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Last active July 30, 2024 14:25
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Handling failures and input errors in a functional way
public HttpResponseMessage CreateCustomer(string name, string billingInfo)
Result<BillingInfo> billingInfoResult = BillingInfo.Create(billingInfo);
Result<CustomerName> customerNameResult = CustomerName.Create(name);
return Result.Combine(billingInfoResult, customerNameResult)
.OnSuccess(() => _paymentGateway.ChargeCommission(billingInfoResult.Value))
.OnSuccess(() => new Customer(customerNameResult.Value))
customer => _repository.Save(customer)
.OnFailure(() => _paymentGateway.RollbackLastTransaction())
.OnSuccess(() => _emailSender.SendGreetings(customerNameResult.Value))
.OnBoth(result => Log(result))
.OnBoth(result => CreateResponseMessage(result));
public class Result
public bool Success { get; private set; }
public string Error { get; private set; }
public bool Failure
get { return !Success; }
protected Result(bool success, string error)
Contracts.Require(success || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(error));
Contracts.Require(!success || string.IsNullOrEmpty(error));
Success = success;
Error = error;
public static Result Fail(string message)
return new Result(false, message);
public static Result<T> Fail<T>(string message)
return new Result<T>(default(T), false, message);
public static Result Ok()
return new Result(true, String.Empty);
public static Result<T> Ok<T>(T value)
return new Result<T>(value, true, String.Empty);
public static Result Combine(params Result[] results)
foreach (Result result in results)
if (result.Failure)
return result;
return Ok();
public class Result<T> : Result
private T _value;
public T Value
return _value;
[param: AllowNull]
private set { _value = value; }
protected internal Result([AllowNull] T value, bool success, string error)
: base(success, error)
Contracts.Require(value != null || !success);
Value = value;
public static class ResultExtensions
public static Result OnSuccess(this Result result, Func<Result> func)
if (result.Failure)
return result;
return func();
public static Result OnSuccess(this Result result, Action action)
if (result.Failure)
return result;
return Result.Ok();
public static Result OnSuccess<T>(this Result<T> result, Action<T> action)
if (result.Failure)
return result;
return Result.Ok();
public static Result<T> OnSuccess<T>(this Result result, Func<T> func)
if (result.Failure)
return Result.Fail<T>(result.Error);
return Result.Ok(func());
public static Result<T> OnSuccess<T>(this Result result, Func<Result<T>> func)
if (result.Failure)
return Result.Fail<T>(result.Error);
return func();
public static Result OnSuccess<T>(this Result<T> result, Func<T, Result> func)
if (result.Failure)
return result;
return func(result.Value);
public static Result OnFailure(this Result result, Action action)
if (result.Failure)
return result;
public static Result OnBoth(this Result result, Action<Result> action)
return result;
public static T OnBoth<T>(this Result result, Func<Result, T> func)
return func(result)
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Any chance the Result class & extensions are available as a nuget package?

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@ian-moore It's been a long time, but I finally made a NuGet package out of it:

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gbaims commented Nov 4, 2016

@vkhorikov thank you for this. I've been watching your courses in Pluralsight, excelent work.

About the Result class, is it really necessary to have a boolean field? How about the implementation below?

public class Result
    public string Error { get; }

    public bool Success => Error == null;
    public bool Failure => !Success;

    protected Result() { }

    protected Result(string message)
        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(message))
            throw new ArgumentException();

        Error = message;

    public static Result Fail(string message) { return new Result(message); }
    public static Result Ok() { return new Result(); }

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@gbaims Hm, I still don't get notifications from gist.github for some reason. Discovered your question accidentally.

The flag is not necessary, and your implementation looks good. I personally like to be explicit in code, though (at least in most important parts of it), even if it brings a little bit of overhead.

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I have a similar class but instead of using a Fail property, I had a ResultType - I was able to specify what kind of operation it was, Success, Exception, Failure. Depending on the logic it returned one of flags and the UI displayed the appropriate message. Then the result class simply had a Success property that checked the result type.

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The Contracts class where you put all your common validate there?

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Brezelmann commented Oct 28, 2018

You are missing a semicolon on line 74 in ResultExtensions.

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ShaharShokrani commented Jun 1, 2019

Hey @vkhorikov thank you! I'm using .Net core and the [param: AllowNull] doesn't compile , I'm getting

the type or namespace name 'AllowNullAttribute' could not be found...

Any suggestion?

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@ShaharShokrani you need to install NullGuard.Fody for that. It's optional, though, this would work without it. More on the null guard:

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What is Contracts?

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vkhorikov commented Oct 12, 2019

It's a simple helper, e.g

public static class Guard
    public static void Require(bool precondition, string exceptionMessage)
        if (!precondition)
            throw new CodeContractException(exceptionMessage);

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