrap (1682 dls, 36 stars)
WRidder/gyrejs (1679 dls, 2 stars)
lelandrichardson/react-native-parallax-view (1671 dls, 218 stars)
RRutsche/react-parallax (1665 dls, 18 stars)
tleunen/react-number-editor (1654 dls, 37 stars)
anarchicknight/react-native-communications (1654 dls, 49 stars)
epsitec-sa/electrum-arc (1653 dls, 2 stars)
nrako/react-component-scrollload (1645 dls, 8 stars)
aulizko/delicate-error-reporter (1637 dls, 34 stars)
mapbox/react-click-to-select (1634 dls, 7 stars)
timthez/react-flux-starter-kit (1633 dls, 0 stars)
AlexJozwicki/airflux (1632 dls, 25 stars)
olahol/react-ab (1630 dls, 113 stars)
kkjdaniel/react-native-device-display (1629 dls, 40 stars)
radubrehar/react-checkbox (1629 dls, 1 stars)
react-d3/react-d3-tooltip (1626 dls, 3 stars)
pH200/cycle-react (1625 dls, 172 stars)
nkbt/react-height (1623 dls, 5 stars)
mgechev/react-drag (1622 dls, 6 stars)
chirag04/react-native-dashed-border (1620 dls, 12 stars)
mfunkie/react-overlay (1618 dls, 20 stars)
zippyui/react-input-field (1617 dls, 14 stars)
exponentjs/react-native-tab-navigator (1617 dls, 95 stars)
martinandert/react-inline (1608 dls, 356 stars)
glslio/diaporama-react (1608 dls, 7 stars)
grigory-leonenko/sync-flux (1600 dls, 1 stars)
Brightspace/react-frau-intl (1600 dls, 0 stars)
joakimbeng/relae (1598 dls, 55 stars)
vigetlabs/react-dragon (1594 dls, 8 stars)
glortho/react-keydown (1592 dls, 29 stars)
abhilashsajeev/uni-carousel-react (1592 dls, 1 stars)
malte-wessel/react-custom-scrollbars (1590 dls, 50 stars)
lwansbrough/react-native-google-analytics (1588 dls, 78 stars)
kentor/react-click-outside (1584 dls, 9 stars)
blockai/react-image-publisher (1574 dls, 1 stars)
tomkp/react-layout-pane (1570 dls, 24 stars)
exponentjs/react-native-infinite-scroll-view (1567 dls, 74 stars)
qimingweng/react-modal-dialog (1566 dls, 31 stars)
cupcake/cupcake-react-modal (1561 dls, 29 stars)
darkrishabh/react-native-db-models (1559 dls, 72 stars)
vn38minhtran/react-proxy-plus-loader (1559 dls, 2 stars)
aksonov/react-native-tabs (1557 dls, 51 stars)
af/jsnox (1554 dls, 217 stars)
oblador/react-native-collapsible (1553 dls, 74 stars)
gorangajic/react-icons (1553 dls, 116 stars)
StoneCypher/crap.js (1546 dls, 1 stars)
lemonCMS/redux-form-generator (1544 dls, 8 stars)
tonyspiro/shorti (1543 dls, 9 stars)
avik-das/react-dom-assertion (1543 dls, 2 stars)
christopherdro/react-native-calendar (1543 dls, 57 stars)
hailocab/react-pure (1541 dls, 55 stars)
tomkp/react-calendar-pane (1534 dls, 12 stars)
souporserious/velocitytransitiongroup (1531 dls, 14 stars)
tbleckert/react-select-search (1530 dls, 16 stars)
nnarhinen/react-bootstrap-async-autocomplete (1527 dls, 4 stars)
winjs/react-winjs (1523 dls, 94 stars)
rackerlabs/canon-react (1515 dls, 6 stars)
mull/alt-mutators (1511 dls, 1 stars)
adriantoine/bloql (1505 dls, 7 stars)
Brightspace/react-frau-intl (1503 dls, 0 stars)
rapid7/bix (1503 dls, 1 stars)
soundblogs/react-soundplayer (1501 dls, 663 stars)
marekhrabe/store-subscribe-mixin (1498 dls, 0 stars)
chrisamaral/react-page (1498 dls, 1 stars)
jxnblk/custom-css (1493 dls, 0 stars)
onefinestay/react-respond-to (1492 dls, 19 stars)
thewei/react-native-store (1482 dls, 137 stars)
craftsy/encapsulate (1474 dls, 0 stars)
x-view/x-view (1474 dls, 29 stars)
AllenSH12/react-table-select (1473 dls, 2 stars)
nkbt/react-debounce-input (1468 dls, 11 stars)
stoeffel/react-cond (1468 dls, 130 stars)
jaredly/demobox (1467 dls, 28 stars)
deseretdigital-ui/ddm-rating-widget (1463 dls, 0 stars)
jquense/bill (1451 dls, 4 stars)
adamjmcgrath/react-native-simple-auth (1449 dls, 90 stars)
intljusticemission/react-big-calendar (1449 dls, 93 stars)
arthursantana/gulp-direact (1443 dls, 2 stars)
hackhat/smart-css (1440 dls, 58 stars)
chemzqm/reactive-lite (1438 dls, 0 stars)
ChineseCubes/react-vtt (1438 dls, 6 stars)
apeman-react-labo/apeman-react-html (1437 dls, 0 stars)
jeffcarp/braintree-react (1437 dls, 9 stars)
mbrookes/formsy-material-ui (1435 dls, 30 stars)
keppelen/react-facebook-login (1432 dls, 11 stars)
aksonov/react-native-svg-elements (1428 dls, 26 stars)
golmansax/react-bind-mixin (1426 dls, 2 stars)
apeman-react-labo/apeman-react-spinner (1426 dls, 0 stars)
JedWatson/react-date-select (1421 dls, 89 stars)
rsamec/react-property-editor (1421 dls, 2 stars)
byronmwong/react-flexbox-layout (1420 dls, 12 stars)
glslio/glsl-transition-vignette (1419 dls, 5 stars)
Zinggi/r-animation (1419 dls, 29 stars)
apeman-react-labo/apeman-react-range (1415 dls, 0 stars)
chadly/react-bs-notifier (1413 dls, 4 stars)
enkidevs/react-swipe-to-reveal-options (1411 dls, 13 stars)
Shuangzuan/react-refresh-control (1409 dls, 168 stars)
azazdeaz/react-theme (1404 dls, 27 stars)
toshi0383/ts-react-pager (1404 dls, 3 stars)
dimitrinicolas/cmi (1400 dls, 1 stars)
deepsweet/valya (1399 dls, 59 stars)
teambition/react-lite-misc (1398 dls, 14 stars)
AZaviruha/react-form-generator (1396 dls, 11 stars)
sonyan/react-wysiwyg-editor (1396 dls, 12 stars)
idolize/reactlink-immutable (1394 dls, 15 stars)
teambition/react-lite-audio (1394 dls, 11 stars)
tnrich/react-variable-height-infinite-scroller (1390 dls, 14 stars)
apeman-react-labo/apeman-react-button (1390 dls, 0 stars)
turley/react-native-asciimage (1388 dls, 12 stars)
tjunghans/tag-input (1388 dls, 1 stars)
romainberger/react-portal-tooltip (1387 dls, 3 stars)
lazywei/react-native-device-uuid (1385 dls, 41 stars)
buildo/revenge-react-components (1385 dls, 1 stars)
vasanthk/react-banner-notification (1384 dls, 0 stars)
aaronshaf/react-sortable-item (1382 dls, 5 stars)
colleenjoyce/react-paginator (1380 dls, 25 stars)
jxnblk/react-html (1379 dls, 5 stars)
apeman-react-labo/apeman-react-slider (1377 dls, 0 stars)
AVVS/react-kenburns (1376 dls, 0 stars)
lwansbrough/react-native-markdown (1376 dls, 72 stars)
rexk/mocha-mix (1375 dls, 9 stars)
facebook/react-native-fbsdkshare (1369 dls, 218 stars)
pqx/react-frame (1368 dls, 12 stars)
joeferraro/react-native-cookies (1365 dls, 37 stars)
Laiff/react-font-awesome (1364 dls, 7 stars)
react-d3/react-d3-map (1362 dls, 19 stars)
loggur/babel-plugin-react-error-catcher (1356 dls, 55 stars)
apeman-react-labo/apeman-react-component (1351 dls, 0 stars)
jxnblk/react-geomicons (1348 dls, 29 stars)
EarthlingInteractive/react-deep-link-state (1343 dls, 7 stars)
gearz-lab/react-metaform (1340 dls, 115 stars)
yonatanmn/auto-prefixer (1334 dls, 18 stars)
chrisamaral/formerly (1333 dls, 0 stars)
react-toolbox/toolbox-loader (1328 dls, 12 stars)
bh5-js/cync (1325 dls, 1 stars)
vasanthk/react-banner-notification (1325 dls, 0 stars)
chadpaulson/react-isomorphic-video-game-search (1324 dls, 244 stars)
nihey/react-clipboard.js (1324 dls, 16 stars)
philplckthun/react-compat-component (1322 dls, 39 stars)
romac/react-if (1321 dls, 31 stars)
tgohn/react-listento (1320 dls, 6 stars)
rebeccahughes/react-native-device-info (1318 dls, 66 stars)
uber/react-map-gl (1315 dls, 1174 stars)
anarchicknight/react-native-message-composer (1313 dls, 12 stars)
nsmith7989/redux-filter (1312 dls, 10 stars)
yamill/react-native-orientation (1311 dls, 44 stars)
jrm2k6/react-markdown-editor (1308 dls, 88 stars)
erikschlegel/react-twitter-typeahead (1307 dls, 21 stars)
insin/react-heatpack (1306 dls, 200 stars)
saulhoward/react-evil-icons (1300 dls, 49 stars)
jasonmerino/react-native-simple-store (1297 dls, 60 stars)
iSnifer/react-date-range-picker (1297 dls, 25 stars)
neodon/react-multiselect (1289 dls, 13 stars)
TechnologyAdvice/stardust (1288 dls, 29 stars)
matthewwithanm/react-frozenhead (1283 dls, 44 stars)
zippyui/react-button-group (1282 dls, 4 stars)
tradle/asyncstorage-down (1275 dls, 24 stars)
ahutchings/react-menu-bar (1275 dls, 5 stars)
cssivision/qrcode-react (1274 dls, 3 stars)
morhaus/react-list-view (1270 dls, 33 stars)
wizawu/react-polymer-layout (1269 dls, 2 stars)
justinmakaila/react-native-google-plus-login (1264 dls, 2 stars)
fiatjaf/react-charts-line (1264 dls, 0 stars)
chentsulin/generator-redux-app (1263 dls, 21 stars)
javierbyte/react-number-easing (1261 dls, 47 stars)
aickin/react-dom-stream (1259 dls, 931 stars)
raymondmuller/react-kube (1257 dls, 4 stars)
brijeshb42/kattappa (1255 dls, 67 stars)
rofrischmann/react-layout-components (1254 dls, 64 stars)
snd/react-kup (1252 dls, 18 stars)
damusnet/react-swipe-views (1250 dls, 149 stars)
jquense/topeka (1250 dls, 9 stars)
jquery-support/react-globalize (1250 dls, 13 stars)
dlmanning/cascade (1240 dls, 4 stars)
arqex/react-json (1240 dls, 18 stars)
StevenIseki/react-timer (1237 dls, 5 stars)
vaiRk/responsive-fixed-data-table (1236 dls, 13 stars)
flightjs/flight-with-state (1236 dls, 8 stars)
avocode/react-droparea (1235 dls, 52 stars)
StevenIseki/react-count-down (1232 dls, 3 stars)
ojame/react-scrollbars (1230 dls, 18 stars)
fender-guy/es6-mixins (1229 dls, 5 stars)
prometheusresearch/react-stylesheet (1227 dls, 81 stars)
shibe97/react-awesome-modal (1225 dls, 12 stars)
jacobrosenthal/react-wizard (1223 dls, 19 stars)
FaridSafi/react-native-google-places-autocomplete (1219 dls, 55 stars)
chirag04/react-native-tooltip (1216 dls, 48 stars)
brentvatne/react-native-svg (1215 dls, 236 stars)
Youpinadi/react-image-responsive (1214 dls, 2 stars)
vcarl/vitullo-spinner (1214 dls, 6 stars)
janjakubnanista/svg-jsx-loader (1212 dls, 4 stars)
jossmac/react-images (1212 dls, 70 stars)
vkbansal/react-contextmenu (1212 dls, 13 stars)
lacona/react-lacona (1210 dls, 0 stars)
1j01/react-script (1205 dls, 1 stars)
masotime/dust-react (1204 dls, 2 stars)
JackDanielsAndCode/react-native-multi-slider (1204 dls, 23 stars)
sricho/react-flexboxgrid (1201 dls, 7 stars)
katyo/react-bootstrap-datetime (1194 dls, 4 stars)
awetzel/jsxz (1194 dls, 3 stars)
laurelandwolf/react-routsy (1193 dls, 6 stars)
jessy1092/react-github-fork-ribbon (1191 dls, 11 stars)
naoufal/react-native-progress-hud (1190 dls, 68 stars)
StevenIseki/react-tab-view (1188 dls, 4 stars)
sstate/freighter (1188 dls, 3 stars)
hackingbeauty/youtube-autocomplete (1186 dls, 3 stars)
xudafeng/autoresponsive-react (1183 dls, 454 stars)
react-component/react-colors-picker (1182 dls, 51 stars)
theogravity/generator-react-baseplate (1181 dls, 0 stars)
jussi-kalliokoski/merry-go-round (1181 dls, 13 stars)
ThomWright/react-mainloop (1177 dls, 4 stars)
arnemart/hamburger-basement (1176 dls, 7 stars)
Khan/simple-markdown (1175 dls, 45 stars)
PactCoffee/react-body-classname (1175 dls, 14 stars)
socialtables/react-image-fallback (1175 dls, 7 stars)
yahoo/fluxible-immutable-utils (1174 dls, 21 stars)
koistya/generator-react-static (1173 dls, 437 stars)
jxnblk/react-hsl-sliders (1173 dls, 4 stars)
jxnblk/rebass (1171 dls, 63 stars)
naoufal/react-native-accordion (1169 dls, 70 stars)
node-engine/ne-render (1164 dls, 0 stars)
chcokr/center-aligning-jumbotron (1163 dls, 0 stars)
mapbox/react-range (1162 dls, 6 stars)
OlavHN/react-virtuallist (1161 dls, 4 stars)
BerkeleyTrue/react-material (1161 dls, 325 stars)
steida/react-externs (1160 dls, 50 stars)
jmfurlott/react-styleguide (1157 dls, 59 stars)
MicheleBertoli/react-count-to (1152 dls, 3 stars)
hawkrives/react-list-select (1151 dls, 5 stars)
g0v/react-zh-stroker (1150 dls, 3 stars)
JakeGinnivan/react-popout (1146 dls, 51 stars)
postcss/postcss-js (1145 dls, 117 stars)
jmreidy/react-foundation (1143 dls, 8 stars)
xuluxi/react-datepicker-cn (1142 dls, 1 stars)
jmfurlott/react-viewport (1140 dls, 13 stars)
kaivi/react-edit-inline (1129 dls, 13 stars)
morlay/react-bem-render (1129 dls, 5 stars)
react-component/rc-pager (1128 dls, 11 stars)
stomita/react-lightning-design-system (1127 dls, 32 stars)
frostney/react-native-ibeacon (1126 dls, 79 stars)
lumenlearning/react-expandable-preview (1124 dls, 2 stars)
nicktomlin/react-table (1122 dls, 10 stars)
svenanders/react-grid (1121 dls, 0 stars)
MateusZitelli/react-bar-chart (1118 dls, 7 stars)
dsibiski/react-native-userdefaults-ios (1111 dls, 28 stars)
developerdizzle/react-virtual-list (1107 dls, 118 stars)
chirag04/react-native-mail (1106 dls, 62 stars)
exponentjs/react-native-url-handler (1100 dls, 14 stars)
robmclarty/suggestible-input (1098 dls, 6 stars)
inturn/react-classy (1097 dls, 16 stars)
podio/requirejs-react-jsx (1096 dls, 58 stars)
xtuple/xtuple-react-components (1096 dls, 2 stars)
svenanders/react-iframe (1095 dls, 4 stars)
hulufei/react-sortable-mixin (1094 dls, 20 stars)
teambition/react-lite-textbox (1093 dls, 3 stars)
AndrewGuenther/accelerator (1089 dls, 1 stars)
jsierles/react-native-audio (1089 dls, 73 stars)
pgherveou/builder-react (1087 dls, 2 stars)
fatfisz/grunt-react-renderize (1086 dls, 1 stars)
steadicat/ducts (1084 dls, 3 stars)
zippyui/react-split-button (1083 dls, 3 stars)
stefalda/react-native-localization (1082 dls, 73 stars)
Pomax/react-positionable-component (1082 dls, 13 stars)
chenjiahan/rodal (1081 dls, 40 stars)
rt2zz/react-dumb-modal (1078 dls, 2 stars)
beefe/react-native-picker-android (1076 dls, 4 stars)
brentertz/react-suitcssify (1076 dls, 11 stars)
pirelenito/react-transition (1076 dls, 27 stars)
jordangarcia/nuclear-react-mixin (1074 dls, 4 stars)
Azerothian/reacta (1073 dls, 0 stars)
cirocosta/react-matrix (1071 dls, 5 stars)
xudafeng/autoresponsive-react-native (1071 dls, 457 stars)
vn38minhtran/react-modal-bootstrap (1070 dls, 4 stars)
philcockfield/react-schema (1070 dls, 5 stars)
onefinestay/react-lazy-render (1070 dls, 38 stars)
mikechau/react-mixin-transformer (1069 dls, 5 stars)
Mitranim/atril (1069 dls, 10 stars)
aarongoin/react-flex-component (1069 dls, 11 stars)
wangzuo/react-progress-label (1068 dls, 31 stars)
iodine/react-native-drawer-layout (1068 dls, 84 stars)
appintheair/react-native-looped-carousel (1067 dls, 170 stars)
nulrich/react-native-autocomplete (1065 dls, 55 stars)
mtomcal/super-react (1065 dls, 35 stars)
echenley/chai-equal-jsx (1065 dls, 3 stars)
laem/react-horizontal-bar-chart (1064 dls, 5 stars)
alexkuz/react-bootstrap-breadcrumbs (1064 dls, 5 stars)
ctxhou/react-tabtab (1064 dls, 3 stars)
react-d3/react-d3-zoom (1061 dls, 2 stars)
jiachitor/totoui (1061 dls, 1 stars)
kriasoft/isomorphic-style-loader (1061 dls, 21 stars)
yesvods/react-constant (1060 dls, 6 stars)
jeroencoumans/react-fullscreen-component (1060 dls, 20 stars)
mhart/react-server-routing-example (1058 dls, 122 stars)
LingyuCoder/react-as-textarea (1055 dls, 1 stars)
kotorieclair/kss-jade-react-generator (1053 dls, 3 stars)
gilbox/elegant-react (1052 dls, 46 stars)
ProjectSeptemberInc/gl-react (1050 dls, 370 stars)
patrio/eslint-config-react (1048 dls, 1 stars)
cloudflare/react-modal2 (1047 dls, 11 stars)
Brightspace/react-learning-outcome-description-component (1046 dls, 1 stars)
floatdrop/y-header (1043 dls, 0 stars)
JaapRood/bly (1043 dls, 4 stars)
mikenikles/html-to-react (1042 dls, 36 stars)
ZachBergh/react-table-simple (1042 dls, 0 stars)
guillaumervls/react-ellipsis (1041 dls, 6 stars)
FormidableLabs/radon-select (1040 dls, 3 stars)
peterjuras/slush-react-express (1038 dls, 1 stars)
vn38minhtran/react-notifications (1037 dls, 9 stars)
chenglou/react-placeholder-shim (1034 dls, 4 stars)
zippyui/react-tab-panel (1033 dls, 3 stars)
tjunghans/react-simple-select (1032 dls, 2 stars)
jackmoore/react-sticky-position (1030 dls, 6 stars)
glslio/glsl-transition-vignette-grid (1030 dls, 6 stars)
andrewkeig/react-speech (1026 dls, 8 stars)
freiksenet/react-kinetic (1025 dls, 53 stars)
Radivarig/react-popups (1023 dls, 9 stars)
timfpark/react-native-location (1022 dls, 61 stars)
Julusian/react-bootstrap-switch (1022 dls, 2 stars)
lemonCMS/react-plupload (1012 dls, 3 stars)
Hire-Forms/hire-forms-input (1012 dls, 1 stars)
sarink/react-file-drop (1007 dls, 14 stars)
excellenteasy/react-tile (1006 dls, 2 stars)
athaeryn/react-class-shifter (1005 dls, 2 stars)
blackbing/react-numeral-input (1002 dls, 6 stars)
silentcloud/react-native-page-control (1000 dls, 42 stars)
xudafeng/autoresponsive-common (999 dls, 2 stars)
moroshko/react-autowhatever (999 dls, 5 stars)
Microsoft/react-native-code-push (995 dls, 285 stars)
gilbox/react-imation (995 dls, 41 stars)
unijs/unijs (992 dls, 12 stars)
oreshinya/react-tab-factory (989 dls, 4 stars)
denvned/isomorphic-relay (988 dls, 50 stars)
DropsOfSerenity/react-avatar-cropper (987 dls, 56 stars)
digidem/react-dimensions (986 dls, 16 stars)
sitebase/react-avatar (986 dls, 20 stars)
mboperator/react-notifier (985 dls, 0 stars)
roadmanfong/react-skycons (984 dls, 6 stars)
gregthebusker/replux (984 dls, 8 stars)
sooth-sayer/react-mmmt-swiper (983 dls, 0 stars)
SteveVitali/form-generator-react (981 dls, 447 stars)
gorangajic/react-icon-base (980 dls, 0 stars)
MoOx/statinamic (980 dls, 51 stars)
vakhtang/react-search-bar (978 dls, 20 stars)
puruzio/react-masonry-component-4meteorhacks-npm (977 dls, 0 stars)
johanneshilden/impromptu-react-animated-header (974 dls, 2 stars)
insin/react-router-active-component (973 dls, 21 stars)
skellyb/react-d3-wrap (971 dls, 8 stars)
bdefore/redux-universal-renderer (969 dls, 84 stars)
mzabriskie/react-flipcard (968 dls, 11 stars)
hzdg/react-pressable (968 dls, 9 stars)
sebslomski/react-stats (966 dls, 43 stars)
kyr0/react-es6-commons (966 dls, 1 stars)
andrewkeig/react-speech (966 dls, 7 stars)
elierotenberg/react-defer (966 dls, 15 stars)
anorudes/react-scroll-effects (964 dls, 16 stars)
yomguithereal/react-blessed (961 dls, 840 stars)
Hire-Forms/hire-forms-select (960 dls, 0 stars)
doefler/react-native-social-share (960 dls, 87 stars)
exponentjs/react-native-refreshable-scroll-view (956 dls, 43 stars)
Moosylvania/react-growl (953 dls, 16 stars)
enkidevs/react-tap-to-reveal-options (953 dls, 3 stars)
wmira/react-panel (952 dls, 6 stars)
keithamus/eslint-config-strict-react (951 dls, 6 stars)
zooniverse-ui/modal-form (951 dls, 0 stars)
taion/flux-resource-core (951 dls, 2 stars)
njpatel/component-react (950 dls, 3 stars)
sheebz/react-native-headers (950 dls, 3 stars)
KualiCo/easy-cursors (949 dls, 4 stars)
davidmarkclements/react-number-control (948 dls, 0 stars)
publitas/react-svg-icons (947 dls, 8 stars)
alexdrel/i18n-react (945 dls, 13 stars)
kaesonho/react-i13n-ga (944 dls, 14 stars)
gilbox/react-spark-scroll (943 dls, 91 stars)
KyleAMathews/react-page-width (943 dls, 10 stars)
ziad-saab/react-conditional-component (941 dls, 6 stars)
skuridin/react-medium-spinner (941 dls, 9 stars)
philcockfield/react-middleware (939 dls, 3 stars)
georgeosddev/react-draggable-tab (936 dls, 29 stars)
RealGeeks/react-touch-mixin (934 dls, 0 stars)
vn38minhtran/react-lazysizes (933 dls, 12 stars)
chetanism/react-reflex-layout (930 dls, 1 stars)
lucasferreira/react-native-webview-android (928 dls, 59 stars)
chcokr/stilr-classnames (927 dls, 1 stars)
tomkp/react-tree-pane (927 dls, 2 stars)
artemyarulin/react-native-eval (924 dls, 13 stars)
teambition/react-lite-dropdown (923 dls, 29 stars)
morzzz007/react-tagging (923 dls, 6 stars)
customink/webpack-react-graph (922 dls, 2 stars)
IskenHuang/react-native-scrollview-lazyload (922 dls, 15 stars)
bh5-js/gmaps-places-autocomplete (921 dls, 13 stars)
jhudson8/react-semantic-ui (920 dls, 139 stars)
apeman-react-labo/apeman-react-label (920 dls, 0 stars)
leebenson/babel-preset-node5 (916 dls, 12 stars)
AppHubPlatform/apphub (915 dls, 4 stars)
henrikjoreteg/react-internal-nav (913 dls, 21 stars)
insin/nwb (911 dls, 66 stars)
Quartz/chartbuilder-ui (910 dls, 12 stars)
kamilkp/react-native-file-transfer (910 dls, 57 stars)
jackong/generator-reactapp (907 dls, 0 stars)
Meettya/clinch.jsx (905 dls, 0 stars)
guodong000/react-native-eximage (900 dls, 16 stars)
wmira/react-containers (897 dls, 2 stars)
alexeyraspopov/flux-stateful (896 dls, 22 stars)
Fandora/mdl-react (896 dls, 52 stars)
apeman-react-labo/apeman-react-checkbox (895 dls, 0 stars)
Laiff/react-lensed-state (894 dls, 8 stars)
brentvatne/react-native-debug-stylesheet (893 dls, 23 stars)
rwu823/react-hi-text (893 dls, 8 stars)
brentvatne/react-native-status-bar-size (892 dls, 25 stars)
jeanregisser/react-native-slider (892 dls, 83 stars)
jrowny/react-absolute-grid (889 dls, 379 stars)
Demi-IO/automata-canvas (889 dls, 1 stars)
jakemhiller/velocity-transition-group (889 dls, 9 stars)
regou/justore (887 dls, 3 stars)
snowkeeper/tag-search (886 dls, 2 stars)
eface2face/jquery-widget-compiler (885 dls, 0 stars)
oblador/react-native-lightbox (884 dls, 194 stars)
oncletom/imager.jsx (881 dls, 20 stars)
apeman-react-labo/apeman-react-body (880 dls, 0 stars)
seeden/react-google-publisher-tag (880 dls, 3 stars)
gre/glsl-uniforms-editor (880 dls, 5 stars)
choonkending/react-webpack-node (878 dls, 439 stars)
TheRealest/eventful-react (877 dls, 11 stars)
apeman-react-labo/apeman-react-head (875 dls, 0 stars)
tmcw/react-pure-render-debug (873 dls, 23 stars)
xyc/react-object-inspector (871 dls, 119 stars)
taion/flux-resource-marty (871 dls, 11 stars)
chemzqm/list-render (871 dls, 1 stars)
omaksi/react-grid-components (870 dls, 5 stars)
alexcurtis/react-treebeard (870 dls, 286 stars)
Adphorus/react-date-range (869 dls, 455 stars)
zzish/react-latex (869 dls, 4 stars)
seokgyo/react-cloudinary (865 dls, 3 stars)
Fauntleroy/react-simple-dropdown (864 dls, 4 stars)
KyleAMathews/react-ghost-button (863 dls, 3 stars)
kevnz/react-form-elements (863 dls, 5 stars)
michalkvasnicak/stylo (862 dls, 0 stars)
khirayama/micro-store (862 dls, 2 stars)
oblador/react-native-progress (861 dls, 77 stars)
AlexanderZaytsev/react-native-i18n (861 dls, 41 stars)
davidtheclark/react-aria-modal (860 dls, 19 stars)
oblador/react-native-image-progress (860 dls, 88 stars)
craigbilner/react-component-tester (860 dls, 6 stars)
dptoot/react-event-calendar (858 dls, 16 stars)
jmstout/react-native-viewport-units (858 dls, 31 stars)
maxs15/react-native-spinkit (857 dls, 85 stars)
krasimir/react-place (857 dls, 38 stars)
avocode/react-shortcuts (856 dls, 39 stars)
teambition/react-lite-layered (855 dls, 11 stars)
eduedix/react-native-networking (854 dls, 36 stars)
hzdg/react-loadqueueloader (851 dls, 7 stars)
veddermatic/react-native-multipicker (848 dls, 26 stars)
FormidableLabs/victory-pie (848 dls, 25 stars)
cshenoy/react-sod (847 dls, 0 stars)
keithamus/eslint-config-strict-react (846 dls, 6 stars)
BurntCaramel/flambeau (846 dls, 20 stars)
stipsan/uikit-react (846 dls, 16 stars)
andyyou/react-coverflow (846 dls, 37 stars)
blackbing/react-ajaxing (845 dls, 1 stars)
pluralsight/react-styleable (844 dls, 76 stars)
blockai/react-published-images-list (844 dls, 0 stars)
matnel/react-map (842 dls, 34 stars)
fiskus/gregory (841 dls, 2 stars)
merri/react-tabbordion (839 dls, 23 stars)
teambition/react-lite-layered (837 dls, 11 stars)
ali322/ya-ui (837 dls, 0 stars)
minutemailer/react-popup (836 dls, 14 stars)
Lapple/react-transitive-number (836 dls, 102 stars)
clalimarmo/coherence (835 dls, 3 stars)
apeman-react-labo/apeman-react-password (834 dls, 0 stars)
darylrowland/react-native-remote-push (833 dls, 83 stars)
thebeansgroup/tbg_media_query (833 dls, 0 stars)
bang88/generator-react-console (833 dls, 2 stars)
pjjanak/react-native-nested-stylesheet (832 dls, 29 stars)
alexfedoseev/generator-flux-on-rails (830 dls, 104 stars)
jugoncalves/made-with-heart (829 dls, 19 stars)
nobitagit/react-mfb (827 dls, 34 stars)
jsdf/react-ratchet (827 dls, 56 stars)
gearz-lab/reactui (826 dls, 11 stars)
MitMaro/react-jest-util (823 dls, 1 stars)
timnew/react-fa-icon (822 dls, 4 stars)
fraserxu/react-barchart-envelope (822 dls, 2 stars)
rkit/react-select2-wrapper (822 dls, 7 stars)
StevenIseki/react-table-view (822 dls, 5 stars)
lanetix/react-jwt-store (821 dls, 4 stars)
levitanong/popeye (820 dls, 1 stars)
mlaursen/react-dd-menu (818 dls, 13 stars)
FaridSafi/react-native-gifted-spinner (817 dls, 15 stars)
ikr/react-room-occupancy-input (816 dls, 0 stars)
mukeshsoni/react-photo-grid (816 dls, 18 stars)
ssorallen/turbo-react (813 dls, 162 stars)
cezary/react-forecast (813 dls, 6 stars)
apeman-react-labo/apeman-react-radio (813 dls, 0 stars)
dialelo/react-kurtsore (812 dls, 8 stars)
bapmrl/bapmrl-react-autocomplete (810 dls, 2 stars)
acdlite/relay-sink (809 dls, 80 stars)
Driftt/react-redirect (808 dls, 18 stars)
oojr/react-native-battery (808 dls, 3 stars)
jquense/teaspoon (808 dls, 55 stars)
suisho/react-auto-kana (807 dls, 1 stars)
reployapp/react-native-versions (807 dls, 49 stars)
chymtt/react-native-dropdown-android (806 dls, 22 stars)
NuCivic/react-nvd3 (806 dls, 26 stars)
DominicTobias/react-image-crop (805 dls, 67 stars)
tleunen/react-gist (804 dls, 6 stars)
xpepermint/react-routes (804 dls, 3 stars)
kyasu1/simple-react-datepicker (803 dls, 0 stars)
vramana/react-flex-slick (803 dls, 14 stars)
chrisdevereux/react-build (802 dls, 1 stars)
andreaskeller/react-native-audioplayer (801 dls, 23 stars)
mapbox/cooltip (801 dls, 5 stars)
wiredmax/react-flags (800 dls, 9 stars)
zackify/react-fetch (796 dls, 18 stars)
skidding/react-class-name (796 dls, 0 stars)
ngerritsen/react-stateless-wrapper (795 dls, 4 stars)
pressly/scene-router (794 dls, 11 stars)
APSL/apsl-react-native-button (790 dls, 37 stars)
broucz/react-inline-grid (788 dls, 113 stars)
henriquea/webpack-react-starter (787 dls, 10 stars)
kodyl/flint-stilr (786 dls, 163 stars)
jarsbe/react-test-unit (786 dls, 2 stars)
danscan/rn-redux-mixpanel (785 dls, 12 stars)
tomkp/react-auto-suggest (785 dls, 4 stars)
guodong000/react-native-custom-actsheet (783 dls, 17 stars)
instructure-react/react-publish-toggle (783 dls, 1 stars)
chentsulin/sweetalert-react (782 dls, 13 stars)
badeball/xpath-react (781 dls, 8 stars)
nkbt/react-text-filter (781 dls, 9 stars)
silentcloud/react-native-clipboard (781 dls, 22 stars)
turrisjs/generator-turris-component (781 dls, 11 stars)
elierotenberg/gulp-react-rails-style (777 dls, 0 stars)
nkbt/flux-common-store (777 dls, 1 stars)
uxcore/uxcore-form (776 dls, 2 stars)
schiehll/react-alert (776 dls, 6 stars)
oblador/react-native-animatable (774 dls, 191 stars)
kossnocorp/enso (773 dls, 5 stars)
appsforartists/autoprefix-style-prop (773 dls, 5 stars)
cloudflare/react-gateway (772 dls, 8 stars)
formly-js/react-formly (772 dls, 47 stars)
Blackening999/react-calendar-flexible (771 dls, 1 stars)
davidmason/retap (771 dls, 1 stars)
jimzhan/generator-alt (770 dls, 11 stars)
unsworn/react-cloudinary-image (770 dls, 0 stars)
rexxars/react-layout-pack (769 dls, 44 stars)
jasonslyvia/react-lifecycle (768 dls, 21 stars)
jasonslyvia/react-lazyload (763 dls, 19 stars)
hashobject/react-count (763 dls, 14 stars)
ShinyChang/react-text-truncate (760 dls, 15 stars)
joshwnj/react-plain-table (759 dls, 3 stars)
maxguzenski/react-easy-style (759 dls, 70 stars)
yuanyan/react-ajax (758 dls, 53 stars)
timnew/reactx (758 dls, 11 stars)
AndrewHathaway/react-sortable-data-mixin (757 dls, 9 stars)
rexxars/react-element-pan (756 dls, 19 stars)
bdefore/universal-redux (756 dls, 84 stars)
vweevers/reactive-touch (753 dls, 0 stars)
maxwellhealth/react-table-acula (751 dls, 6 stars)
superdami/react-native-custom-navigation (750 dls, 95 stars)
Ambroos/react-nested-status (749 dls, 3 stars)
oney/react-native-webrtc (748 dls, 62 stars)
kjda/react-topui (748 dls, 72 stars)
jossmac/react-blink (747 dls, 19 stars)
shakacode/mirror-creator (747 dls, 2 stars)
Faithlife/generator-faithlife-app (747 dls, 0 stars)
alinz/react-native-dropdown (745 dls, 60 stars)
ganeshp0001/react-sortable-mixin2 (744 dls, 0 stars)
jide/react-imageblurloader (743 dls, 2 stars)
alex1712/react-conditions (743 dls, 4 stars)
apeman-react-labo/apeman-react-text (742 dls, 0 stars)
johanneslumpe/react-native-selectablesectionlistview (742 dls, 58 stars)
vn38minhtran/react-photoswipe (741 dls, 14 stars)
kirjs/react-presentation (740 dls, 3 stars)
eccenca/react-ace-wrapper (740 dls, 6 stars)
mikamaunula/react-material-icons (740 dls, 6 stars)
evindor/directions-transition-group (740 dls, 1 stars)
felixrieseberg/react-spreadsheet-component (739 dls, 164 stars)
bloodyowl/react-media-queries (736 dls, 40 stars)
iam4x/connect-alt (734 dls, 6 stars)
roman01la/react-a11y-video (734 dls, 8 stars)
larsvinter/react-native-awesome-button (734 dls, 26 stars)
cezary/react-diff (734 dls, 37 stars)
Meettya/clinch.csbx (733 dls, 0 stars)
greenish/react-mount (732 dls, 126 stars)
doodzik/hydraulik (732 dls, 3 stars)
nkt/react-icon (731 dls, 8 stars)
lwansbrough/react-native-progress-bar (731 dls, 63 stars)
vn38minhtran/react-sortable-component (727 dls, 2 stars)
jhen0409/react-chrome-extension-boilerplate (726 dls, 68 stars)
rt2zz/react-sticker (725 dls, 12 stars)
sergiodxa/react-simple-modal (725 dls, 4 stars)
ZeroarcSoftware/carbondream (724 dls, 11 stars)
blackjk3/react-signature-pad (724 dls, 9 stars)
rstacruz/uflux (724 dls, 19 stars)
iam4x/react-btn-checkbox (723 dls, 11 stars)
chirag04/react-native-in-app-utils (722 dls, 55 stars)
whoisandie/react-blocks (721 dls, 76 stars)
lingochamp/react-qiniu (721 dls, 13 stars)
paramaggarwal/react-native-youtube (721 dls, 63 stars)
roylee0704/react-flexbox-grid (718 dls, 23 stars)
AnSavvides/d3act (718 dls, 199 stars)
johanneshilden/impromptu-react-sidemenu (717 dls, 5 stars)
loggur/react-redux-provide (715 dls, 45 stars)
seanadkinson/react-chartjs-commonjs (713 dls, 2 stars)
syrusakbary/react-native-refresher (711 dls, 154 stars)
aputinski/react-navigation-controller (709 dls, 22 stars)
exponentjs/react-native-link (709 dls, 4 stars)
kirkness/react-native-swift-socketio (708 dls, 56 stars)
brianshaler/reactive-data (706 dls, 0 stars)
DickyT/react-native-tabbar-navigator (705 dls, 27 stars)
AlexMost/grunt-react-render (704 dls, 5 stars)
Lapple/react-input-datalist (703 dls, 4 stars)
tradle/react-native-level (700 dls, 26 stars)
realtime-framework/react-native-realtimemessaging-ios (700 dls, 12 stars)
apeman-react-labo/apeman-react-accordion (700 dls, 0 stars)
TylerLH/react-native-timeago (700 dls, 50 stars)
fcomb/react-f-ui-modal (698 dls, 16 stars)
PrazAs/react-native-charts (698 dls, 19 stars)
bruderstein/unexpected-react (698 dls, 28 stars)
MonstroThemes/directive-components (698 dls, 7 stars)
ideal-react/auto-ellipsis (696 dls, 6 stars)
makotot/react-scrollspy (696 dls, 6 stars)
pivotal-cf/pui-react-select-fancy (696 dls, 93 stars)
twobucks/react-gcaptcha (694 dls, 9 stars)
hongymagic/react-collapsible-mixin (694 dls, 0 stars)
pughpugh/react-countdown-clock (693 dls, 19 stars)
radubrehar/react-check3 (692 dls, 0 stars)
nkbt/react-text-filter (691 dls, 9 stars)
cokeSchlumpf/react-flatui (691 dls, 6 stars)
LegitTalon/fluxible-plugin-react-router (690 dls, 1 stars)
nathanstitt/dayz (690 dls, 9 stars)
tangrammer/tangrammer-react-bootstrap (690 dls, 0 stars)
KodersLab/react-native-for-web (689 dls, 112 stars)
soldotno/react-component-empty (687 dls, 0 stars)
khirayama/micro-emitter (684 dls, 4 stars)
daviferreira/react-sanfona (681 dls, 38 stars)
chrishale/docpad-plugin-react (681 dls, 2 stars)
BenNG/burner-speech (681 dls, 2 stars)
naoufal/react-progress-hud (681 dls, 3 stars)
TransferGo/react-subrouter (680 dls, 1 stars)
jpadilla1/react-pr-map (680 dls, 2 stars)
seethroughtrees/react-wufoo-embed (678 dls, 0 stars)
gajus/react-outside-event (676 dls, 12 stars)
joshwnj/react-up (675 dls, 7 stars)
mapbox/react-submittable (675 dls, 6 stars)
loggur/react-redux-provide (674 dls, 45 stars)
Hire-Forms/hire-forms-options (668 dls, 0 stars)
andornaut/react-keybinding-mixin (668 dls, 3 stars)
yuchi/react-titanium (666 dls, 90 stars)
nsisodiya/react-json-viewer (666 dls, 41 stars)
kauffecup/react-bubble-chart (666 dls, 11 stars)
gragland/instatype (665 dls, 27 stars)
adamrneary/react-markdown-file (664 dls, 1 stars)
alexkuz/markdown-react-js (664 dls, 20 stars)
TYRONEMICHAEL/react-component-boilerplate (664 dls, 24 stars)
jl-/react-slide-deck (664 dls, 9 stars)
kristoferjoseph/react-shallow-component (663 dls, 0 stars)
jmreidy/react-combobox (662 dls, 4 stars)
jprichardson/react-qr (661 dls, 2 stars)
thewei/react-native-navigator (660 dls, 30 stars)
svenanders/react-editable-div (660 dls, 4 stars)
sambernard/react-preload (660 dls, 10 stars)
uken/react-countdown-timer (659 dls, 12 stars)
toxicFork/react-three-renderer (657 dls, 202 stars)
khanghoang/sidemenu (655 dls, 39 stars)
dgellow/react-tinderable (655 dls, 27 stars)
eliseumds/react-paginate-component (653 dls, 9 stars)
jxnblk/rgx (652 dls, 108 stars)
wongherlung/react-resizable-component (652 dls, 2 stars)
qwikly/react-native-router-redux (652 dls, 120 stars)
insin/react-plain-editable (650 dls, 14 stars)
alexkuz/cake-chart (650 dls, 128 stars)
youngerheart/react-daterangepicker (649 dls, 2 stars)
cssivision/react-native-qrcode (649 dls, 6 stars)
szarouski/sourcejs-react (648 dls, 4 stars)
pivotal-cf/pui-react-stream-list (648 dls, 93 stars)
yelled3/react-native-google-static-map (647 dls, 11 stars)
Intellicode/react-native-bridgeable-webview (646 dls, 2 stars)
Charityware/luxo (644 dls, 3 stars)
llanox/react-native-draggable-drawer (643 dls, 7 stars)
sunnylqm/react-native-storage (643 dls, 42 stars)
doctolib/react-observable-mixin (642 dls, 4 stars)
MooCommerce/moo-react-pagination (639 dls, 2 stars)
asbjornenge/react-ignore-unmounted-mixin (638 dls, 3 stars)
pepjo/react-tabs-navigation (638 dls, 4 stars)
ngokevin/react-router-reverse (638 dls, 12 stars)
radubrehar/react-slide (637 dls, 1 stars)
nnarhinen/react-bootstrap-calendar (636 dls, 10 stars)
magalhas/react-cli (636 dls, 3 stars)
alinz/react-native-tabbar (635 dls, 26 stars)
young/react-animated-label (634 dls, 3 stars)
Hire-Forms/hire-forms-select-list (632 dls, 0 stars)
DriveWealth/gulp-react-native-stylesheet-css (631 dls, 14 stars)
bvaughn/react-virtualized (631 dls, 478 stars)
danielearwicker/kor-react (631 dls, 0 stars)
malte-wessel/react-formalize (630 dls, 2 stars)
maxs15/react-native-screcorder (630 dls, 52 stars)
bfollington/react-es7-mixin (628 dls, 3 stars)
daviferreira/react-sanfona (628 dls, 37 stars)
MattMcFarland/react-markdown-area (627 dls, 22 stars)
nikvm/material-design-react (627 dls, 32 stars)
MandarinConLaBarba/react-tweenable (626 dls, 5 stars)
soliury/react-native-html-render (625 dls, 13 stars)
ppoliani/react-tinycolorpicker (624 dls, 0 stars)
uiureo/react-overflow-tooltip (623 dls, 2 stars)
jzlxiaohei/zlux (622 dls, 6 stars)
lanetix/react-swal (621 dls, 0 stars)
okcoker/grunt-svg-react-component (621 dls, 5 stars)
pivotal-cf/pui-react-select-fancy (620 dls, 93 stars)
tsunammis/react-form-validator (619 dls, 0 stars)
Wildhoney/keo (618 dls, 14 stars)
cef62/redux-component-state (617 dls, 12 stars)
voronianski/react-pikaday-component (617 dls, 12 stars)
asm-products/react-spreadsheet (617 dls, 18 stars)
xcatliu/react-select-pinyin (615 dls, 14 stars)
jameswomack/modcss (615 dls, 10 stars)
tradle/react-native-level-fs (615 dls, 5 stars)
leonidasesteban/react-simple-countdown (614 dls, 2 stars)
apeman-react-labo/apeman-react-header (614 dls, 1 stars)
anmi/react-rich-text-template (614 dls, 1 stars)
oblador/react-native-parallax (611 dls, 75 stars)
chenxsan/cs-react-pager (609 dls, 1 stars)
patw0929/react-twzipcode (608 dls, 2 stars)
jakubzloczewski/react-steps (608 dls, 18 stars)
TalkingBibles/react-readalong-component (608 dls, 2 stars)
onefold/react-native-chart (608 dls, 167 stars)
iceddev/remark (607 dls, 5 stars)
tdzl2003/redux-viewmodel (607 dls, 22 stars)
zodiac-xl/react-nest-link-state (606 dls, 0 stars)
uxcore/uxcore-button (605 dls, 0 stars)
gilbox/react-native-masked-view (604 dls, 18 stars)
bobiblazeski/react-3d-carousel (604 dls, 22 stars)
aduth/react-gettext (604 dls, 9 stars)
ninja/ruto (603 dls, 3 stars)
callum/react-text-sample-component (603 dls, 1 stars)
nfl/react-wildcat-prefetch (602 dls, 55 stars)
daviferreira/react-viewport-slider (601 dls, 20 stars)
atomicjolt/atomic-form (601 dls, 2 stars)
yuanyan/react-mq (600 dls, 15 stars)
yahoo/scrollable (600 dls, 28 stars)
Zemelia/express-react-view-engine (600 dls, 3 stars)
sghiassy/react-native-sglistview (599 dls, 118 stars)
Laiff/react-fantasy (599 dls, 1 stars)
KyleAMathews/react-icon-factory (599 dls, 48 stars)
antoinejaussoin/react-vr-player (597 dls, 1 stars)
boyw165/react-ui-layers-panel (597 dls, 1 stars)
iceddev/remark (596 dls, 5 stars)
pivotal-cf/pui-react-stream-list (596 dls, 93 stars)
necolas/react-native-web (595 dls, 660 stars)
jhudson8/react-css-builder (595 dls, 15 stars)
nordnet/react-bem-grid (595 dls, 10 stars)
SamLebarbare/redux-theme (595 dls, 38 stars)
apptailor/react-native-google-signin (594 dls, 33 stars)
knomedia/originate-react-component (594 dls, 1 stars)
HurricaneJames/react-action-tabs (593 dls, 2 stars)
nkbt/react-page-click (592 dls, 18 stars)
oncletom/react-inliner (592 dls, 5 stars)
kofno/date-pikinator (591 dls, 0 stars)
jostw/react-tinyscrollbar (590 dls, 0 stars)
emilmork/react-miniflow (588 dls, 0 stars)
itsh01/react-dragdrop (588 dls, 6 stars)
voronianski/react-native-effects-view (587 dls, 103 stars)
soliury/gulp-react-native-css (587 dls, 22 stars)
pwmckenna/react-validator-prop-types (586 dls, 14 stars)
eknuth/redux-devtools-bubbles-monitor (586 dls, 40 stars)
publitas/svg-to-react (585 dls, 4 stars)
alansouzati/jsx-to-string (585 dls, 2 stars)
saebekassebil/react-counter (581 dls, 5 stars)
jeanregisser/react-native-popover (581 dls, 70 stars)
socialtables/react-infinity-menu (580 dls, 6 stars)
FunctionFoundry/react-table-for-bootstrap (580 dls, 1 stars)
sconxu/react-native-checkbox (580 dls, 9 stars)
Iliker/react-native-loading-effect (580 dls, 8 stars)
react-component/rc-cascade-select (580 dls, 6 stars)
kfatehi/react-bull (579 dls, 4 stars)
strml/react-router-component-transition (579 dls, 155 stars)
wenkesj/react-native-routes (579 dls, 9 stars)
leftstick/generator-material-react (577 dls, 6 stars)
DariaP/ngraph.react (577 dls, 1 stars)
luqin/react-component-tools (576 dls, 3 stars)
sloppylopez/slush-jspm-react-seed (575 dls, 1 stars)
bh5-pods/react-native-gcm (575 dls, 34 stars)
waynelkh/react-sweetalert (575 dls, 4 stars)
xeodou/react-native-player (574 dls, 18 stars)
ryanmcgrath/react-iconpack (573 dls, 13 stars)
vpavkin/flux-tree (573 dls, 4 stars)
zackify/react-slug (573 dls, 16 stars)
booxood/react-native-file-upload (571 dls, 29 stars)
uxcore/uxcore-select2 (571 dls, 0 stars)
uxcore/uxcore-grid (570 dls, 0 stars)
philcockfield/react-atoms (568 dls, 0 stars)
pwmckenna/react-native-motion-manager (565 dls, 53 stars)
mlrawlings/express-iso-react-views (565 dls, 1 stars)
momentumft/chai-react-assertions (565 dls, 5 stars)
aakashns/react-native-dialogs (565 dls, 49 stars)
apeman-react-labo/apeman-react-theme (564 dls, 0 stars)
leoasis/react-sound (564 dls, 10 stars)
JeanLebrument/react-native-fabric-digits (561 dls, 20 stars)
gearz-lab/statefy (561 dls, 3 stars)
yordis/generator-react-ui-component (561 dls, 6 stars)
coma/react-teleport (560 dls, 3 stars)
tylerdavis/rails-react-components (559 dls, 1 stars)
yiminghe/react-data-binding (559 dls, 7 stars)
react-component/react-scoped-style (558 dls, 12 stars)
jackmoore/react-control (558 dls, 2 stars)
jhsware/protoncms-core (557 dls, 0 stars)
islate/react-native-eupage (557 dls, 10 stars)
MateusZitelli/react-pie (556 dls, 3 stars)
jameslnewell/react-testutils-query (556 dls, 0 stars)
teambition/router-view (556 dls, 4 stars)
MandarinConLaBarba/react-jsx-view (555 dls, 0 stars)
spudly/react-viewport-mixin (555 dls, 7 stars)
BBB/ (555 dls, 22 stars)
mastermoo/react-native-action-button (553 dls, 83 stars)
taskrabbit/react-native-parsed-text (553 dls, 59 stars)
tjunghans/react-tag-suggest (552 dls, 1 stars)
taskworld/react-overlay-popup (552 dls, 5 stars)
ohall/react-pong (551 dls, 18 stars)
brownieboy/react-bootstrap-native-slider (551 dls, 6 stars)
yeojz/data-calendar (549 dls, 6 stars)
binggg/react-native-material-design-styles (548 dls, 22 stars)
dogfessional/react-touchable (548 dls, 5 stars)
are-are-/react-defer-image (548 dls, 0 stars)
mathieumg/react-bootstrap-components (547 dls, 2 stars)
Iragne/react-native-app-info (546 dls, 9 stars)
AdeleD/react-select-multiple (545 dls, 1 stars)
davidtheclark/react-aria-tabpanel (544 dls, 16 stars)
0rangeT1ger/react-form-validate (543 dls, 2 stars)
davidchin/react-input-range (543 dls, 7 stars)
cokeSchlumpf/react-flexbox-ui (542 dls, 2 stars)
systeminsights/react-contrib-kefir (542 dls, 0 stars)
MikaelCarpenter/gb-native-router (541 dls, 38 stars)
volkanunsal/folio-leaflet (540 dls, 1 stars)
yahoo/react-cartographer (540 dls, 28 stars)
fedosejev/react-file-drag-and-drop (540 dls, 0 stars)
originalmachine/react-views (539 dls, 2 stars)
davidtheclark/focus-trap-react (538 dls, 5 stars)
coma/react-socket (537 dls, 13 stars)
cedricdelpoux/react-simple-tooltip (536 dls, 1 stars)
threepointone/react-superagent (536 dls, 16 stars)
enkidevs/react-segmented-control (535 dls, 5 stars)
adamrneary/react-gist-embed (534 dls, 2 stars)
steadicat/react-rebound (534 dls, 2 stars)
wescravens/class-decorators (534 dls, 0 stars)
appsforartists/gravel (534 dls, 9 stars)
haoqiang/react-validate-decorator (533 dls, 7 stars)
reduct/nodeproto (533 dls, 5 stars)
necolas/react-native-web (533 dls, 652 stars)
steadicat/stylistic-elements (533 dls, 1 stars)
rolandpoulter/mach-react (533 dls, 5 stars)
tallstreet/react-colorpicker-updated (532 dls, 0 stars)
dotlabel/dlr-list-filter (532 dls, 1 stars)
pwbrown/react-native-slidable-tab-bar (531 dls, 8 stars)
xicombd/react-mobiscroll (531 dls, 6 stars)
denvned/isomorphic-relay-router (529 dls, 16 stars)
souporserious/react-dately (528 dls, 6 stars)
RumbleInc/react-styler (528 dls, 5 stars)
LaustAxelsen/react-lightbox (527 dls, 3 stars)
stephengrider/ampersand-fetch (527 dls, 1 stars)
babel/babel-plugin-transform-react-jsx-compat (527 dls, 12309 stars)
nygardk/react-share (527 dls, 10 stars)
sean-clayton/react-stackoverflow-profile (526 dls, 2 stars)
bulenttastan/react-native-list-popover (526 dls, 38 stars)
jasonslyvia/react-analyzer (525 dls, 1 stars)
gilbox/react-track (523 dls, 48 stars)
pwmckenna/react-native-activity-indicator-ios (522 dls, 5 stars)
ryandao/dust-react-helper (522 dls, 2 stars)
pluralsight/redux-react-connector (522 dls, 22 stars)
Lapple/react-box (521 dls, 2 stars)
wali-s/ga-react-router-component (521 dls, 0 stars)
marnusw/fluxible-plugin-react-perf (520 dls, 3 stars)
belongco/react-multi-select-dropdown (518 dls, 2 stars)
DavidBrear/sort-table (518 dls, 0 stars)
Doist/react-selector (515 dls, 2 stars)
plouc/react-svg-buttons (515 dls, 28 stars)
ngokevin/react-file-reader-input (514 dls, 6 stars)
LingyuCoder/react-as-event-mixin (512 dls, 1 stars)
contra/hymn (512 dls, 19 stars)
mvader/react-pagination (511 dls, 2 stars)
mattludwigs/generator-react-redux-kit (510 dls, 8 stars)
tommy351/react-form-input (508 dls, 1 stars)
debitoor/dot-prop-immutable (508 dls, 1 stars)
OlavHN/react-paper (508 dls, 11 stars)
StevenIseki/react-sortable-list (507 dls, 5 stars)
arqex/react-json-table (505 dls, 13 stars)
edenspiekermann/faster-react-tabs (505 dls, 22 stars)
pekim/react-cursor-mixin (504 dls, 0 stars)
fisshy/honzasusek-react-scroll (503 dls, 104 stars)
martinrosenbergstrv/react-tel-input (503 dls, 0 stars)
shalstvedt/react-infinite-extended (503 dls, 2 stars)
eyaleizenberg/react-native-floating-label-text-input (502 dls, 48 stars)
macropodhq/macropod-tools (502 dls, 6 stars)
botify-labs/react-classmap (501 dls, 25 stars)
binggg/mrn (500 dls, 823 stars)
tirdadc/tannen.js (499 dls, 7 stars)
sairion/svg-inline-react (499 dls, 7 stars)
gilbox/react-stateful-stream (498 dls, 4 stars)
LingyuCoder/react-as-tagfield (498 dls, 2 stars)
teambition/react-lite-coder (498 dls, 6 stars)
nlhkh/react-semantic-modal (497 dls, 4 stars)
marty-wang/react-native-toolkit (497 dls, 16 stars)
FredericHeem/generator-starhackit (497 dls, 384 stars)
andrewhathaway/winterfell (496 dls, 287 stars)
bkonkle/jsx-chai (496 dls, 6 stars)
pjjanak/react-native-viewport (495 dls, 35 stars)
jmstout/react-native-touchable-set-active (495 dls, 12 stars)
walmartreact/component-scan (495 dls, 2 stars)
philcockfield/react-object (493 dls, 1 stars)
hongchae/react-copyable (491 dls, 1 stars)
mattferrin/rcss-grid (491 dls, 1 stars)
ngokevin/redux-raven-middleware (489 dls, 16 stars)
mweststrate/mobservable-react-devtools (489 dls, 8 stars)
javierbyte/react-statevalidator (489 dls, 0 stars)
dylanmackenzie/react-mutable-list (489 dls, 3 stars)
rt2zz/react-native-contacts (489 dls, 40 stars)
iam4x/isomorphic-flux-boilerplate (488 dls, 588 stars)
walmartreact/babel-plugin-react-cssmoduleify (488 dls, 25 stars)
hellocreep/react-labels-input (488 dls, 0 stars)
jsdf/inspect-react-element (488 dls, 1 stars)
JimmyMakesThings/react-cloudinary-img (488 dls, 7 stars)
danielmeneses/react-server-render (487 dls, 0 stars)
vslinko/react-observable (486 dls, 1 stars)
moodysalem/react-backstrap (486 dls, 1 stars)
instructure-react/react-tray (485 dls, 9 stars)
react-photonkit/react-photonkit (485 dls, 16 stars)
hwstovall/easy-day (485 dls, 0 stars)
neptunian/react-photo-gallery (484 dls, 15 stars)
skiano/react-layout-factory (484 dls, 2 stars)
ziad-saab/react-boolean-checkbox (483 dls, 0 stars)
pressly/react-native-radio-button-classic (482 dls, 14 stars)
naoufal/react-native-safari-view (481 dls, 57 stars)
polytypic/bacon.react (480 dls, 2 stars)
flosse/react-vm-flower (480 dls, 0 stars)
teambition/react-lite-markdown (479 dls, 1 stars)
steadicat/stylistic (479 dls, 0 stars)
whoisandie/react-rangeslider (479 dls, 28 stars)
wookiehangover/react-stendig-calendar (478 dls, 0 stars)
mauricedb/react-splitter (476 dls, 0 stars)
pirosikick/on-resize (475 dls, 2 stars)
shovon/react-input-textarea (475 dls, 1 stars)
mhart/simple-relay-starter (474 dls, 51 stars)
wmira/react-viewpager (474 dls, 2 stars)
KingHenne/react-common (473 dls, 0 stars)
vgno/roc-web-react (472 dls, 3 stars)
echenley/karma-chai-equal-jsx (472 dls, 0 stars)
aaronksaunders/react-native-reverse-geo (469 dls, 8 stars)
jsifalda/react-taplink (469 dls, 0 stars)
linmic/react-simple-rating (468 dls, 3 stars)
linmxy/react-component-kit (468 dls, 3 stars)
Hire-Forms/hire-forms-textarea (467 dls, 0 stars)
alinz/react-native-scene-manager (467 dls, 1 stars)
Skookum/react-autodoc (466 dls, 8 stars)
wizawu/global-react (465 dls, 0 stars)
tomkp/react-tab-pane (464 dls, 7 stars)
aickin/functional-react (463 dls, 11 stars)
ilansas/react-native-navigation-drawer (463 dls, 32 stars)
uxcore/uxcore-pagination (462 dls, 0 stars)
gfazioli/react-switch-button (462 dls, 21 stars)
foomorrow/realloc (460 dls, 8 stars)
carlsverre/react-outlet (459 dls, 25 stars)
tameraydin/generator-react-hot-component (459 dls, 7 stars)
stanleycyang/hippy (458 dls, 1 stars)
wizawu/react-popup-menu (458 dls, 0 stars)
exponentjs/react-native-util (458 dls, 1 stars)
gajus/react-youtube-player (457 dls, 6 stars)
Diokuz/react-baron (456 dls, 0 stars)
matthewcheok/rebels (456 dls, 2 stars)
peterKaleta/react-token-autocomplete (455 dls, 59 stars)
thewei/react-native-immutable (455 dls, 8 stars)
mderrick/react-html5video (454 dls, 30 stars)
iceddev/react-material-design-lite (453 dls, 31 stars)
evanrs/react-analytics (452 dls, 2 stars)
socialtables/react-user-tour (452 dls, 24 stars)
CherrySoftware/react-translate-maker (451 dls, 3 stars)
gre/bezier-easing-picker (450 dls, 1 stars)
adamziel/react-router-named-routes (450 dls, 14 stars)
mgutz/react-es5-component (450 dls, 0 stars)
invertase/react-autocompleter (447 dls, 2 stars)
Youpinadi/react-image-placeholder (447 dls, 15 stars)
iceddev/react-material-design-lite (447 dls, 31 stars)
bharani91/react-select-popover (446 dls, 40 stars)
leecade/react-native-alert (446 dls, 2 stars)
kako0507/react-scroll-selectable (445 dls, 3 stars)
unbracketed/react-debug-mixin (444 dls, 3 stars)
Purii/react-native-adbannerview (444 dls, 14 stars)
dbachko/react-month-calendar (443 dls, 0 stars)
atomic-app/react-svg (443 dls, 9 stars)
radubrehar/react-time-field (441 dls, 1 stars)
weflex/react-native-wechat (441 dls, 55 stars)
HurricaneJames/react-item-box-input (441 dls, 1 stars)
Purii/react-native-tableview-simple (441 dls, 17 stars)
conundrumer/material-ui-mdi (441 dls, 0 stars)
JaapRood/bly-react-mixin (438 dls, 0 stars)
badeball/chai-xpath-react (437 dls, 0 stars)
lahmatiy/component-inspector (436 dls, 148 stars)
ianbjorndilling/react-typewriter (436 dls, 5 stars)
mukeshsoni/react-charts-plus (436 dls, 1 stars)
jerchung/react-typeahead-mouseover (435 dls, 0 stars)
apeman-react-labo/apeman-react-icon (433 dls, 0 stars)
Pephers/react-autofill (433 dls, 2 stars)
apeman-react-labo/apeman-react-links (433 dls, 1 stars)
chentsulin/react-scrolla (433 dls, 8 stars)
cezary/react-gif (433 dls, 5 stars)
gre/kenburns-editor (433 dls, 3 stars)
skyrin/react-starter-kit (432 dls, 4 stars)
acdlite/recompose-relay (432 dls, 798 stars)
lucasferreira/react-native-simpledialog-android (430 dls, 9 stars)
uxcore/uxcore-tree (430 dls, 1 stars)
bebraw/react-ellipsify (429 dls, 15 stars)
vn38minhtran/react-validation-decorator (429 dls, 2 stars)
FormidableLabs/css-to-radium (428 dls, 36 stars)
yuanyan/barium (428 dls, 9 stars)
pivotal-cf/pui-react-tile-layout (427 dls, 93 stars)
oney/react-native-gcm-android (427 dls, 30 stars)
iofjuupasli/kefir-react (427 dls, 9 stars)
RGBz/cyclet (427 dls, 8 stars)
Nase00/react-pop (426 dls, 0 stars)
nfl/react-wildcat-radium (426 dls, 55 stars)
gajus/react-strict-prop-types (426 dls, 17 stars)
react-uikit/react-uikit (425 dls, 59 stars)
mvader/react-categorized-tag-input (425 dls, 6 stars)
nutgaard/react-modalx (425 dls, 0 stars)
dgellow/react-slidable (424 dls, 0 stars)
pladaria/react-emojione (424 dls, 10 stars)
joshswan/react-native-globalize (422 dls, 11 stars)
yuanyan/react-image (422 dls, 14 stars)
RumbleInc/react-validator-mixin (421 dls, 5 stars)
vicentedealencar/redux-pouchdb (421 dls, 48 stars)
poetcyborg/redux-easy-app (421 dls, 1 stars)
nathanial/react-es6-component (421 dls, 0 stars)
lwansbrough/react-native-multipeer (420 dls, 32 stars)
barbuza/react-icon-loader (419 dls, 1 stars)
uxcore/uxcore-dropdown (419 dls, 0 stars)
davidtheclark/react-displace (419 dls, 4 stars)
rtorr/welp (419 dls, 1 stars)
ccapndave/react-router-link (417 dls, 4 stars)
ikr/react-navbar (417 dls, 1 stars)
ThomWright/react-fullscreen (416 dls, 6 stars)
iamale/react-mapboxmap (416 dls, 9 stars)
lwansbrough/react-native-canvas (415 dls, 36 stars)
nfl/react-wildcat-handoff (413 dls, 55 stars)
pwbrown/react-native-ios-network-audio (413 dls, 7 stars)
zdoc01/react-data-calendar (412 dls, 3 stars)
stitchfix/pyxley (411 dls, 90 stars)
hiddentao/react-image-holder (411 dls, 2 stars)
unicorn-standard/react-pacomo (411 dls, 55 stars)
joeferraro/react-native-env (411 dls, 19 stars)
jonmiles/react-bootstrap-treeview (410 dls, 46 stars)
RNComponents/rn-navbar (409 dls, 0 stars)
zmxv/react-native-sound (408 dls, 11 stars)
decomplect-io/react-twitter-typeahead-babel (408 dls, 0 stars)
FaridSafi/react-native-gifted-messenger (408 dls, 225 stars)
snowkeeper/react-console (408 dls, 0 stars)
uxcore/uxcore-transfer (405 dls, 1 stars)
TransferGo/react-subcomponent (405 dls, 2 stars)
HubSpot/react-experiments (404 dls, 132 stars)
whattokingu/react-animation-mixin (404 dls, 0 stars)
ironsource/generator-bare-react (402 dls, 15 stars)
haobtc/react-native-qr-decoder (402 dls, 2 stars)
jameslnewell/react-testutils-render (402 dls, 5 stars)
airbnb/reagent (401 dls, 2114 stars)
TylerK/react-parallax-hover (401 dls, 2 stars)
kako0507/react-onclickoutside-decorator (400 dls, 1 stars)
brentvatne/react-native-device-clock-format (400 dls, 5 stars)
vayser/react-js-pagination (399 dls, 7 stars)
Lafinboy/react-burger-nav (399 dls, 3 stars)
renke/perpetually (399 dls, 0 stars)
uxcore/uxcore-dialog (399 dls, 0 stars)
tscholl2/react-compact-colorpicker (399 dls, 1 stars)
joshwnj/react-checkboxlist (398 dls, 1 stars)
julianocomg/react-native-form (396 dls, 18 stars)
PrestoDoctor/react-native-browser (396 dls, 24 stars)
deseretdigital-ui/react-breakpoints-mixin (396 dls, 5 stars)
maximilianschmitt/iniquest (396 dls, 7 stars)
charosez/fluxible-plugin-fetchr-component-context (395 dls, 0 stars)
crubier/react-graph-vis (395 dls, 6 stars)
Hire-Forms/hire-forms-list (395 dls, 0 stars)
ramitos/react-json-stream (394 dls, 1 stars)
exponentjs/react-native-timer-mixin (394 dls, 4 stars)
gregsqueeb/greg-slider (394 dls, 2 stars)
vslinko/hoc (393 dls, 9 stars)
allanhortle/react-test-utilities (392 dls, 0 stars)
nygardk/react-loader-advanced (392 dls, 10 stars)
loggur/react-redux-provide-map (392 dls, 1 stars)
zemirco/panel.jsx (392 dls, 0 stars)
lapanoid/react-shrinking-header (391 dls, 0 stars)
usirin/coffee-react-class (390 dls, 4 stars)
oliviertassinari/react-event-listener (389 dls, 4 stars)
capturator/react-responsive-media (389 dls, 1 stars)
iamdustan/component-playground-responsive-iframe (389 dls, 3 stars)
EstebanFuentealba/react-native-android-audio-streaming-aac (388 dls, 4 stars)
rxaviers/react-inview (387 dls, 2 stars)
vn38minhtran/react-progress-bar-plus (387 dls, 30 stars)
syranide/react-unmount-listener-mixin (387 dls, 2 stars)
Hire-Forms/hire-forms-multi-form (387 dls, 0 stars)
ruiramos/react-sampler (386 dls, 5 stars)
floatdrop/y-tabs (386 dls, 0 stars)
Dharmoslap/react-native-responsive-image (385 dls, 25 stars)
rattrayalex/fluxbone (385 dls, 30 stars)
jxnblk/rebass-example (384 dls, 1 stars)
yonatanmn/react-svg-loaders (383 dls, 1 stars)
alvinsj/react-i18n (383 dls, 4 stars)
anarchicknight/react-native-carrier-info (382 dls, 4 stars)
chriskjaer/react-lorem-image (382 dls, 24 stars)
siuying/react-native-htmltext (381 dls, 37 stars)
SoAanyip/react-fileupload (381 dls, 21 stars)
howardwu/react-openpublish-profile (381 dls, 0 stars)
RIAEvangelist/ws-share (381 dls, 5 stars)
dgoguerra/react-laravel-paginator (381 dls, 0 stars)
shackpank/react-time-select (380 dls, 0 stars)
mweststrate/mobservable-react-devtools (378 dls, 8 stars)
rreusser/react-native-paged-scroll-view (377 dls, 7 stars)
WelcomWeb/slammy-router (376 dls, 0 stars)
raymondmuller/reactypeahead (376 dls, 0 stars)
realtime-framework/react-native-realtimestorage-ios (375 dls, 6 stars)
ZeroarcSoftware/tabletable (374 dls, 2 stars)
loggur/react-redux-provide-map (374 dls, 1 stars)
revolunet/algolia-react-input (374 dls, 7 stars)
jmrog/react-tooltipper (373 dls, 0 stars)
linzerui/shoreline-ui (373 dls, 2 stars)
Icehunter/hapijs-react-views (373 dls, 2 stars)
pivotal-cf/pui-react-tile-layout (373 dls, 93 stars)
paypal/generator-react-engine (373 dls, 9 stars)
andpor/react-native-sqlite-storage (372 dls, 93 stars)
AdaptiveConsulting/react-flex-layout (372 dls, 11 stars)
marissagrove/react-embedded-twitter-timeline (372 dls, 1 stars)
raulmatei/react-svgify (372 dls, 0 stars)
darklight721/tilting-image (371 dls, 2 stars)
cedricdelpoux/react-svg-line-chart (371 dls, 3 stars)
mohebifar/react-persian-datepicker (371 dls, 24 stars)
gnoff/react-tunnel (371 dls, 13 stars)
EstebanFuentealba/react-native-share (370 dls, 28 stars)
nfl/react-wildcat (370 dls, 55 stars)
brigand/bem-cx (370 dls, 0 stars)
cezary/react-growing-textarea (369 dls, 3 stars)
ActionIQ/style-builder (368 dls, 8 stars)
asbjornenge/tiny-react-router (368 dls, 4 stars)
ganmor/react-responsive-tooltip (368 dls, 4 stars)
friktor/react-morph-material-icons (368 dls, 9 stars)
axemclion/react-native-cordova-plugin (367 dls, 86 stars)
loopmachine/re-structure (367 dls, 1 stars)
ryan-mahoney/react-layer-manager (366 dls, 0 stars)
uxcore/uxcore-tinymce (366 dls, 1 stars)
dashed/react-prop-once (366 dls, 0 stars)
rubencodes/react-cloud-code-mixin (365 dls, 6 stars)
fru/react-nomnoml (364 dls, 0 stars)
watzak/react-native-instagram-share (364 dls, 0 stars)
shexiaoheng/react-native-wheel (364 dls, 3 stars)
scienceai/paper-input (363 dls, 2 stars)
adamrneary/react-article-metadata (363 dls, 1 stars)
steadicat/mutatis (363 dls, 2 stars)
AlexJozwicki/react-intl-es6 (362 dls, 5 stars)
altjs/alt-router (361 dls, 19 stars)
RepairShopr/react-native-signature-capture (361 dls, 30 stars)
leowang721/k-react-native-swipe-unlocker (360 dls, 9 stars)
unindented/react-workbench (360 dls, 0 stars)
sooth-sayer/react-photo-swiper (360 dls, 0 stars)
Hire-Forms/hire-forms-list (359 dls, 0 stars)
1fe/react-router-loader (358 dls, 0 stars)
jordanbyron/react-native-event-source (358 dls, 17 stars)
eyaleizenberg/react-native-custom-action-sheet (358 dls, 38 stars)
joernroeder/piwik-react-router (358 dls, 3 stars)
gcedo/react-colgroup (357 dls, 0 stars)
nickeljew/react-delayload (356 dls, 2 stars)
jsdf/react-commits-graph (355 dls, 10 stars)
radubrehar/react-split-container (355 dls, 6 stars)
JedWatson/react-md-editor (355 dls, 53 stars)
yuanyan/arsenic (354 dls, 5 stars)
stephy/react-native-calendar-picker (354 dls, 91 stars)
darthlukan/react-user-card (353 dls, 5 stars)
reindexio/reindex-js (353 dls, 12 stars)
zhxnlai/react-webgl-globe-basic-example (353 dls, 23 stars)
vicapow/react-map-gl-heatmap-overlay (352 dls, 51 stars)
react-d3/react-d3-map-bubble (352 dls, 1 stars)
keske/react-soundcloud-embed (352 dls, 8 stars)
namuol/react-seamstress (351 dls, 15 stars)
marcin-mazurek/react-render-visualizer-decorator (351 dls, 9 stars)
yjcxy12/react-treeview-component (350 dls, 4 stars)
AlexMost/gulp-react-render (350 dls, 6 stars)
justinwoo/kimagure-etch-sketch (350 dls, 3 stars)
dataminr/dataminr-react-components (349 dls, 165 stars)
scup/react-entity (349 dls, 4 stars)
aksonov/react-native-redux-router (349 dls, 40 stars)
abramz/gulp-render-react (345 dls, 7 stars)
LibertyGlobal/react-fast-and-lazy (345 dls, 7 stars)
brigand/react-propmatch (345 dls, 2 stars)
jide/react-region (345 dls, 2 stars)
wearefractal/react-sidetap (345 dls, 4 stars)
yamill/react-native-pasteboard (344 dls, 21 stars)
formidablelabs/victory (343 dls, 399 stars)
ettrics/react-universal-boilerplate (343 dls, 2 stars)
milosjanda/react-scroll-up (342 dls, 2 stars)
APSL/react-native-item-cell (342 dls, 9 stars)
lanetix/react-autogrow-textarea (342 dls, 0 stars)
cidevant/react-resource (342 dls, 1 stars)
nnarhinen/react-fileprompt (341 dls, 3 stars)
jdinhlife/generator-jd-react (341 dls, 1 stars)
olimsaidov/react-konva (341 dls, 11 stars)
dowjones/react-cellblock (340 dls, 44 stars)
phoenixstormcrow/react-noisy-canvas (340 dls, 1 stars)
luqin/react-icheck (337 dls, 47 stars)
naoufal/react-native-speech (337 dls, 35 stars)
consensys/reflux-tx (337 dls, 6 stars)
sjmueller/firebase-react-native (337 dls, 10 stars)
mohebifar/react-persian (336 dls, 15 stars)
maslianok/react-resize-detector (336 dls, 8 stars)
troch/react-timer-hoc (336 dls, 11 stars)
Srdjan/react-multistep (336 dls, 73 stars)
simonstaton/react-dom-parser (336 dls, 1 stars)
desgeeko/react-goban (335 dls, 1 stars)
dolbyzerr/shlux (334 dls, 0 stars)
jbrodriguez/react-native-android-sqlite (333 dls, 18 stars)
RNComponents/rn-calendars (333 dls, 1 stars)
ptmt/react-native-desktop (333 dls, 1333 stars)
plrthink/react-native-zip-archive (332 dls, 4 stars)
mungell/react-postcss (332 dls, 6 stars)
nick/react-styl (331 dls, 30 stars)
elpete/react-renderif (330 dls, 1 stars)
merri/bemact (330 dls, 0 stars)
zjjw/ee-observer-mixin (330 dls, 0 stars)
loopj/react-inline-svg (330 dls, 5 stars)
teamrota/react-native-gmaps (330 dls, 24 stars)
malte-wessel/react-textfit (329 dls, 13 stars)
aparticka/react-bacon-component (329 dls, 1 stars)
yuanyan/react-storage (329 dls, 10 stars)
kodbiro/react-xeditable (329 dls, 3 stars)
mayank-patel/react-native-floating-labels (327 dls, 34 stars)
ptmt/npm-native (326 dls, 19 stars)
HuygensING/hire-range-slider (326 dls, 0 stars)
concretedesign/generator-concrete-component (326 dls, 0 stars)
gorangajic/react-svg-morph (326 dls, 59 stars)
react-component/rc-dropzone (325 dls, 4 stars)
arjanfrans/retroflux (325 dls, 1 stars)
apeman-react-labo/apeman-react-tab (325 dls, 1 stars)
akiran/gulp-jsxformat (324 dls, 1 stars)
huang47/react-draggable-mixin (324 dls, 1 stars)
yoshuawuyts/react-debug (324 dls, 2 stars)
sneerteam/react-native-sneer (324 dls, 0 stars)
reubn/dragonfruit (323 dls, 1 stars)
tnwinc/taula (323 dls, 1 stars)
merri/react-lazy (321 dls, 12 stars)
jordanbyron/react-native-quick-actions (320 dls, 125 stars)
insin/react-octicon (320 dls, 10 stars)
plougsgaard/react-timeout (320 dls, 3 stars)
koalabears/react-mouse-pointer-tools (320 dls, 4 stars)
andrepolischuk/react-rotation (320 dls, 20 stars)
georgeosddev/react-notification-badge (319 dls, 3 stars)
stampit-org/react-stamp (319 dls, 102 stars)
radubrehar/react-field-component-utils (318 dls, 0 stars)
sonyan/react-checkbox-list (318 dls, 2 stars)
RNComponents/rn-spinner (317 dls, 6 stars)
tonyhb/autoaction (317 dls, 6 stars)
springload/react-svg-icon (316 dls, 1 stars)
matteodelabre/esx (315 dls, 3 stars)
zemirco/table.jsx (314 dls, 1 stars)
apeman-react-labo/apeman-react-footer (314 dls, 0 stars)
jackmoore/react-img (314 dls, 4 stars)
plrthink/react-native-file-download (313 dls, 7 stars)
pqx/react-input-switch (313 dls, 3 stars)
talyssonoc/react-predict (312 dls, 33 stars)
rhaker/react-native-create-new-file-ios (312 dls, 0 stars)
apeman-react-labo/apeman-react-container (312 dls, 0 stars)
BDiehr/fancy-react-s3-uploader (312 dls, 4 stars)
redpelicans/formo (311 dls, 3 stars)
JohnPostlethwait/react_explicit_prop_declaration (311 dls, 3 stars)
FaridSafi/react-native-gifted-listview (311 dls, 77 stars)
linghuaj/react-progress-deck (311 dls, 11 stars)
nicolasbrugneaux/react-memory-stats (311 dls, 3 stars)
t-hiroyoshi/react-dnd-item (311 dls, 7 stars)
antoniogiordano/react-product-tour (310 dls, 4 stars)
alexeyraspopov/retransmitter (310 dls, 11 stars)
quentin-/react-finance (310 dls, 0 stars)
casesandberg/react-context (309 dls, 167 stars)
agentS/react-native-slider-button (309 dls, 2 stars)
tomkis1/react-html-select (308 dls, 0 stars)
rhysd/react-vimjs (308 dls, 9 stars)
michalradziwon/react-swipper (307 dls, 0 stars)
uxcore/uxcore-tabs (307 dls, 0 stars)
vn38minhtran/react-revalidator (306 dls, 0 stars)
passy/react-pokemon (306 dls, 31 stars)
rafaelchiti/flux-commons-store-watch-mixin (306 dls, 0 stars)
iLikeKoffee/react-modalizer (305 dls, 1 stars)
dustingetz/react-chatview (304 dls, 46 stars)
ZackLeonardo/react-native-sudoku-grid (304 dls, 2 stars)
guodong000/react-native-circle-progress (304 dls, 17 stars)
EdStudio/react-async-loader (304 dls, 0 stars)
luiscarli/react-display (304 dls, 0 stars)
kirkness/react-native-tween-animation (303 dls, 23 stars)
ericmatthys/connect-to-backbone (303 dls, 1 stars)
radubrehar/react-toolbar (303 dls, 0 stars)
stvkoch/fluxis (303 dls, 0 stars)
nygardk/react-break (303 dls, 3 stars)
cht8687/react-webpack-starter-kit (302 dls, 1 stars)
chadoh/react-emoji-picker (301 dls, 0 stars)
chenzihui/react-tokenizer (301 dls, 24 stars)
jhnstn/react-messenger (301 dls, 1 stars)
yuanyan/react-signals (301 dls, 5 stars)
BibCnrs/ebsco-widget (300 dls, 2 stars)
NdYAG/react-rater (299 dls, 19 stars)
mlaursen/react-buttons (299 dls, 0 stars)
Pitzcarraldo/reduxible (299 dls, 9 stars)
dralletje/endothermic (298 dls, 5 stars)
rezzza/react-purecss (298 dls, 4 stars)
jxnblk/react-fitter-happier-text (298 dls, 26 stars)
uxcore/uxcore-tooltip (298 dls, 0 stars)
Shuangzuan/react-native-square-view (297 dls, 11 stars)
jstejada/react-typist (297 dls, 31 stars)
DickyT/react-native-textinput-utils (297 dls, 9 stars)
christiaanderidder/react-googlecharts (296 dls, 0 stars)
radubrehar/react-messagebox (296 dls, 0 stars)
davodesign84/react-native-mixpanel (296 dls, 8 stars)
georgeosddev/react-dropfile-field (295 dls, 1 stars)
JedWatson/react-date-input (294 dls, 10 stars)
bsudekum/react-native-color-grabber (294 dls, 14 stars)
lwhiteley/react-native-android-iconify (293 dls, 26 stars)
tomlarkworthy/animaxe (293 dls, 15 stars)
sourcejs/sourcejs-react-styleguidist (292 dls, 5 stars)
Spikef/envirs-react-native-cli (291 dls, 3 stars)
jacobp100/state-transitions (291 dls, 34 stars)
JedWatson/react-fixed (291 dls, 18 stars)
jasonbellamy/react-mermaid (290 dls, 4 stars)
goncalvesjoao/relpers (290 dls, 25 stars)
animachine/react-animachine-enhancer (290 dls, 0 stars)
zippyui/react-field (290 dls, 2 stars)
NativeSH/react-native-console-panel (289 dls, 22 stars)
michaelcontento/redux-middleware-react-native-appstate (289 dls, 17 stars)
leofidjeland/react-native-barcode (288 dls, 7 stars)
uxcore/uxcore-radiogroup (288 dls, 0 stars)
christianalfoni/markdown-to-react-components (288 dls, 26 stars)
ideacreation/react-native-barcodescanner (287 dls, 16 stars)
iMasterAle/react-datetimepicker-bootstrap (287 dls, 1 stars)
jnoleau/react-textcompleter (287 dls, 0 stars)
adamrneary/react-time-slider (287 dls, 2 stars)
spudly/react-card (286 dls, 0 stars)
flarnie/react_generator (285 dls, 1 stars)
zingchart/zingchart-react (283 dls, 28 stars)
justinwoo/react-if-else (282 dls, 0 stars)
michaelcontento/redux-middleware-react-native-netinfo (281 dls, 1 stars)
r3dm/reactorator (281 dls, 3 stars)
paulrenenichols/react-component-date-picker (279 dls, 1 stars)
Hi-Rube/grunt-react-seajs (279 dls, 1 stars)
k4wo/react-notify (279 dls, 18 stars)
alinz/react-native-2-side-menus (278 dls, 11 stars)
unimonkiez/react-cordova-boilerplate (278 dls, 27 stars)
bruderstein/react-render-hook (276 dls, 0 stars)
benatkin/react-component (276 dls, 2 stars)
jacobrosenthal/react-native-ble (276 dls, 18 stars)
flarnie/react-sticky-notes (275 dls, 0 stars)
gragland/react-simple-grid (275 dls, 2 stars)
Hire-Forms/hire-forms-static-list (275 dls, 0 stars)
adamrneary/react-odometer (273 dls, 2 stars)
nsmith7989/react-portal-wrap (273 dls, 0 stars)
low-ghost/redux-node-logger (272 dls, 3 stars)
brigand/react-obcache (271 dls, 1 stars)
jsierles/react-native-view-snapshot (271 dls, 24 stars)
martinandert/babel-plugin-css-in-js (270 dls, 23 stars)
xeodou/react-event-mixin (270 dls, 4 stars)
nickeljew/react-picker (269 dls, 1 stars)
dbachko/react-world-time (269 dls, 0 stars)
acdlite/redux-transducers (268 dls, 75 stars)
nfl/react-wildcat-ensure (268 dls, 55 stars)
cezary/react-image-diff (268 dls, 5 stars)
hemanth/react-mui-base (268 dls, 10 stars)
zenwalker/react-svgdom-loader (267 dls, 3 stars)
DashOS/react-native-order-children (267 dls, 2 stars)
javierbyte/react-textgradient (267 dls, 61 stars)
apeman-react-labo/apeman-react-clock (267 dls, 2 stars)
geowarin/react-easy-form (267 dls, 2 stars)
rhysd/react-embedded-browser (267 dls, 3 stars)
Hire-Forms/hire-forms-list-filter (267 dls, 0 stars)
jide/react-subclass (267 dls, 2 stars)
marekhrabe/escape-key-mixin (266 dls, 0 stars)
jamesknelson/react-base (266 dls, 8 stars)
uxcore/uxcore-mention (265 dls, 0 stars)
Tiagojdferreira/rn-geolocation (264 dls, 6 stars)
emilmork/react-rt-chart (262 dls, 1 stars)
react-materialize/react-materializecss (261 dls, 89 stars)
beefe/react-native-webview (261 dls, 1 stars)
vbarbarosh/react-primitive (261 dls, 0 stars)
johanneslumpe/react-native-gesture-recognizers (260 dls, 49 stars)
zooniverse-ui/drag-reorderable (260 dls, 2 stars)
formio/react-formio (260 dls, 0 stars)
KeitIG/react-keybinding-component (260 dls, 1 stars)
zhbhun/react-window-kit (259 dls, 3 stars)
NishanthShankar/react-native-android-statusbar (259 dls, 21 stars)
DominicTobias/universal-react (259 dls, 63 stars)
diogodoreto/react-loopback (259 dls, 8 stars)
apeman-react-labo/apeman-react-image (259 dls, 1 stars)
ties/generator-react-reflux-webpack (258 dls, 2 stars)
ryanburgess/react-clock (258 dls, 2 stars)
radubrehar/react-listview (257 dls, 4 stars)
guo-yu/react-native-html (257 dls, 6 stars)
realtime-framework/react-native-realtimemessaging-android (257 dls, 27 stars)
Jias/natty-db (256 dls, 8 stars)
radekmie/react-timepicker (256 dls, 0 stars)
ItsAsbreuk/itsa-reflux-statechange (255 dls, 0 stars)
articulate/react-svgicon (255 dls, 2 stars)
reevoo/reevoo-lego (254 dls, 1 stars)
pusherman/react-native-network-info (254 dls, 9 stars)
cezary/react-math (254 dls, 2 stars)
lynndylanhurley/redux-auth (253 dls, 27 stars)
fcscripters/react-the-final-countdown (253 dls, 5 stars)
exponentjs/react-apple-easing (253 dls, 45 stars)
jnoleau/react-textcompleter (253 dls, 0 stars)
kriasoft/react-decorators (253 dls, 46 stars)
jeongsd/react-pointerlock (253 dls, 1 stars)
reactbits/react-markdown2 (253 dls, 0 stars)
watzak/react-native-instagram-oauth (251 dls, 4 stars)
maoziliang/react-refresh-indicator (251 dls, 12 stars)
peter4k/react-native-rest-kit (251 dls, 19 stars)
react-d3/react-d3-map-choropleth (250 dls, 5 stars)
TrueCar/gluestick (249 dls, 9 stars)
vczero/rn-calendar (249 dls, 23 stars)
apeman-react-labo/apeman-react-main (249 dls, 0 stars)
SteveVitali/react-backbone-app-store (249 dls, 2 stars)
TYRONEMICHAEL/react-browserify-boilerplate (248 dls, 7 stars)
cht8687/react-expandable-listview (247 dls, 4 stars)
narkq/react-yandex-metrika (247 dls, 3 stars)
radubrehar/react-accordion (247 dls, 6 stars)
lelandrichardson/react-native-segmented-view (247 dls, 50 stars)
APSL/react-native-navigator-wrapper (246 dls, 12 stars)
soldotno/react-component-sol-footer (246 dls, 0 stars)
cheriejiajia/react-simple-alert (245 dls, 0 stars)
loggur/react-redux-provide-list (245 dls, 3 stars)
Hire-Forms/hire-forms-checkbox (245 dls, 0 stars)
MisumiRize/react-jsss (245 dls, 3 stars)
peter4k/react-native-fm-picker (245 dls, 6 stars)
souporserious/react-motion-slider (244 dls, 27 stars)
VinSpee/react-google-calendar-events-list (244 dls, 4 stars)
chaconnewu/react-primer-css (243 dls, 0 stars)
maxwellhealth/react-maxwell-modal (243 dls, 0 stars)
QubitProducts/d3-react-sparkline (243 dls, 19 stars)
zacharyz/react-modal-static-overlay (242 dls, 1 stars)
ramitos/react-tvml (241 dls, 134 stars)
electricmonk/chai-react-element (241 dls, 0 stars)
elliottsj/react-children-utils (240 dls, 0 stars)
hallister/reanimation (240 dls, 1 stars)
danielberndt/react-reform (240 dls, 5 stars)
Recr0ns/react-native-material-button (240 dls, 7 stars)
felixmc/alt-localstore (240 dls, 1 stars)
rsamec/react-shapes (240 dls, 4 stars)
madox2/react-tagcloud (239 dls, 0 stars)
intellicode/eslint-plugin-react-native (238 dls, 7 stars)
teambition/react-lite-uploader (238 dls, 14 stars)
BDiehr/q-react-markdown-textarea (238 dls, 0 stars)
uxebu/react-components-asserts (237 dls, 21 stars)
chemzqm/exgrid (237 dls, 1 stars)
christopherdro/react-native-html-to-pdf (236 dls, 16 stars)
echenley/react-upvote (236 dls, 2 stars)
beefe/react-native-navigation-bar (236 dls, 8 stars)
yosit/react-native-twitter-login (236 dls, 21 stars)
loggur/react-redux-provide-list (235 dls, 3 stars)
mihirsoni/react-native-android-speech (235 dls, 10 stars)
vgno/react-server-status (235 dls, 1 stars)
auth0/react-native-lock-ios (235 dls, 20 stars)
zpratt/idle-maps (235 dls, 21 stars)
erikras/react-pdfjs (234 dls, 2 stars)
philplckthun/fluorine-lib (234 dls, 9 stars)
devrieda/arc-reactor (233 dls, 22 stars)
yelled3/react-native-bloodhound (233 dls, 1 stars)
bruderstein/unexpected-htmllike-jsx-adapter (233 dls, 0 stars)
wmcmahan/react-native-localsearch (232 dls, 4 stars)
sergiodxa/react-intl-custom (232 dls, 0 stars)
jarsbe/react-lazy-locales (232 dls, 0 stars)
walmartreact/react-native-cropping (232 dls, 14 stars)
venmo/react-html-document (231 dls, 102 stars)
HitoriSensei/react-es6-classy-mixins (231 dls, 2 stars)
syarul/react-native-callintent (231 dls, 5 stars)
trungtin/hmhyr (230 dls, 0 stars)
tniezg/react-router-assembly (230 dls, 1 stars)
observant/react-document-modifier (230 dls, 1 stars)
guzart/react-tablis (230 dls, 1 stars)
symbiont-io/redux-async (229 dls, 30 stars)
Jpoliachik/react-native-triangle (228 dls, 2 stars)
ranbena/react-jqueryui-accordion (228 dls, 0 stars)
oliverfencott/material-tabs (228 dls, 2 stars)
nhagen/react-intercom (228 dls, 0 stars)
Andr3wHur5t/react-native-keyboard-spacer (228 dls, 46 stars)
jmfurlott/react-nav-tabs (227 dls, 6 stars)
demohi/react-file (225 dls, 0 stars)
gaearon/react-stateful (225 dls, 69 stars)
matrix-org/matrix-react-sdk (224 dls, 10 stars)
warrenfalk/react-float-affixed (224 dls, 0 stars)
yamill/react-native-videoplayer (224 dls, 6 stars)
Recr0ns/react-native-material-switch (223 dls, 6 stars)
CosticaPuntaru/redux-form-validation (223 dls, 3 stars)
Spikef/react-native-gesture-password (223 dls, 34 stars)
nucleartux/react-native-circle-view (223 dls, 13 stars)
uxcore/uxcore-table (222 dls, 1 stars)
damonYuan/react-native-progress-dialog-android (222 dls, 2 stars)
limelights/react-dejt (222 dls, 0 stars)
igul222/react-bootstrap-forms (221 dls, 0 stars)
istarkov/size-decorator (221 dls, 7 stars)
jussi-kalliokoski/react-no-jsx (221 dls, 64 stars)
walmartreact/react-native-orientation-listener (221 dls, 68 stars)
mamal72/react-github (221 dls, 10 stars)
lucasferreira/react-native-send-intent (221 dls, 12 stars)
JamesHageman/mobservable-form (220 dls, 1 stars)
kofno/time-pikinator (220 dls, 1 stars)
isair/react-native-woopra (220 dls, 3 stars)
madjam002/specular (220 dls, 5 stars)
tgriesser/react-conditional (220 dls, 7 stars)
staxmanade/react-component-errors (219 dls, 0 stars)
kmees/react-fabric (219 dls, 8 stars)
notablemind/downloadbutton (219 dls, 10 stars)
agentcooper/react-native-hypertext (219 dls, 11 stars)
rhaker/react-native-control-screen-sleep-ios (219 dls, 2 stars)
madebyform/reactjs-cli (218 dls, 9 stars)
scienceai/paper-checkbox (218 dls, 1 stars)
NdYAG/react-tageditor (218 dls, 10 stars)
jakubkottnauer/kendo-ui-react (218 dls, 4 stars)
BDiehr/pretty-react-growl (218 dls, 0 stars)
scrollback/endless-react (217 dls, 5 stars)
jgable/react-native-fluxbone (217 dls, 4 stars)
jaysoo/react-native-parallax-listview (217 dls, 22 stars)
StevenIseki/pure-css (217 dls, 5 stars)
jonhni/react-drawable-canvas (217 dls, 5 stars)
benjeffery/react-plotlyjs (217 dls, 11 stars)
spicydonuts/cursor-pure-render (217 dls, 1 stars)
grahammendick/navigation-react (217 dls, 12 stars)
beefe/react-native-wechat-ios (216 dls, 20 stars)
gearz-lab/react-vnav (216 dls, 17 stars)
holmesal/react-completion (216 dls, 2 stars)
dataminr/expanded-react-test-utils (215 dls, 19 stars)
yahoo/react-stickynode (215 dls, 10 stars)
wangzuo/input-moment (215 dls, 106 stars)
english/react-d3-histogram (214 dls, 1 stars)
mlrawlings/express-react (213 dls, 0 stars)
maxkueng/react-lazyrender-mixin (213 dls, 6 stars)
alawong/react-native-braintree (212 dls, 15 stars)
enjoylife/react-input-toggle (212 dls, 2 stars)
gcedo/react-seatmap (212 dls, 4 stars)
zxbodya/rx-react-container (211 dls, 11 stars)
nucleartux/react-native-date (211 dls, 16 stars)
fahad19/redux-boilerplate (210 dls, 4 stars)
PlatziDev/react-render-cli (210 dls, 2 stars)
1985media/react-native-facebook-messenger (209 dls, 3 stars)
ChiefORZ/popups (209 dls, 4 stars)
jasonbellamy/react-mailto (209 dls, 5 stars)
prometheusresearch/react-selectbox (209 dls, 26 stars)
ikr/react-hotels-on-map (208 dls, 1 stars)
yujiangshui/jsx-utils (208 dls, 2 stars)
abhijeetnmishra/react-password-strength-meter (208 dls, 2 stars)
shinzui/slush-react-redux (208 dls, 0 stars)
voximplant/react-native-voximplant (207 dls, 12 stars)
uxcore/uxcore-layout (207 dls, 0 stars)
asamiller/react-native-intercom (205 dls, 10 stars)
nearengine/react-delay (205 dls, 1 stars)
1stdibs/react-modal-wrapper (204 dls, 1 stars)
rhaker/react-native-check-file-exists-ios (203 dls, 0 stars)
zetkin/react-tree-component (203 dls, 1 stars)
yuanyan/react-native-del (203 dls, 0 stars)
dangw/react-render-plugin (203 dls, 0 stars)
mitchellvanw/react-highlightable (202 dls, 1 stars)
apeman-react-labo/apeman-react-section (202 dls, 0 stars)
souporserious/react-media-player (202 dls, 5 stars)
rhaker/react-native-file-upload-to-server-ios (202 dls, 3 stars)
jussi-kalliokoski/react-mistyped-props (201 dls, 9 stars)
apeman-react-labo/apeman-react-dialog (201 dls, 0 stars)
doubleu23/mcfly-combinereducers (201 dls, 0 stars)
zhbhun/react-bootstrap-window (201 dls, 0 stars)
brainbytes/style.js (201 dls, 0 stars)
frostney/react-native-piechart (200 dls, 8 stars)
radubrehar/react-window (200 dls, 3 stars)
pburtchaell/react-dialog (200 dls, 2 stars)
kayla-tech/react-native-card-io (200 dls, 18 stars)
KyleAMathews/react-component-starter (200 dls, 6 stars)
torisashi/react-ordinary-calendar (200 dls, 0 stars)
jamiecopeland/slush-react-builder (199 dls, 4 stars)
swennemans/react-text-highlighter (199 dls, 5 stars)
lifuzu/react-native-barcode-scanner (199 dls, 27 stars)
sejoker/react-native-android-vitamio (198 dls, 21 stars)
holidayextras/react-date-time-range (198 dls, 0 stars)
riverside/react-grid-table (197 dls, 5 stars)
Spikef/react-native-phone-picker (196 dls, 9 stars)
apeman-react-labo/apeman-react-note (196 dls, 0 stars)
Radivarig/react-speed-reader (196 dls, 7 stars)
collardeau/react-lil-router (196 dls, 0 stars)
enaqx/react-kaomoji (196 dls, 1 stars)
kiddkai/react-native-gestures (195 dls, 19 stars)
fraserxu/react-native-couchbase-lite (195 dls, 6 stars)
Demi-IO/golden-type (195 dls, 4 stars)
tniezg/react-router-assembly (195 dls, 1 stars)
acnalesso/react-shallowdom-helpers (195 dls, 0 stars)
nkbt/react-normalized-select (194 dls, 12 stars)
ihaolin/react-toaster (194 dls, 3 stars)
musicglue/react-money-component (193 dls, 2 stars)
aksonov/react-native-xmpp (193 dls, 17 stars)
radubrehar/react-progress-bar (193 dls, 0 stars)
jameslnewell/redux-formo (192 dls, 3 stars)
roeierez/react-infinite-carousel (191 dls, 8 stars)
DenisIzmaylov/pinkbox-react (191 dls, 5 stars)
polovi/react-stack-view (191 dls, 0 stars)
nordnet/nordnet-i18n (191 dls, 0 stars)
Xananax/react-tmpl (190 dls, 0 stars)
ivelum/react-smartdate (190 dls, 0 stars)
bryaneaton13/react-pull-to-refresh (189 dls, 10 stars)
apeman-react-labo/apeman-react-list (189 dls, 0 stars)
23c/react-native-transparent-bar (189 dls, 8 stars)
troch/react-stateless (188 dls, 17 stars)
chirag04/react-native-icloud-sync (188 dls, 6 stars)
krasimir/react-webpack-starter (188 dls, 166 stars)
dylanharrington/progresso (187 dls, 0 stars)
domadams/essential-ui (187 dls, 1 stars)
Legitcode/legit-cards (187 dls, 1 stars)
legitcode/legit-context-menu (187 dls, 23 stars)
WJsjtu/react-ui-select (186 dls, 3 stars)
ActionIQ/react-resizable-bar (186 dls, 4 stars)
wi2/react-sonic (186 dls, 0 stars)
ssilab/react-modal-render-decorator (185 dls, 0 stars)
yesmeck/formsy-react-inputs (185 dls, 1 stars)
skeswa/react-alloy (185 dls, 0 stars)
jakelazaroff/redux-localstorage-immutable (185 dls, 1 stars)
iceddev/primed (184 dls, 0 stars)
chenzihui/react-splicer (184 dls, 35 stars)
jadsonlourenco/react-native-shake-event-ios (184 dls, 7 stars)
Tjorriemorrie/react-smallgrid (184 dls, 0 stars)
cef62/react-pubsub (184 dls, 4 stars)
balmma/er-react-intl (183 dls, 0 stars)
router5/react-router5 (183 dls, 19 stars)
jquense/kwik-e-mart (183 dls, 0 stars)
bgryszko/react-native-circular-progress (183 dls, 40 stars)
pushtell/react-bootstrap-date-picker (182 dls, 3 stars)
radubrehar/react-simple-tree (182 dls, 0 stars)
dashed/react-either (182 dls, 0 stars)
yodairish/gulp-reacss (182 dls, 2 stars)
radubrehar/react-textarea (182 dls, 0 stars)
bekerov/react-universal-analytics (181 dls, 0 stars)
StevenIseki/react-social-buttons (181 dls, 4 stars)
andy9775/react-native-progress-circular (181 dls, 3 stars)
LeezQ/leezq-react-datetimepicker (181 dls, 0 stars)
tonyhb/redux-ui (180 dls, 21 stars)
CarbinCreative/express-cjsx (180 dls, 0 stars)
marcshilling/react-native-idle-timer (180 dls, 5 stars)
apeman-react-labo/apeman-react-showcase (179 dls, 0 stars)
syarul/react-native-mapintent (179 dls, 5 stars)
rexhome7326/express-react-render-override (179 dls, 0 stars)
zippyui/react-combo (179 dls, 1 stars)
yoshuawuyts/react-factory (179 dls, 1 stars)
Volicon/nestedreact (179 dls, 17 stars)
esnet/esnet-react-base (178 dls, 0 stars)
stomita/react-object-tree (178 dls, 1 stars)
exponentjs/react-native-scrollable-decorator (178 dls, 11 stars)
djchie/react-native-star-rating (178 dls, 6 stars)
radubrehar/react-spinner-field (178 dls, 2 stars)
Legitcode/redux-react-fetch (178 dls, 24 stars)
radubrehar/react-tree-view (177 dls, 0 stars)
luqin/react-pack (177 dls, 3 stars)
matt-major/react-pgr (177 dls, 0 stars)
zxbodya/router1 (176 dls, 0 stars)
ilyaagarkov/react-bem-classes (176 dls, 4 stars)
KodersLab/react-native-for-web-stylesheet (176 dls, 3 stars)
gilesbradshaw/react-resolver-csp (176 dls, 4 stars)
kwaak/react-native-android-blurryoverlay (176 dls, 8 stars)
chenqingspring/react-animate-number (176 dls, 1 stars)
dlmanning/instyled (176 dls, 0 stars)
joakimbeng/frrb (175 dls, 1 stars)
cezary/react-gameboy (175 dls, 4 stars)
schniz/react-gooey-nav (175 dls, 17 stars)
Laiff/react-rispa (175 dls, 9 stars)
cinderblock/react-smoothie (175 dls, 0 stars)
f15gdsy/animated-text-input (175 dls, 1 stars)
hemanth/react-currency-conversion (174 dls, 4 stars)
mgechev/react-pstate (174 dls, 26 stars)
ericlathrop/react-html5-sortable (173 dls, 1 stars)
Tricy/react-native-audio-manager (173 dls, 9 stars)
acdlite/react-focuspoint (173 dls, 2 stars)
zalmoxisus/browser-redux (173 dls, 64 stars)
ta2edchimp/react-ptrcontainer (173 dls, 1 stars)
jhen0409/react-native-android-badge (172 dls, 13 stars)
frostney/react-native-bluetooth-state (172 dls, 5 stars)
alexkuz/react-input-enhancements (172 dls, 0 stars)
adamterlson/cairn (172 dls, 13 stars)
router5/redux-router5 (172 dls, 30 stars)
javierbyte/react-tour (172 dls, 14 stars)
cesarandreu/react-window-resize-listener (172 dls, 5 stars)
hugobessaa/react-placeholdit (172 dls, 3 stars)
eiriklv/react-packery-component (172 dls, 7 stars)
uxcore/uxcore-multi-select (171 dls, 0 stars)
johnhenry/nail-static-react (171 dls, 0 stars)
lionng429/react-file-uploader (171 dls, 2 stars)
spudly/react-deck (171 dls, 0 stars)
synapsestudios/synapse-react-autocomplete (171 dls, 1 stars)
Jackong/redux-authentication (170 dls, 8 stars)
APSL/react-native-keyboard-aware-scroll-view (170 dls, 21 stars)
madjam002/specular-midi (170 dls, 5 stars)
chtefi/react-line (170 dls, 4 stars)
AsaAyers/dumb-react (170 dls, 1 stars)
andrewimm/babel-plugin-remove-proptypes (170 dls, 4 stars)
tshelburne/redux-batched-actions (170 dls, 54 stars)
hliyan/praxis (169 dls, 1 stars)
rangle/basscss-radium (169 dls, 6 stars)
deseretdigital-ui/ddm-tabs (169 dls, 0 stars)
georgeosddev/react-anchorify-text (169 dls, 2 stars)
nrn/create-reducer (169 dls, 13 stars)
acdlite/react-object-fit-cover (169 dls, 2 stars)
ZeroarcSoftware/megawizard (168 dls, 2 stars)
ForbesLindesay/redux-optimist (168 dls, 159 stars)
pinterest/react-pinterest (168 dls, 54 stars)
radubrehar/react-treegrid (168 dls, 0 stars)
paulserraino/react-validate-mixin (167 dls, 1 stars)
jwarning/react-scrollable-list (167 dls, 7 stars)
sheepsteak/react-perf-component (167 dls, 3 stars)
olineham/react-chrome-app-window (167 dls, 2 stars)
Apercu/react-native-zeroconf (167 dls, 0 stars)
vigneshshanmugam/react-memorystats (167 dls, 6 stars)
radubrehar/react-hamburger (166 dls, 0 stars)
caasi/react-notify-mixin (166 dls, 0 stars)
rhaker/react-native-select-contact-phone-ios (166 dls, 0 stars)
nkbt/css-modules-component-template (166 dls, 2 stars)
remobile/react-native-refresh-infinite-listview (165 dls, 28 stars)
react-derma/derma (165 dls, 1 stars)
kobanyan/react-bootcards (165 dls, 7 stars)
jsdir/react-action-form (164 dls, 1 stars)
react-component/rc-form (163 dls, 6 stars)
brigand/react-valid (163 dls, 1 stars)
roman01la/react-webrtc (163 dls, 44 stars)
jaketrent/react-with-display-name (163 dls, 0 stars)
djchie/react-native-make-review-modal (163 dls, 2 stars)
RealGeeks/scroll-view (162 dls, 0 stars)
robgraeber/react-toolkit (162 dls, 0 stars)
radubrehar/react-uploader (162 dls, 0 stars)
espeakers/react-pubsub-via-radio.js (162 dls, 0 stars)
luigy/react-segment-display (162 dls, 2 stars)
lelandrichardson/react-image-magnifier (162 dls, 4 stars)
politejs/reactb (160 dls, 0 stars)
cedricdelpoux/react-svg-piechart (160 dls, 3 stars)
jorilallo/react-native-emoji (159 dls, 17 stars)
kujohn/react-simple-wizard (159 dls, 1 stars)
tyleranton/redux-devtools-remote (159 dls, 1 stars)
ForbesLindesay/react-date (159 dls, 3 stars)
conorhastings/redux-session-storage (159 dls, 1 stars)
mfellner/static-jsx-webpack-plugin (159 dls, 4 stars)
zo0r/react-native-conekta (159 dls, 0 stars)
esnet/react-timeseries-charts (158 dls, 13 stars)
threepointone/react-debounce (158 dls, 3 stars)
founderlab/react-dropzone-s3-uploader (158 dls, 0 stars)
fghibellini/react-time-bar (156 dls, 1 stars)
pwlmaciejewski/fluxstore (156 dls, 2 stars)
amannn/react-whitebox (156 dls, 1 stars)
akiran/react-autosize (156 dls, 2 stars)
bjoerge/react-domcontentloaded (156 dls, 0 stars)
foss-haas/fynx-mixins (156 dls, 0 stars)
rhaker/react-native-play-audio-ios (156 dls, 6 stars)
wwayne/react-native-user-defaults (155 dls, 5 stars)
brettdewoody/react-easy-sortable-table (155 dls, 6 stars)
teambition/react-lite-json-viewer (155 dls, 2 stars)
olofd/react-native-signalr (155 dls, 7 stars)
radubrehar/react-tag-editor (155 dls, 0 stars)
badeball/jasmine-xpath-react (154 dls, 0 stars)
radubrehar/react-upload-field (154 dls, 0 stars)
epferrari/mkapp (154 dls, 0 stars)
LingyuCoder/react-image-blur (153 dls, 1 stars)
domadams/essential-ui (153 dls, 1 stars)
golmansax/flux-crud (153 dls, 0 stars)
yuanyan/react-timesheet (153 dls, 95 stars)
LingyuCoder/react-calculator (152 dls, 2 stars)
admiralPanda/react-koa (152 dls, 0 stars)
tjunghans/react-round-trip-rate (152 dls, 1 stars)
rhaker/react-native-battery-status-ios (151 dls, 0 stars)
kimmobrunfeldt/react-progressbar.js (151 dls, 79 stars)
realtime-framework/react-native-realtimestorage-android (151 dls, 2 stars)
rhaker/react-native-control-flashlight-ios (150 dls, 2 stars)
KeitIG/react-simple-input (150 dls, 0 stars)
ccmxy/react-native-wifi-module (149 dls, 1 stars)
Andr3wHur5t/react-native-route-navigator (149 dls, 12 stars)
nmn/text-transition (149 dls, 2 stars)
dcposch/scramble-ui (149 dls, 0 stars)
ggordan/react-theatre (148 dls, 2 stars)
mc-zone/react-event-emitter-mixin (148 dls, 2 stars)
donejs/donejs-react (148 dls, 1 stars)
radubrehar/react-multi-select (147 dls, 0 stars)
iamdustan/yellowbox-react (147 dls, 12 stars)
radubrehar/react-upload-button (146 dls, 0 stars)
radubrehar/noticeboard (146 dls, 1 stars)
itrelease/react-sticky-component (146 dls, 6 stars)
civicsource/react-inline-confirm (145 dls, 0 stars)
senthilporunan/react-jrate (145 dls, 5 stars)
AppliedMathematicsANU/plexus-form-example (145 dls, 0 stars)
rpearce/react-expanding-textarea (144 dls, 3 stars)
ZackLeonardo/react-native-metro-grid (144 dls, 4 stars)
rhaker/react-native-record-audio-ios (144 dls, 4 stars)
craigbilner/eslint-plugin-react-props (144 dls, 3 stars)
wbeard/react-responsive-display (143 dls, 0 stars)
insin/babel-plugin-react-html-attrs (143 dls, 22 stars)
dbencic/inline-edit (143 dls, 0 stars)
darkrishabh/react-native-utils (142 dls, 7 stars)
jas-chen/react-render-loader (142 dls, 1 stars)
thiagoc7/react-animate.css (142 dls, 3 stars)
mhollweck/react-native-item-checkbox (141 dls, 24 stars)
LingyuCoder/react-as-range-slider (140 dls, 3 stars)
uxcore/uxcore-progress (139 dls, 0 stars)
holidayextras/react-date-time-group (139 dls, 0 stars)
scienceai/paper-textarea (139 dls, 1 stars)
travisperson/react-hexviewer (139 dls, 2 stars)
StevenIseki/react-social-buttons (139 dls, 4 stars)
inProgress-team/react-native-meteor (139 dls, 15 stars)
kirkness/react-native-fs-modal (138 dls, 20 stars)
SethDavenport/rsvg-path (138 dls, 2 stars)
brownieboy/es6bindall (138 dls, 1 stars)
zippyui/react-inline-block (138 dls, 0 stars)
romainberger/react-component-debug (138 dls, 0 stars)
hashobject/react-kudos (138 dls, 1 stars)
jxnblk/reflexbox (138 dls, 24 stars)
iRalph/statestore (138 dls, 1 stars)
joakimbeng/frcb (137 dls, 0 stars)
ninamanalo/react-native-sliding-up-panel (137 dls, 6 stars)
awetzel/jsxz-loader (137 dls, 0 stars)
TechniqueSoftware/react-json-schema (136 dls, 5 stars)
sunflowerdeath/react-markdown-it (136 dls, 0 stars)
chenchunyong/react-native-input-password (135 dls, 7 stars)
fixt/react-native-page-swiper (135 dls, 12 stars)
mathieudutour/react-pacman-progress (135 dls, 5 stars)
jonira/common-calendar (134 dls, 2 stars)
talyssonoc/generator-iso-alt (134 dls, 8 stars)
Neson/react-native-system-notification (134 dls, 33 stars)
gorangajic/react-render-to-json (134 dls, 2 stars)
jerolimov/react-showdown (134 dls, 2 stars)
VikramN/re-tag (134 dls, 14 stars)
ideyuta/nbem (133 dls, 2 stars)
legitcode/legit-image (133 dls, 35 stars)
subtirelumihail/react-fullpage (133 dls, 8 stars)
mathieuancelin/react-context-utils (132 dls, 2 stars)
lxsameer/react-native-geolocation-android (132 dls, 3 stars)
cedricdelpoux/react-google-map (132 dls, 1 stars)
bokuweb/react-motion-menu (132 dls, 19 stars)
tjunghans/react-integration (131 dls, 0 stars)
facebook/react-native-applinks (131 dls, 115 stars)
sitb-software/sitb-react-icon (130 dls, 0 stars)
hillgate/react-hillgate-nav (130 dls, 0 stars)
christopherdro/react-native-print (130 dls, 10 stars)
joshblack/react-style-components (130 dls, 3 stars)
kmalakoff/react-state-utils (130 dls, 0 stars)
capaj/react-observe-store (130 dls, 10 stars)
buunguyen/redux-validate-fsa (130 dls, 12 stars)
eisneim/react-h5-video (129 dls, 20 stars)
zzarcon/reactular (129 dls, 3 stars)
IVaE-Consultants/react-native-refresh-control-view (129 dls, 4 stars)
Apercu/react-native-bonjour (129 dls, 0 stars)
bgrsquared/d3-react-squared-c3-loader (129 dls, 2 stars)
jaydenlin/node-react-templates (128 dls, 2 stars)
relekang/chai-have-react-component (128 dls, 0 stars)
apeman-react-labo/apeman-react-tag (128 dls, 1 stars)
leftstick/react-format-number (127 dls, 4 stars)
smallhelm/js-managed-css (127 dls, 1 stars)
moudy/react-autolinker (127 dls, 0 stars)
CezarLuiz0/react-clslide (127 dls, 6 stars)
james-oldfield/react-rpg (126 dls, 15 stars)
sharingapples/react-sync-state (126 dls, 3 stars)
Kr0na/point-one (126 dls, 0 stars)
prettymuchbryce/roguelikeboard (126 dls, 3 stars)
lukehansell/react-google-ad (126 dls, 2 stars)
mvayngrib/react-native-randombytes (126 dls, 2 stars)
conorhastings/react-thermometer (125 dls, 2 stars)
TossShinHwa/react-notice (125 dls, 2 stars)
shayne/react-native-webview-js-context (125 dls, 9 stars)
erikras/multireducer-adailey14 (125 dls, 47 stars)
lumenlearning/react-accordionlly (125 dls, 1 stars)
11th/react-google-maps-addons (124 dls, 0 stars)
rhaker/react-native-select-contact-email-ios (124 dls, 0 stars)
cgarvis/react-digits (124 dls, 1 stars)
jesusoterogomez/react-notify-toast (124 dls, 1 stars)
kanatzidis/rc-clearable-input (124 dls, 0 stars)
lwansbrough/react-native-ab (124 dls, 52 stars)
CezarLuiz0/reactrotate360 (123 dls, 6 stars)
javascriptismagic/react-semantic-syntax (123 dls, 0 stars)
anthonator/react-contentable (123 dls, 0 stars)
NativeSH/react-native-iconic-font (123 dls, 7 stars)
apeman-react-labo/apeman-react-decorative (123 dls, 0 stars)
apeman-react-labo/apeman-react-form (122 dls, 0 stars)
rommguy/react-custom-scroll (122 dls, 48 stars)
marekhrabe/window-blur-mixin (122 dls, 0 stars)
altjs/alt-react (121 dls, 2 stars)
ZachBergh/react-generator (121 dls, 0 stars)
jwoudenberg/flyd-lift-react (121 dls, 17 stars)
cedricdelpoux/react-google-places-suggest (121 dls, 4 stars)
RealGeeks/pure-component (121 dls, 1 stars)
sakanabiscuit/lsx (121 dls, 2 stars)
garysye/react-native-android-geolocation (120 dls, 8 stars)
RedRoserade/asp-mvc-react-helpers (120 dls, 1 stars)
zippyui/react-dots-loader (120 dls, 5 stars)
chagasaway/react-native-fading-slides (120 dls, 6 stars)
sunnylqm/react-native-alphabetlistview (120 dls, 11 stars)
ms88privat/react-native-video-gstreamer (119 dls, 11 stars)
knisterpeter/react-to-typescript-definitions (119 dls, 4 stars)
jameslnewell/cianca (119 dls, 0 stars)
Upinion/react-native-couchbase (119 dls, 1 stars)
inaka/react-component-inspector (119 dls, 2 stars)
uxcore/uxcore-collapse (118 dls, 0 stars)
jgradim/react-user-media (118 dls, 0 stars)
unicorn-standard/react-controllable (118 dls, 3 stars)
superRaytin/react-router-link-target (118 dls, 0 stars)
weflex/react-native-pingpp (118 dls, 3 stars)
doochik/react-native-vksdk (118 dls, 4 stars)
xenohunter/dumb-relay (117 dls, 2 stars)
aikeru/reactkendo (117 dls, 1 stars)
apeman-react-labo/apeman-react-field (117 dls, 0 stars)
juancabrera/react-asset-loader (117 dls, 178 stars)
origami-ui/react-origami-notifications (117 dls, 1 stars)
maslianok/react-responsive-tabs (117 dls, 3 stars)
massiveinteractive/haxe-react (117 dls, 23 stars)
bokuweb/react-resizable-box (116 dls, 10 stars)
rhaker/react-native-select-contact-address-ios (116 dls, 1 stars)
DrMabuse23/react-native-device-orientation (116 dls, 1 stars)
patw0929/react-smartbanner (116 dls, 3 stars)
ideacreation/react-native-vibration (116 dls, 12 stars)
ssnau/slush-react-component (116 dls, 0 stars)
jerolimov/react-native-cosmos (116 dls, 7 stars)
pfzero/sflux (115 dls, 1 stars)
react-component/xd-calendar (115 dls, 190 stars)
UXtemple/react-native-es6 (115 dls, 1 stars)
remobile/react-native-toast (115 dls, 15 stars)
eviltoylet/react-calendar-widget (115 dls, 0 stars)
buunguyen/redux-freeze (114 dls, 4 stars)
BespokeInsights/react-fluxible-intraspector (114 dls, 0 stars)
remobile/react-native-image-animation (114 dls, 3 stars)
ProjectSeptemberInc/gl-react-dom (113 dls, 3 stars)
Sandreu/react-mf-modal (113 dls, 0 stars)
geekytime/razz (113 dls, 1 stars)
BobNisco/react-yarg (113 dls, 1 stars)
ludwigschubert/postal-react-mixin (113 dls, 3 stars)
stoeffel/react-mini-this (113 dls, 7 stars)
daviferreira/react-component-starter-kit (112 dls, 8 stars)
51seven/react-classname-module (112 dls, 9 stars)
pivotal-cf/pivotal-ui-react (112 dls, 20 stars)
schniz/need-this (111 dls, 5 stars)
jl-/react-flexify (111 dls, 0 stars)
jerolimov/react-native-layout (111 dls, 4 stars)
zippyui/react-scheduler (111 dls, 3 stars)
harrybabu/react-suggest (111 dls, 4 stars)
basscss/basscss-logo (110 dls, 2 stars)
wescravens/react-class-mixin (110 dls, 0 stars)
colinmeinke/universal-redux-router (110 dls, 2 stars)
willwashburn/react-tick-tock (110 dls, 0 stars)
xuluxi/react-pagination-cn (110 dls, 4 stars)
guylaor/package-react (109 dls, 0 stars)
chantastic/react-flag-object (109 dls, 1 stars)
oliverfencott/user-unselectable (109 dls, 0 stars)
malyshevalex/react-use-decorator (109 dls, 0 stars)
syarul/react-native-fbintent (109 dls, 1 stars)
scienceai/react-pouchdb-changes (109 dls, 4 stars)
uxcore/uxcore-rc-upload (108 dls, 0 stars)
DriveWealth/react-native-onepassword (108 dls, 2 stars)
jcblw/react-component-server (108 dls, 2 stars)
curioussavage/react-state-inspector (108 dls, 1 stars)
apeman-react-labo/apeman-react-photo (108 dls, 0 stars)
BurntCaramel/react-pending (108 dls, 0 stars)
apeman-react-labo/apeman-react-captcha (108 dls, 0 stars)
souporserious/react-drop (107 dls, 2 stars)
JackGit/react-motherboard (107 dls, 0 stars)
socialtables/redux-unhandled-action (107 dls, 3 stars)
thejameskyle/babel-plugin-react-pure-components (107 dls, 23 stars)
brownieboy/es6bindall (107 dls, 1 stars)
andornaut/react-scroll-into-view-mixin (107 dls, 1 stars)
ipy/react-lazyrender (106 dls, 6 stars)
syarul/react-native-android-location (106 dls, 2 stars)
zippyui/react-datetime-picker (106 dls, 1 stars)
jprichardson/react-password (106 dls, 1 stars)
apeman-app-labo/apeman-app-react (105 dls, 0 stars)
eniz/react-creditcard-input (105 dls, 6 stars)
TransferGo/flummox-component (105 dls, 0 stars)
uxcore/uxcore-validator (105 dls, 0 stars)
OmerHerera/react-marvel (104 dls, 0 stars)
sh3rawi/react-native-audio-player (104 dls, 4 stars)
dowjones/react-inline-style (104 dls, 19 stars)
tyscorp/react-transform-jspm-hmr (104 dls, 2 stars)
danny-andrews/jsx-template-loader (104 dls, 1 stars)
DickyT/react-native-inapp-browser (104 dls, 4 stars)
AdonRain/react-native-ichart (103 dls, 3 stars)
alexcurtis/rn-focalpoint (103 dls, 13 stars)
jwarning/react-svg-graph (103 dls, 3 stars)
joakimbeng/classnameify (103 dls, 1 stars)
i18next/react-i18next (103 dls, 7 stars)
threepointone/react-loadscript (103 dls, 16 stars)
guo-yu/react-native-leancloud (103 dls, 6 stars)
PhilippKrone/react-native-fileupload (102 dls, 7 stars)
towry/react-packer (102 dls, 2 stars)
bfollington/react-case (102 dls, 0 stars)
gaearon/react-transform-boilerplate (102 dls, 2016 stars)
inProgress-team/react-native-orientation-controller (101 dls, 3 stars)
rhaker/react-native-select-contact-android (101 dls, 2 stars)
thewei/react-native-grid (101 dls, 2 stars)
zodiac-xl/react-simple-radio-group (101 dls, 1 stars)
asvsfs/react-treeview-draggable (101 dls, 0 stars)
athaeryn/react-countdown (101 dls, 2 stars)
jstejada/jasmine-react-matchers (101 dls, 1 stars)
theolampert/react-flickity-component (100 dls, 1 stars)
marco-loche/react-responsive-container (100 dls, 2 stars)
ryanburgess/react-month-day (100 dls, 1 stars)
ekonstantinidis/react-giphy (100 dls, 2 stars)
ymichael/react-thrift (100 dls, 1 stars)
jekku/silent-yolocaust (100 dls, 0 stars)
arca-computing/multiple-date-picker-react (100 dls, 1 stars)
littlehaker/react-switch-component (99 dls, 1 stars)
davidxi/react-array-chunk-render (99 dls, 0 stars)
tomchentw/redux-component (99 dls, 14 stars)
bapmrl/bapmrl-react-multiselect (98 dls, 1 stars)
DispatcherInc/react-native-seekbar-android (98 dls, 4 stars)
uxcore/uxcore-select (98 dls, 0 stars)
apeman-react-labo/apeman-react-view (98 dls, 0 stars)
georgeosddev/react-ellipsis-text (98 dls, 1 stars)
KodersLab/whisky (98 dls, 0 stars)
Rudolph-Miller/react-bootstrap-star-rating (98 dls, 2 stars)
EdStudio/react-mdlite (98 dls, 3 stars)
kenjiSpecial/flip-rectangle-react-component (98 dls, 0 stars)
wwayne/react-state-store (98 dls, 0 stars)
raymondmuller/react-snackbar (98 dls, 0 stars)
vn38minhtran/router-resolver (98 dls, 2 stars)
sreejithr/lakhu (97 dls, 0 stars)
asamiller/react-native-local-image-manager (97 dls, 9 stars)
WJsjtu/react-ui-datepicker (97 dls, 3 stars)
BurntCaramel/react-rx-subscriber (97 dls, 4 stars)
artpi/reactive-compass (97 dls, 5 stars)
StevenIseki/react-pulr (96 dls, 3 stars)
SimonDegraeve/react-mui (96 dls, 0 stars)
matrix-org/matrix-react-skin (96 dls, 1 stars)
keyanzhang/react-atv-img (96 dls, 34 stars)
wearefractal/react-gandalf (96 dls, 3 stars)
maestroh/react-pathevaluator (96 dls, 0 stars)
lukasreichart/js-data-asyncstorage (96 dls, 3 stars)
colynb/react-geo-location (95 dls, 0 stars)
jasonbellamy/react-copyright (95 dls, 3 stars)
jamesknelson/react-c (95 dls, 4 stars)
zackify/reactg (95 dls, 1 stars)
buildo/react-placeholder (95 dls, 5 stars)
pjebs/pjebs-react-date-picker (95 dls, 1 stars)
walmartreact/curved-carousel (94 dls, 46 stars)
RonaldoLee/react-mousedown-awayable (94 dls, 0 stars)
WebEngage/react-value-link (94 dls, 1 stars)
zhbhun/react-antd-window (94 dls, 0 stars)
moroshko/react-chessboard (94 dls, 2 stars)
groovy354/growing-textarea-component (94 dls, 1 stars)
raquo/minimal-hapi-react-webpack-hmr-sandbox (94 dls, 2 stars)
joakimbeng/react-test-helpers (93 dls, 0 stars)
MattFoley/react-paypal (93 dls, 11 stars)
bmcmahen/react-native-debug (93 dls, 2 stars)
quentin-/react-mailcheck (93 dls, 2 stars)
alexdrel/react-tele (93 dls, 1 stars)
guyellis/react-log-lifecycle (93 dls, 3 stars)
arch-js/arch-dom (93 dls, 0 stars)
azimgd/react-image-slider (93 dls, 8 stars)
simonify/class-name (92 dls, 0 stars)
angular/angular-react-native-renderer (92 dls, 77 stars)
trevorsenior/react-text-trail (92 dls, 1 stars)
opensourcecu/react-raml (92 dls, 0 stars)
vn38minhtran/react-tooltip-component (92 dls, 0 stars)
JeanLebrument/react-native-contacts-rx (92 dls, 2 stars)
Hire-Forms/hire-forms-multi-select (92 dls, 0 stars)
paramaggarwal/react-native-global-event-emitter (92 dls, 14 stars)
mr-damagii/react-hydra (92 dls, 2 stars)
jasonbellamy/react-year (92 dls, 0 stars)
marsprince/react-native-materialdialog-android (92 dls, 3 stars)
paulrenenichols/react-component-time-input (91 dls, 2 stars)
VictorBjelkholm/atom-react-preview (91 dls, 9 stars)
yelled3/react-native-grid-example (91 dls, 50 stars)
ahdinosaur/react-render-stream (91 dls, 1 stars)
wizardzloy/react-img-preload (90 dls, 2 stars)
bamlab/rn-camera-roll (90 dls, 18 stars)
epferrari/condux-client (90 dls, 0 stars)
mderrick/grunt-fontello-react (90 dls, 3 stars)
izaakschroeder/react-beam (90 dls, 0 stars)
wmcmahan/react-native-calendar-reminders (89 dls, 9 stars)
Hire-Forms/hire-forms-mutable-list (89 dls, 0 stars)
bcbcarl/react-c3js (89 dls, 12 stars)
GantMan/generator-irrigate (89 dls, 2 stars)
swhite24/bindable-component (89 dls, 0 stars)
apeman-react-labo/apeman-react-slideshow (87 dls, 1 stars)
gaoli/react-native-range-selector (87 dls, 6 stars)
chantastic/minions.css (87 dls, 23 stars)
madjam002/specular-animation (87 dls, 5 stars)
madjam002/specular-dmx-artnet (87 dls, 5 stars)
negomi/react-tic-tac-toe (87 dls, 8 stars)
asarode/react-hummingbird (87 dls, 1 stars)
rasmusfl0e/posthtml-static-react (87 dls, 3 stars)
yaycmyk/markdown-to-jsx (87 dls, 4 stars)
jalba/react-data-viewer (87 dls, 4 stars)
andrevvalle/react-mask (87 dls, 5 stars)
zippyui/react-dataview (87 dls, 0 stars)
madjam002/specular-dmx-socket-io (86 dls, 5 stars)
pinax/pinax-images-panel (86 dls, 2 stars)
sstur/leafletmap (86 dls, 1 stars)
apeman-react-labo/apeman-react-toast (86 dls, 0 stars)
StubHubLabs/react-async-render (85 dls, 2 stars)
olivierlesnicki/react-native-switcher (85 dls, 38 stars)
overthinker29/react-dynamic-dropzone (85 dls, 2 stars)
satya164/react-native-image-chooser (85 dls, 4 stars)
OnVelocity/ov-react-modal-overlay (85 dls, 1 stars)
Studio107/react-easy-router (85 dls, 0 stars)
stormpath/react-stormpath (84 dls, 3 stars)
easyrider/react-sonar (84 dls, 0 stars)
franfran/react-native-snap-slider (84 dls, 1 stars)
kyr0/decorative-react (84 dls, 0 stars)
kypertech/generator-kyper-react (84 dls, 2 stars)
fixt/react-native-digits (84 dls, 27 stars)
revolunet/react-asyncbutton (84 dls, 0 stars)
blackjk3/react-forms-builder (84 dls, 23 stars)
smacker/babel-plugin-react-bemed (83 dls, 0 stars)
morcmarc/react-native-cognito (83 dls, 2 stars)
smooch/react-native-smooch (83 dls, 2 stars)
briansokol/react-paginatify (83 dls, 0 stars)
gustavoguichard/react-tiltshift (83 dls, 4 stars)
caike/thumb-preview (83 dls, 2 stars)
llanox/react-native-assets (83 dls, 13 stars)
benoneal/flourish (83 dls, 3 stars)
uxcore/examplecode (83 dls, 0 stars)
pablofierro/react-drag-select (83 dls, 3 stars)
GoCoders/rn-resize (83 dls, 12 stars)
georgeosddev/react-fileupload-progress (82 dls, 1 stars)
rhaker/react-native-select-contact-name-ios (82 dls, 0 stars)
Antho2407/react-radial-menu (82 dls, 8 stars)
ismaelga/react-json-editor (82 dls, 18 stars)
dmitriiabramov/react-prop-types-check (82 dls, 1 stars)
civicsource/react-inline-confirm (82 dls, 0 stars)
rhaker/react-native-sms-android (81 dls, 0 stars)
Pierrickouw/redux-devtools-prompt-state (81 dls, 0 stars)
mvader/react-component-bootstrap (81 dls, 0 stars)
smore-inc/react-native-segment-io-analytics (80 dls, 3 stars)
uxcore/uxcore-totop (80 dls, 0 stars)
joshblack/react-keymapper (80 dls, 2 stars)
cluxton/react-hash-router (80 dls, 0 stars)
pgte/pouch-redux-middleware (80 dls, 30 stars)
surialabs/react-native-braintree-android (80 dls, 2 stars)
tngan/loopback-redux-react-boilerplate (79 dls, 6 stars)
skratchdot/grunt-init-react (79 dls, 0 stars)
ramsundark5/react-native-sqlite3 (79 dls, 3 stars)
rhaker/react-native-select-contact-birthday-ios (79 dls, 0 stars)
chriselly/react-native-mediaplayer (79 dls, 5 stars)
motoedie/redux-form-validate (79 dls, 1 stars)
itsmepetrov/classnames-loader (78 dls, 40 stars)
nezriffic/react-editinplace (78 dls, 1 stars)
photoshelter/lazytree-react (78 dls, 2 stars)
lonelyclick/react-loading-bar (78 dls, 3 stars)
timfpark/react-native-cache (78 dls, 6 stars)
chantastic/dt-service-calculator (78 dls, 3 stars)
juanmnl/react-drops (78 dls, 0 stars)
tgecho/react-prosemirror (77 dls, 41 stars)
StevenIseki/css-video-wrap (77 dls, 1 stars)
mugli/reactify-semantic-ui (77 dls, 3 stars)
acdlite/realm-redux (76 dls, 32 stars)
benzhe/react-native-relative-units (76 dls, 0 stars)
vtardia/varo-flux (76 dls, 0 stars)
ccarpita/react-observer-mixin (76 dls, 0 stars)
paramaggarwal/react-native-device-motion (75 dls, 14 stars)
bvaughn/react-wait-to-render (75 dls, 4 stars)
Schniz/react-contexter (74 dls, 3 stars)
origami-ui/react-origami-lightbox (74 dls, 0 stars)
foss-haas/fynx-decorators (74 dls, 0 stars)
origami-ui/react-origami-bottoming (73 dls, 0 stars)
rofrischmann/radium-plugin-prefix-all (73 dls, 1 stars)
vczero/react-native-tab (73 dls, 18 stars)
warrenfalk/react-escape (72 dls, 0 stars)
StevenIseki/css-block-loader (72 dls, 2 stars)
rackt/react-router-native (72 dls, 9050 stars)
dtengeri/react-sharethis (72 dls, 0 stars)
egoist/redux-devtools-script (72 dls, 4 stars)
wbinnssmith/react-blurred-img (72 dls, 4 stars)
hzdg/react-qrsvg (72 dls, 1 stars)
stolksdorf/pico-flux (72 dls, 1 stars)
wbinnssmith/react-ratio-placeholder (71 dls, 0 stars)
ppiekarczyk/react-knob (71 dls, 0 stars)
tshelburne/redux-skip-by-action (71 dls, 1 stars)
kriasoft/web-routing (71 dls, 67 stars)
oliviertassinari/babel-plugin-react-remove-properties (70 dls, 5 stars)
thiagofelix/react-anion (70 dls, 5 stars)
canjs/can-ssr-plugin-react (68 dls, 0 stars)
StevenIseki/react-tabs-view (67 dls, 4 stars)
UniversalAvenue/reacon (66 dls, 2 stars)
walmartreact/react-native-platform-visible (65 dls, 34 stars)
DJCordhose/redux-title (65 dls, 3 stars)
UXtemple/knock-knock-go (65 dls, 5 stars)
hzdg/react-code39svg (65 dls, 2 stars)
DickyT/react-native-refresh-control (65 dls, 8 stars)
musienkoyuriy/reactslides (64 dls, 0 stars)
ivos/react-forms-ui (64 dls, 3 stars)
burakcan/react-snowstorm (64 dls, 110 stars)
tazsingh/pegasus-loader (64 dls, 4 stars)
digitalegarage/state-mutate (64 dls, 1 stars)
MiincGu/react-native-img-button (64 dls, 0 stars)
afrxx09/asd-nav (64 dls, 1 stars)
nodets/fluxos (63 dls, 0 stars)
square/react-field-kit (63 dls, 10 stars)
adrienjoly/react-playemjs (63 dls, 2 stars)
wix/react-hoverbox (62 dls, 0 stars)
jacobbubu/rn-websocket-stream (62 dls, 0 stars)
esportsguy/react-videojs (62 dls, 5 stars)
lewie9021/react-shallow-query (62 dls, 0 stars)
MoOx/react-svg-inline (62 dls, 2 stars)
jasonbellamy/react-codepen (61 dls, 7 stars)
kenCode-de/react-accordion-menu (61 dls, 3 stars)
ptmt/rnpm-plugin-apphub (61 dls, 7 stars)
ripeworks/redux-action-types (61 dls, 1 stars)
mrblueblue/jsx-gettext-extract-loader (61 dls, 0 stars)
jasonbellamy/react-shallow-output (60 dls, 1 stars)
euwyn/react-native-amplitude (60 dls, 1 stars)
pzavolinsky/react-ghost-i18n (60 dls, 1 stars)
voronianski/react-star-rating-component (59 dls, 28 stars)
mattecapu/react-rich-markdown (59 dls, 0 stars)
fixt/react-native-device-specs (59 dls, 5 stars)
jackofseattle/react-modal-inline (58 dls, 1 stars)
stevenmiller888/matter-react (58 dls, 38 stars)
nadimtuhin/react.pure.component (58 dls, 1 stars)
nikhedonia/react-hot-service (58 dls, 0 stars)
chantastic/react-card-object (57 dls, 2 stars)
hufeng/rn-china-region-picker (57 dls, 18 stars)
thewei/react-native-css-loader (57 dls, 2 stars)
altjs/alt-resolver (57 dls, 8 stars)
peter4k/react-native-fm-form (56 dls, 1 stars)
coursera/retracked (56 dls, 18 stars)
uxcore/uxcore-const (56 dls, 0 stars)
kwhitaker/react-accessible-fa (56 dls, 2 stars)
walmartreact/react-native-image-progressbar (55 dls, 8 stars)
dlmanning/react-css-grid-layout (55 dls, 1 stars)
remobile/react-native-action-sheet (55 dls, 5 stars)
JedWatson/react-scroll-spy (55 dls, 12 stars)
BobertForever/react-aware-mixin-decorator (54 dls, 0 stars)
FunctionFoundry/sweetflux (54 dls, 1 stars)
code-artisan/react-pagers (54 dls, 1 stars)
luisrudge/react-transform-sentry (54 dls, 13 stars)
szq4119/react-native-async-http (54 dls, 1 stars)
fixdio/react-native-locale (53 dls, 2 stars)
epferrari/condux (53 dls, 1 stars)
tdkohlbeck/react-random-notes (53 dls, 0 stars)
madjam002/specular-dmx (51 dls, 5 stars)
reqshark/react-native-hyperscript (51 dls, 4 stars)
hemanth/react-native-xkcd (51 dls, 6 stars)
MiincGu/react-native-file-manager (50 dls, 1 stars)
dariocravero/react-fake-components (50 dls, 0 stars)
teambition/react-lite-space (50 dls, 0 stars)
viatsko/react-google-static-map (49 dls, 0 stars)
bamlab/react-native-image-resizer (49 dls, 12 stars)
patw0929/react-novacancy (48 dls, 2 stars)
sbugert/react-native-admob (48 dls, 1 stars)
kwaak/react-native-android-circles (48 dls, 2 stars)
auth0/react-native-lock-android (48 dls, 0 stars)
mikehedman/react-native-simple-sound (48 dls, 1 stars)
kayla-tech/react-native-privacy-snapshot (47 dls, 17 stars)
remixz/react-fiction (47 dls, 9 stars)
chantastic/react-cheat-sheet (47 dls, 62 stars)
franfran/react-native-fade-toogle (46 dls, 1 stars)
bencripps/react_datepicker (46 dls, 1 stars)
broucz/mvu-react-form (46 dls, 38 stars)
djorg83/react-bootstrap-sweetalert (46 dls, 1 stars)
skyiea/react-core-decorators (46 dls, 2 stars)
Jam3/react-element-container (46 dls, 1 stars)
spybot/react-pure-render-ignore-functions (46 dls, 2 stars)
blueberryapps/radium-bootstrap-grid (46 dls, 0 stars)
gs-akhan/react-native-selectme (45 dls, 8 stars)
Xananax/react-size (45 dls, 0 stars)
VinSpee/react-container-query-container (44 dls, 3 stars)
StevenIseki/react-drop-down (44 dls, 1 stars)
alexcurtis/react-infscroll (44 dls, 5 stars)
sungwoncho/react-cntdwn (44 dls, 0 stars)
Dununan/reactjs-eu-cookies (43 dls, 0 stars)
morlay/reflux-connect (43 dls, 3 stars)
wootwoot1234/react-native-webkit-localstorage-reader (43 dls, 1 stars)
internalfx/ramdb (43 dls, 2 stars)
kat4/react-magnifying-glass (43 dls, 0 stars)
andyscott/react-native-hawk (43 dls, 2 stars)
vmakhaev/react-prefix-loader (43 dls, 1 stars)
uxcore/uxcore-formatter (43 dls, 0 stars)
remobile/react-native-marquee-label (43 dls, 5 stars)
leecade/react-i (43 dls, 6 stars)
Haargeeel/react-native-wifi-checker (42 dls, 2 stars)
rmdort/react-flexi-textarea (42 dls, 2 stars)
kdmny/react-native-fb-like-button (42 dls, 3 stars)
sidorares/react-x11 (42 dls, 6 stars)
calvinwoo/knockout-bind-react (42 dls, 1 stars)
remobile/react-native-mongoose (41 dls, 2 stars)
treasure-data/redux-search (41 dls, 383 stars)
react-component/rmc-picker (41 dls, 3 stars)
4Catalyzer/relay-decorators (41 dls, 1 stars)
traveloka/react-diode (41 dls, 5 stars)
blainekasten/react-global-event-decorator (41 dls, 1 stars)
erikras/react-redux-universal-hot-example (41 dls, 2678 stars)
chrisjhoughton/rb-controllerview (41 dls, 1 stars)
thejameskyle/babel-utils-react (40 dls, 7 stars)
andreypopp/react-image-size-loader (40 dls, 10 stars)
remobile/react-native-simple-button (40 dls, 1 stars)
stolksdorf/react-csstransitgroup (40 dls, 0 stars)
doochik/react-native-imagepicker (40 dls, 3 stars)
colindresj/react-render-if-truthy (40 dls, 0 stars)
beefe/react-native-picker (40 dls, 3 stars)
Granze/react-starterify (40 dls, 504 stars)
react-ps/nnn-ui (38 dls, 1 stars)
chymtt/react-native-calendar-android (38 dls, 9 stars)
jprichardson/redux-watch (38 dls, 57 stars)
smacker/karma-jasmine-expect-jsx (37 dls, 2 stars)
bvaughn/react-highlight.js (37 dls, 1 stars)
mrblueblue/react-stateful-input (37 dls, 1 stars)
jaxchow/react-native-rebound-scrollview (37 dls, 4 stars)
remobile/react-native-des (37 dls, 2 stars)
watert/react-native-icloud (37 dls, 0 stars)
ramitos/json-to-react-element (36 dls, 2 stars)
gcanti/simple-date-picker (36 dls, 2 stars)
GriddleGriddle/griddle-react-bedrock (36 dls, 985 stars)
vlad-ignatov/react-numeric-input (36 dls, 0 stars)
coryhouse/vin-react-starter-kit (35 dls, 2 stars)
broucz/react-inline-grid-transform-boilerplate (35 dls, 113 stars)
MiincGu/react-native-netinfo-android (35 dls, 2 stars)
Legitcode/redux-save (34 dls, 24 stars)
joshuakarjala/react-native-icloud-user-token (33 dls, 1 stars)
georgeosddev/react-mousetrap-mixin (33 dls, 1 stars)
whistlerbrk/react-kaminari (33 dls, 1 stars)
stolksdorf/pico-router (33 dls, 3 stars)
ianobermiller/radium-plugin-friendly-pseudos (32 dls, 0 stars)
robinpowered/react-native-device-battery (32 dls, 5 stars)
tinycreative/react-native-dropbox-chooser (31 dls, 6 stars)
exponentjs/react-native-loading-container (31 dls, 28 stars)
ianobermiller/radium-plugin-validity-pseudos (31 dls, 0 stars)
troch/react-state-hoc (31 dls, 1 stars)
kremonte/react-ipa-input (31 dls, 0 stars)
danrigsby/react-native-web-container (31 dls, 3 stars)
zxbodya/router1-react (30 dls, 0 stars)
blahoink/react-native-file-transfer-android (30 dls, 1 stars)
lukehansell/react-trackable (30 dls, 0 stars)
react-native-material-design/react-native-material-design (29 dls, 4 stars)
ramitos/react-worker (29 dls, 3 stars)
mariocasciaro/object-path-immutable (28 dls, 3 stars)
johanhdm/slush-react-materialui (27 dls, 0 stars)
kremonte/react-audio-recorder (27 dls, 1 stars)
geoow/geoow-alert (27 dls, 0 stars)
hartman/videojs-responsive-layout (27 dls, 0 stars)
bretdabaker/react-native-vs-charts (26 dls, 1 stars)
skratchdot/react-github-corner (25 dls, 2 stars)
skratchdot/react-file-processor (25 dls, 1 stars)
vieron/react-docgen-readme (25 dls, 2 stars)
contra/react-logger (24 dls, 10 stars)
upinion/react-native-vectordrawable-android (24 dls, 1 stars)
kremonte/react-transcriber (24 dls, 0 stars)
vkbansal/eslint-plugin-jsx-control-statements (22 dls, 0 stars)
Aloompa/react-safe-component (22 dls, 0 stars)
cht8687/react-hover (22 dls, 1 stars)
somonus/rc-echarts (22 dls, 5 stars)
reactnativecn/react-native-qq (22 dls, 3 stars)
VisionistInc/react-flipper (22 dls, 1 stars)
andrewluetgers/omnistate (21 dls, 1 stars)
uxcore/uxcore-pickable (20 dls, 0 stars)
react-component/rmc-cascade-select (20 dls, 3 stars)
danillouz/react-snowfetti (19 dls, 1 stars)
zo0r/react-native-push-notification (18 dls, 0 stars)
luizeduard0/reax-avatar (0 dls, 0 stars)
MattMcFarland/react-darkroom (0 dls, 6 stars)
willowtreeapps/react-formable (0 dls, 5 stars)
jehoshua02/react-resize-sensor (0 dls, 0 stars)
conorhastings/redux-connected-proptypes (0 dls, 1 stars)
studiofrenetic/facebook-plugins (0 dls, 0 stars)
loggur/react-redux-provide-history (0 dls, 0 stars)
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