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Last active February 6, 2023 17:54
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Preserve comments with Esprima + Escodegen combination
// escodegen has a fucked up API for attaching comments
var esprima = require("esprima");
var es = require("escodegen");
var ast = esprima.parse(
'//comment here\nvar answer = 42;',
{range: true, tokens: true, comment: true});
// attaching comments is a separate step
ast = es.attachComments(ast, ast.comments, ast.tokens);
console.log(es.generate(ast, {comment: true}));
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Thanks! I was wondering what was going on and this snippet saved me some debug time 👍

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Great !! Super thx

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Many thanks, I was scratching my head for a while!

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Thanks, saved me a lot of time.

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