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Created April 19, 2019 13:26
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Example of JSON streamer (encoder/decoder) with memory profile
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
from collections import Mapping, Container
import cherrypy
import json
from json import JSONEncoder, JSONDecoder
import cStringIO as StringIO
# code taken from:
def deep_getsizeof(o, ids):
"""Find the memory footprint of a Python object
This is a recursive function that drills down a Python object graph
like a dictionary holding nested dictionaries with lists of lists
and tuples and sets.
The sys.getsizeof function does a shallow size of only. It counts each
object inside a container as pointer only regardless of how big it
really is.
:param o: the object
:param ids:
d = deep_getsizeof
if id(o) in ids:
return 0
r = sys.getsizeof(o)
if isinstance(o, str) or isinstance(0, unicode):
return r
if isinstance(o, Mapping):
return r + sum(d(k, ids) + d(v, ids) for k, v in o.iteritems())
if isinstance(o, Container):
return r + sum(d(x, ids) for x in o)
return r
def jsonstreamer(func):
"""JSON streamer decorator"""
def wrapper (self, *args, **kwds):
"""Decorator wrapper"""
cherrypy.response.headers['Content-Type'] = "application/json"
func._cp_config = {'': True}
data = func (self, *args, **kwds)
if isinstance(data, dict):
for chunk in JSONEncoder().iterencode(data):
yield chunk
elif isinstance(data, list) or isinstance(data, types.GeneratorType):
sep = ''
for rec in data:
if sep:
yield sep
for chunk in JSONEncoder().iterencode(rec):
yield chunk
if not sep:
sep = ', '
msg = 'jsonstreamer, improper data type %s' % type(data)
raise Exception(msg)
return wrapper
def decoder(istring):
decoder = JSONDecoder()
return decoder.decode(istring)
def test(data):
return data
# complext data structure with nested dicts
# rdict = {"fl":[1,2,3], 'name': 'bla'}
# data = {"foo":1, "nested":[rdict for _ in range(10)]}
data = {"foo":1, "bla":[1,2,3,4,5]}
print('JSON dumps')
print('size: {}'.format(deep_getsizeof(data, set())))
# use StringIO stream to hold our data, a la file
print('JSON stream')
output = StringIO.StringIO()
for chunk in test(data):
# now we have StringIO object we can read from it, the istring is our JSON stream
istring = output.getvalue()
print('size: {}'.format(deep_getsizeof(istring, set())))
# let's decode the JSON stream, we should get back dict object
data = decoder(istring)
if isinstance(data, dict):
print("decoded output")
print('size: {}'.format(deep_getsizeof(data, set())))
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