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Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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  • Save vjt/9861225 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save vjt/9861225 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Database fix for wrongly generated ChronoModel constraints (issue #23).
# Fixes wrong database structure created by ChronoModel's issue #23
# Download this file in your app root:
# curl -O
# Run it:
# rails run ./chronomodel-fix-db-issue-23.rb
# Sorry for the hassle :-).
# - vjt
conn = ActiveRecord::Base.connection
Dir['./app/models/**/*.rb'].sort.each {|f| require f}
chrono_tables = ChronoModel::TimeMachine.chrono_models.keys
conn.transaction do
chrono_tables.each do |t|
print "Fixing #{t}..."
pk = conn.primary_key(t)
conn.execute "alter table history.#{t} drop constraint #{t}_timeline_consistency"
conn.execute "alter table history.#{t} add constraint #{t}_timeline_consistency exclude using gist(#{pk} with =, validity with &&)"
puts "done"
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