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* BakerMemoryManager.cpp
* Implementation of BakerMemoryManager class
* LLST (LLVM Smalltalk or Low Level Smalltalk) version 0.2
* LLST is
* Copyright (C) 2012-2013 by Dmitry Kashitsyn <[email protected]>
* Copyright (C) 2012-2013 by Roman Proskuryakov <[email protected]>
* LLST is based on the LittleSmalltalk which is
* Copyright (C) 1987-2005 by Timothy A. Budd
* Copyright (C) 2007 by Charles R. Childers
* Copyright (C) 2005-2007 by Danny Reinhold
* Original license of LittleSmalltalk may be found in the LICENSE file.
* This file is part of LLST.
* LLST is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* LLST is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with LLST. If not, see <>.
#include <memory.h>
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <sys/time.h>
BakerMemoryManager::BakerMemoryManager() :
m_collectionsCount(0), m_allocationsCount(0), m_totalCollectionDelay(0),
m_heapSize(0), m_maxHeapSize(0), m_heapOne(0), m_heapTwo(0),
m_activeHeapOne(true), m_inactiveHeapBase(0), m_inactiveHeapPointer(0),
m_activeHeapBase(0), m_activeHeapPointer(0), m_staticHeapSize(0),
m_staticHeapBase(0), m_staticHeapPointer(0), m_externalPointersHead(0)
// TODO set everything in m_memoryInfo to 0
gettimeofday(&(m_memoryInfo.timeBegin), NULL);"gc.log", std::fstream::out);
// Nothing to be done here
// TODO Reset the external pointers to catch the null pointers if something goes wrong
//void BakerMemoryManager::writeLogEnd(TMemoryManagerEvent *event){
void BakerMemoryManager::writeLogLine(TMemoryManagerEvent *event){
m_logFile << event->time.tv_sec << "." << event->time.tv_usec/1000
<< ": [" << event->eventName << ": ";
if(event->heapInfo != NULL){
TMemoryManagerHeapInfo *eh = event->heapInfo;
m_logFile << eh->usedHeapSizeBeforeCollect << "K->"
<< eh->usedHeapSizeAfterCollect << "K("
<< eh->totalHeapSize << "K)";
for(std::list<TMemoryManagerHeapEvent*>::iterator i = eh->heapEvents.begin(); i != eh->heapEvents.end(); i++){
m_logFile << "[" << (*i)->eventName << ": "
<< (*i)->usedHeapSizeBeforeCollect << "K->"
<< (*i)->usedHeapSizeAfterCollect << "K("
<< (*i)->totalHeapSize << "K)";
if((*i)->timeDiff.tv_sec != 0 || (*i)->timeDiff.tv_usec != 0){
m_logFile << ", " << (*i)->timeDiff.tv_sec << "." << (*i)->timeDiff.tv_usec/1000 << " secs";
m_logFile << "] ";
if(event->timeDiff.tv_sec != 0 || event->timeDiff.tv_usec != 0){
m_logFile << ", " << event->timeDiff.tv_sec << "." << event->timeDiff.tv_usec << " secs";
m_logFile << "]\n";
bool BakerMemoryManager::initializeStaticHeap(std::size_t heapSize)
heapSize = correctPadding(heapSize);
uint8_t* heap = static_cast<uint8_t*>( std::malloc(heapSize) );
if (!heap)
return false;
std::memset(heap, 0, heapSize);
m_staticHeapBase = heap;
m_staticHeapPointer = heap + heapSize;
m_staticHeapSize = heapSize;
return true;
bool BakerMemoryManager::initializeHeap(std::size_t heapSize, std::size_t maxHeapSize /* = 0 */)
// To initialize properly we need a heap with an even size
heapSize = correctPadding(heapSize);
uint32_t mediane = heapSize / 2;
m_heapSize = heapSize;
m_maxHeapSize = maxHeapSize;
m_heapOne = static_cast<uint8_t*>( std::malloc(mediane) );
m_heapTwo = static_cast<uint8_t*>( std::malloc(mediane) );
// TODO check for allocation errors
std::memset(m_heapOne, 0, mediane);
std::memset(m_heapTwo, 0, mediane);
m_activeHeapOne = true;
m_activeHeapBase = m_heapOne;
m_activeHeapPointer = m_heapOne + mediane;
m_inactiveHeapBase = m_heapTwo;
m_inactiveHeapPointer = m_heapTwo + mediane;
return true;
void BakerMemoryManager::growHeap(uint32_t requestedSize)
// Stage1. Growing inactive heap
uint32_t newHeapSize = correctPadding(requestedSize + m_heapSize + m_heapSize / 2);
std::printf("MM: Growing heap to %d\n", newHeapSize);
uint32_t newMediane = newHeapSize / 2;
uint8_t** activeHeapBase = m_activeHeapOne ? &m_heapOne : &m_heapTwo;
uint8_t** inactiveHeapBase = m_activeHeapOne ? &m_heapTwo : &m_heapOne;
// Reallocating space and zeroing it
void* newInactiveHeap = std::realloc(*inactiveHeapBase, newMediane);
if (!newInactiveHeap)
std::printf("MM: Cannot reallocate %d bytes for inactive heap\n", newMediane);
} else {
*inactiveHeapBase = static_cast<uint8_t*>(newInactiveHeap);
std::memset(*inactiveHeapBase, 0, newMediane);
// Stage 2. Collecting garbage so that
// active objects will be moved to a new home
// Now pointers are swapped and previously active heap is now inactive
// We need to reallocate it too
void* newActiveHeap = std::realloc(*activeHeapBase, newMediane);
if (!newActiveHeap)
std::printf("MM: Cannot reallocate %d bytes for active heap\n", newMediane);
} else {
*activeHeapBase = static_cast<uint8_t*>(newActiveHeap);
std::memset(*activeHeapBase, 0, newMediane);
m_heapSize = newHeapSize;
void* BakerMemoryManager::allocate(std::size_t requestedSize, bool* gcOccured /*= 0*/ )
if (gcOccured)
*gcOccured = false;
std::size_t attempts = 2;
while (attempts-- > 0) {
if (m_activeHeapPointer - requestedSize < m_activeHeapBase) {
// If even after collection there is too less space
// we may try to expand the heap
const uintptr_t distance = m_activeHeapPointer - m_activeHeapBase;
if ((m_heapSize < m_maxHeapSize) && (distance < m_heapSize / 6))
if (gcOccured)
*gcOccured = true;
m_activeHeapPointer -= requestedSize;
void* result = m_activeHeapPointer;
if (gcOccured && !*gcOccured)
return result;
// TODO Grow the heap if object still not fits
std::fprintf(stderr, "Could not allocate %u bytes in heap\n", requestedSize);
return 0;
void* BakerMemoryManager::staticAllocate(std::size_t requestedSize)
uint8_t* newPointer = m_staticHeapPointer - requestedSize;
if (newPointer < m_staticHeapBase)
std::fprintf(stderr, "Could not allocate %u bytes in static heaps\n", requestedSize);
return 0; // TODO Report memory allocation error
m_staticHeapPointer = newPointer;
return newPointer;
BakerMemoryManager::TMovableObject* BakerMemoryManager::moveObject(TMovableObject* object)
TMovableObject* currentObject = object;
TMovableObject* previousObject = 0;
TMovableObject* objectCopy = 0;
TMovableObject* replacement = 0;
while (true) {
// Stage 1. Walking down the tree. Keep stacking objects to be moved
// until we find one that we can handle
while (true) {
// Checking whether this is inline integer
if (isSmallInteger( reinterpret_cast<TObject*>(currentObject) )) {
// Inline integers are stored directly in the
// pointer space. All we need to do is just copy
// contents of the poiner to a new place
replacement = currentObject;
currentObject = previousObject;
bool inOldSpace = (reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(currentObject) >= m_inactiveHeapPointer) &&
(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(currentObject) < (m_inactiveHeapBase + m_heapSize / 2));
// Checking if object is not in the old space
if (!inOldSpace)
// Object does not belong to a heap.
// Either it is located in static space
// or this is a broken pointer
replacement = currentObject;
currentObject = previousObject;
// Checking if object is already moved
if (currentObject->size.isRelocated()) {
if (currentObject->size.isBinary()) {
replacement = currentObject->data[0];
} else {
uint32_t index = currentObject->size.getSize();
replacement = currentObject->data[index];
currentObject = previousObject;
// Checking whether we're dealing with the binary object
if (currentObject->size.isBinary()) {
// Current object is binary.
// Moving object to a new space, copying it's data
// and finally walking up to the object's class
// Size of binary data
uint32_t dataSize = currentObject->size.getSize();
// Allocating copy in new space
// We need to allocate space evenly, so calculating the
// actual size of the block being reserved for the moving object
m_activeHeapPointer -= sizeof(TByteObject) + correctPadding(dataSize);
objectCopy = new (m_activeHeapPointer) TMovableObject(dataSize, true);
// Copying byte data. data[0] is the class pointer,
// actual binary data starts from the data[1]
uint8_t* source = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>( & currentObject->data[1] );
uint8_t* destination = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>( & objectCopy->data[1] );
std::memcpy(destination, source, dataSize);
// Marking original copy of object as relocated so it would not be processed again
// During GC process temporarily using data[0] as indirection pointer
// This will be corrected on the next stage of current GC operation
objectCopy->data[0] = previousObject;
previousObject = currentObject;
currentObject = currentObject->data[0];
previousObject->data[0] = objectCopy;
// On the next iteration we'll be processing the data[0] of the current object
// which is actually class pointer in TObject.
// NOTE It is expected that class of binary object would be non binary
} else {
// Current object is not binary, i.e. this is an ordinary object
// with fields that are either SmallIntegers or pointers to other objects
uint32_t fieldsCount = currentObject->size.getSize();
m_activeHeapPointer -= sizeof(TObject) + fieldsCount * sizeof (TObject*);
objectCopy = new (m_activeHeapPointer) TMovableObject(fieldsCount, false);
// Initializing indices. Actual field copying
// will be done later in the next subloop
const uint32_t lastObjectIndex = fieldsCount;
objectCopy->data[lastObjectIndex] = previousObject;
previousObject = currentObject;
currentObject = currentObject->data[lastObjectIndex];
previousObject->data[lastObjectIndex] = objectCopy;
// Stage 2. Fix up pointers,
// Move back up tree as long as possible
// old_address points to an object in the old space,
// which in turns points to an object in the new space,
// which holds a pointer that is now to be replaced.
// the value in replacement is the new value
while (true) {
// We're got out entirely
if (currentObject == 0)
return replacement;
// Either binary object or the last value (field from the ordinary one?)
if ( currentObject->size.isBinary() || (currentObject->size.getSize() == 0) ) {
// Fixing up class pointer
objectCopy = currentObject->data[0];
previousObject = objectCopy->data[0];
objectCopy->data[0] = replacement;
currentObject->data[0] = objectCopy;
replacement = objectCopy;
currentObject = previousObject;
} else {
// last field from TObject
uint32_t lastFieldIndex = currentObject->size.getSize();
objectCopy = currentObject->data[lastFieldIndex];
previousObject = objectCopy->data[lastFieldIndex];
objectCopy->data[lastFieldIndex] = replacement;
// Recovering zero fields
while((lastFieldIndex > 0) && (currentObject->data[lastFieldIndex] == 0))
objectCopy->data[lastFieldIndex] = 0;
// Storing the last visited index to the size
// If it gets zero then all fields were moved
objectCopy->data[lastFieldIndex] = previousObject;
previousObject = currentObject;
currentObject = currentObject->data[lastFieldIndex];
previousObject->data[lastFieldIndex] = objectCopy;
void BakerMemoryManager::collectGarbage()
//get statistic before collect
TMemoryManagerEvent* event = new TMemoryManagerEvent();
event->eventName = "GC";
gettimeofday(&(event->time), NULL);
long tempTimeDiff = (event->time.tv_sec - m_memoryInfo.timeBegin.tv_sec)*1000000
+ event->time.tv_usec - m_memoryInfo.timeBegin.tv_usec;
event->time.tv_sec = tempTimeDiff / 1000000;
event->time.tv_usec = tempTimeDiff - event->time.tv_sec * 1000000;
event->heapInfo = new TMemoryManagerHeapInfo;
event->heapInfo->usedHeapSizeBeforeCollect = (m_heapSize - (m_activeHeapPointer - m_activeHeapBase))/1024;
event->heapInfo->totalHeapSize = m_heapSize/1024;
// First of all swapping the spaces
if (m_activeHeapOne)
m_activeHeapBase = m_heapTwo;
m_inactiveHeapBase = m_heapOne;
} else {
m_activeHeapBase = m_heapOne;
m_inactiveHeapBase = m_heapTwo;
m_activeHeapOne = not m_activeHeapOne;
m_inactiveHeapPointer = m_activeHeapPointer;
m_activeHeapPointer = m_activeHeapBase + m_heapSize / 2;
// Then, performing the collection. Seeking from the root
// objects down the hierarchy to find active objects.
// Then moving them to the new active heap.
// Storing timestamp on start
timeval tv1;
gettimeofday(&tv1, NULL);
// Moving the live objects in the new heap
// Storing timestamp of the end
timeval tv2;
gettimeofday(&tv2, NULL);
std::memset(m_inactiveHeapBase, 0, m_heapSize / 2);
// Calculating total microseconds spent in the garbage collection procedure
m_totalCollectionDelay += (tv2.tv_sec - tv1.tv_sec) * 1000000 + (tv2.tv_usec - tv1.tv_usec);
event->heapInfo->usedHeapSizeAfterCollect = (m_heapSize - (m_activeHeapPointer - m_activeHeapBase))/1024;
event->timeDiff.tv_sec = m_totalCollectionDelay/1000000;
event->timeDiff.tv_usec = m_totalCollectionDelay - event->timeDiff.tv_sec*1000000;;
void BakerMemoryManager::moveObjects()
// Here we need to check the rootStack, staticRoots and the VM execution context
TStaticRootsIterator iRoot = m_staticRoots.begin();
for (; iRoot != m_staticRoots.end(); ++iRoot) {
**iRoot = moveObject(**iRoot);
// Updating external references. Typically these are pointers stored in the hptr<>
object_ptr* currentPointer = m_externalPointersHead;
while (currentPointer != 0) {
currentPointer->data = reinterpret_cast<TObject*>( moveObject( reinterpret_cast<TMovableObject*>(currentPointer->data) ) );
currentPointer = currentPointer->next;
bool BakerMemoryManager::isInStaticHeap(void* location)
return (location >= m_staticHeapPointer) && (location < m_staticHeapBase + m_staticHeapSize);
bool BakerMemoryManager::checkRoot(TObject* value, TObject** objectSlot)
// Here we need to perform some actions depending on whether the object slot and
// the value resides. Generally, all pointers from the static heap to the dynamic one
// should be tracked by the GC because it may be the only valid link to the object.
// Object may be collected otherwise.
bool slotIsStatic = isInStaticHeap(objectSlot);
// Only static slots are subject of our interest
if (slotIsStatic) {
TObject* oldValue = *objectSlot;
bool valueIsStatic = isInStaticHeap(value);
bool oldValueIsStatic = isInStaticHeap(oldValue);
if (!valueIsStatic) {
// Adding dynamic value to a static slot. If slot previously contained
// the dynamic value then it means that slot was already registered before.
// In that case we do not need to register it again.
if (oldValueIsStatic) {
return true; // Root list was altered
} else {
// Adding static value to a static slot. Typically it means assigning something
// like nilObject. We need to check what pointer was in the slot before (oldValue).
// If it was dynamic, we need to remove the slot from the root list, so GC will not
// try to collect a static value from the static heap (it's just a waste of time).
if (!oldValueIsStatic) {
return true; // Root list was altered
// Root list was not altered
return false;
void BakerMemoryManager::addStaticRoot(TObject** pointer)
m_staticRoots.push_front( reinterpret_cast<TMovableObject**>(pointer) );
void BakerMemoryManager::removeStaticRoot(TObject** pointer)
TStaticRootsIterator iRoot = m_staticRoots.begin();
for (; iRoot != m_staticRoots.end(); ++iRoot) {
if (*iRoot == reinterpret_cast<TMovableObject**>(pointer)) {
void BakerMemoryManager::registerExternalHeapPointer(object_ptr& pointer) { = m_externalPointersHead;
m_externalPointersHead = &pointer;
void BakerMemoryManager::releaseExternalHeapPointer(object_ptr& pointer) {
if (m_externalPointersHead == &pointer) {
m_externalPointersHead =;
// If it is not the last element of the list
// we replace the given pointer with the next one
if ( {
object_ptr* next_object =; = next_object->data; = next_object->next;
} else {
// This is the last element, we have to find the previous
// element in the list and unlink the given pointer
object_ptr* previousPointer = m_externalPointersHead;
while (previousPointer->next != &pointer)
previousPointer = previousPointer->next;
previousPointer->next = 0;
TMemoryManagerInfo BakerMemoryManager::getStat()
//FIXME collect statistic
m_memoryInfo.leftToRightCollections = 0;
m_memoryInfo.rightToLeftCollections = 0;
m_memoryInfo.rightCollectionDelay = 0;
m_memoryInfo.allocationsCount = m_allocationsCount;
m_memoryInfo.collectionsCount = m_collectionsCount;
m_memoryInfo.totalCollectionDelay = m_totalCollectionDelay;
return m_memoryInfo;
* memory.h
* LLST memory management routines and interfaces
* LLST (LLVM Smalltalk or Low Level Smalltalk) version 0.2
* LLST is
* Copyright (C) 2012-2013 by Dmitry Kashitsyn <[email protected]>
* Copyright (C) 2012-2013 by Roman Proskuryakov <[email protected]>
* LLST is based on the LittleSmalltalk which is
* Copyright (C) 1987-2005 by Timothy A. Budd
* Copyright (C) 2007 by Charles R. Childers
* Copyright (C) 2005-2007 by Danny Reinhold
* Original license of LittleSmalltalk may be found in the LICENSE file.
* This file is part of LLST.
* LLST is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* LLST is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with LLST. If not, see <>.
#include <cstddef>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <types.h>
#include <vector>
#include <list>
#include <fstream>
struct TMemoryManagerHeapEvent{
const char* eventName;
//timeval time; //unusual value
timeval timeDiff;
uint32_t usedHeapSizeBeforeCollect;
uint32_t usedHeapSizeAfterCollect;
uint32_t totalHeapSize;
struct TMemoryManagerHeapInfo{
uint32_t usedHeapSizeBeforeCollect;
uint32_t usedHeapSizeAfterCollect;
uint32_t totalHeapSize;
std::list<TMemoryManagerHeapEvent*> heapEvents;
//represent three kinds of events in garbage collection log:
//just event, event which takes some time, event which interacting with a heap
struct TMemoryManagerEvent{
const char* eventName;
timeval time;
timeval timeDiff; //maybe null
TMemoryManagerHeapInfo* heapInfo; //maybe null
// Memory manager statics is held
// in the following structure
struct TMemoryManagerInfo {
uint32_t collectionsCount;
uint32_t allocationsCount;
uint64_t totalCollectionDelay;
uint32_t leftToRightCollections;
uint32_t rightToLeftCollections;
uint64_t rightCollectionDelay;
timeval timeBegin;
std::list<TMemoryManagerEvent*> events;
struct object_ptr {
TObject* data;
object_ptr* next;
object_ptr() : data(0), next(0) {}
explicit object_ptr(TObject* data) : data(data), next(0) {}
object_ptr& operator=(const object_ptr& value) { this->data =; return *this; }
object_ptr(const object_ptr& value);
// Generic interface to a memory manager.
// Custom implementations such as BakerMemoryManager
// implement this interface.
class IMemoryManager {
virtual bool initializeHeap(std::size_t heapSize, std::size_t maxSize = 0) = 0;
virtual bool initializeStaticHeap(std::size_t staticHeapSize) = 0;
virtual void* allocate(std::size_t size, bool* collectionOccured = 0) = 0;
virtual void* staticAllocate(std::size_t size) = 0;
virtual void collectGarbage() = 0;
virtual bool checkRoot(TObject* value, TObject** objectSlot) = 0;
virtual void addStaticRoot(TObject** pointer) = 0;
virtual void removeStaticRoot(TObject** pointer) = 0;
virtual bool isInStaticHeap(void* location) = 0;
// External pointer handling
virtual void registerExternalHeapPointer(object_ptr& pointer) = 0;
virtual void releaseExternalHeapPointer(object_ptr& pointer) = 0;
virtual uint32_t allocsBeyondCollection() = 0;
virtual TMemoryManagerInfo getStat() = 0;
virtual ~IMemoryManager() {};
// When pointer to a heap object is stored outside of the heap,
// specific actions need to be taken in order to prevent pointer
// invalidation due to GC procedure. External pointers need to be
// registered in GC so it will use this pointers as roots for the
// object traversing. GC will update the pointer data with the
// actual object location. hptr<> helps to organize external pointers
// by automatically calling registerExternalPointer() in constructor
// and releaseExternalPointer() in desctructor.
// External pointers are widely used in the VM execution code.
// VM provide helper functions newPointer() and newObject() which
// deal with hptr<> in a user friendly way. Use of these functions
// is highly recommended.
template <typename O> class hptr_base {
typedef O Object;
object_ptr target; // TODO static heap optimization && volatility
IMemoryManager* mm; // TODO assign on copy operators
bool isRegistered; // TODO Pack flag into address
hptr_base(Object* object, IMemoryManager* mm, bool registerPointer = true)
: target(object), mm(mm), isRegistered(registerPointer)
if (mm && registerPointer) mm->registerExternalHeapPointer(target);
//mm->registerExternalPointer((TObject**) &target);
hptr_base(const hptr_base<Object>& pointer) : target(, mm(, isRegistered(true)
if (mm) mm->registerExternalHeapPointer(target);
~hptr_base() { if (mm && isRegistered) mm->releaseExternalHeapPointer(target); }
//hptr_base<Object>& operator = (hptr_base<Object>& pointer) { target =; return *this; }
//hptr_base<Object>& operator = (Object* object) { target = object; return *this; }
Object* rawptr() const { return static_cast<Object*>(; }
Object* operator -> () const { return static_cast<Object*>(; }
//Object& (operator*)() const { return *target; }
operator Object*() const { return static_cast<Object*>(; }
template<typename C> C* cast() const { return static_cast<C*>(; }
template <typename O> class hptr : public hptr_base<O> {
typedef O Object;
hptr(Object* object, IMemoryManager* mm, bool registerPointer = true) : hptr_base<Object>(object, mm, registerPointer) {}
hptr(const hptr<Object>& pointer) : hptr_base<Object>(pointer) { }
hptr<Object>& operator = (Object* object) { hptr_base<Object> = object; return *this; }
// template<typename I>
// Object& operator [] (I index) const { return hptr_base<Object>::target->operator[](index); }
// Hptr specialization for TArray<> class.
// Provides typed [] operator that allows
// convinient indexed access to the array contents
template <typename T> class hptr< TArray<T> > : public hptr_base< TArray<T> > {
typedef TArray<T> Object;
hptr(Object* object, IMemoryManager* mm, bool registerPointer = true) : hptr_base<Object>(object, mm, registerPointer) {}
hptr(const hptr<Object>& pointer) : hptr_base<Object>(pointer) { }
hptr<Object>& operator = (Object* object) { hptr_base<Object> = object; return *this; }
template<typename I> T*& operator [] (I index) const { return hptr_base<Object>>operator[](index); }
// Hptr specialization for TByteObject.
// Provides typed [] operator that allows
// convinient indexed access to the bytearray contents
template <> class hptr<TByteObject> : public hptr_base<TByteObject> {
typedef TByteObject Object;
hptr(Object* object, IMemoryManager* mm, bool registerPointer = true) : hptr_base<Object>(object, mm, registerPointer) {}
hptr(const hptr<Object>& pointer) : hptr_base<Object>(pointer) { }
uint8_t& operator [] (uint32_t index) const { return static_cast<Object*>(>operator[](index); }
// Simple memory manager implementing classic baker two space algorithm.
// Each time two separate heaps are allocated but only one is active.
// When we need to allocate more memory but no space left on the current heap
// then garbage collection procedure takes place. It simply moves objects from
// the active heap to the inactive one and fixes the original pointers so they
// start directing to a new place. Collection is started from the root objects
// on the root stack and then on static allocated heap traversing reference tree in depth.
// When collection is done heaps are interchanged so the new one became active.
// All objects that were not moved during the collection are said to be disposed,
// so thier space may be reused by newly allocated ones.
class BakerMemoryManager : public IMemoryManager
uint32_t m_collectionsCount;
uint32_t m_allocationsCount;
uint64_t m_totalCollectionDelay;
std::size_t m_heapSize;
std::size_t m_maxHeapSize;
uint8_t* m_heapOne;
uint8_t* m_heapTwo;
bool m_activeHeapOne;
uint8_t* m_inactiveHeapBase;
uint8_t* m_inactiveHeapPointer;
uint8_t* m_activeHeapBase;
uint8_t* m_activeHeapPointer;
std::size_t m_staticHeapSize;
uint8_t* m_staticHeapBase;
uint8_t* m_staticHeapPointer;
//FIXME delete from memory meneger. initize somewhere else
std::fstream m_logFile;
TMemoryManagerInfo m_memoryInfo;
void writeLogLine(TMemoryManagerEvent *event);
struct TRootPointers {
uint32_t size;
uint32_t top;
TObject* data[0];
// During GC we need to treat all objects in a very simple manner,
// just as pointer holders. Class field is also a pointer so we
// treat it just as one more object field.
struct TMovableObject {
TSize size;
TMovableObject* data[0];
TMovableObject(uint32_t dataSize, bool isBinary = false) : size(dataSize, isBinary) { }
/*virtual*/ TMovableObject* moveObject(TMovableObject* object);
virtual void moveObjects();
virtual void growHeap(uint32_t requestedSize);
// These variables contain an array of pointers to objects from the
// static heap to the dynamic one. Ihey are used during the GC
// as a root for pointer iteration.
// FIXME Temporary solution before GC will prove it's working
// Think about better memory organization
typedef std::list<TMovableObject**> TStaticRoots;
typedef std::list<TMovableObject**>::iterator TStaticRootsIterator;
TStaticRoots m_staticRoots;
// External pointers are typically managed by hptr<> template.
// When pointer to a heap object is stored outside of the heap,
// specific actions need to be taken in order to prevent pointer
// invalidation. GC uses this information to correct external
// pointers so they will point to correct location even after
// garbage collection.
object_ptr* m_externalPointersHead;
virtual ~BakerMemoryManager();
virtual bool initializeHeap(std::size_t heapSize, std::size_t maxHeapSize = 0);
virtual bool initializeStaticHeap(std::size_t staticHeapSize);
virtual void* allocate(std::size_t requestedSize, bool* gcOccured = 0);
virtual void* staticAllocate(std::size_t requestedSize);
virtual void collectGarbage();
virtual bool checkRoot(TObject* value, TObject** objectSlot);
virtual void addStaticRoot(TObject** pointer);
virtual void removeStaticRoot(TObject** pointer);
virtual bool isInStaticHeap(void* location);
// External pointer handling
virtual void registerExternalHeapPointer(object_ptr& pointer);
virtual void releaseExternalHeapPointer(object_ptr& pointer);
// Returns amount of allocations that were done after last GC
// May be used as a flag that GC had just took place
virtual uint32_t allocsBeyondCollection() { return m_allocationsCount; }
virtual TMemoryManagerInfo getStat();
class GenerationalMemoryManager : public BakerMemoryManager
uint32_t m_leftToRightCollections;
uint32_t m_rightToLeftCollections;
uint32_t m_rightCollectionDelay;
void collectLeftToRight(bool fullCollect = false);
void collectRightToLeft();
bool checkThreshold();
void moveYoungObjects();
bool isInYoungHeap(void* location);
void addCrossgenReference(TObject** pointer);
void removeCrossgenReference(TObject** pointer);
typedef std::list<TMovableObject**> TPointerList;
typedef std::list<TMovableObject**>::iterator TPointerIterator;
TPointerList m_crossGenerationalReferences;
GenerationalMemoryManager() : BakerMemoryManager(),
m_leftToRightCollections(0), m_rightToLeftCollections(0), m_rightCollectionDelay(0) { }
virtual ~GenerationalMemoryManager();
virtual bool checkRoot(TObject* value, TObject** objectSlot);
virtual void collectGarbage();
virtual TMemoryManagerInfo getStat();
class NonCollectMemoryManager : public IMemoryManager
size_t m_heapSize;
uint8_t* m_heapBase;
uint8_t* m_heapPointer;
std::vector<void*> m_usedHeaps;
size_t m_staticHeapSize;
uint8_t* m_staticHeapBase;
uint8_t* m_staticHeapPointer;
void growHeap();
virtual ~NonCollectMemoryManager();
virtual bool initializeHeap(size_t heapSize, size_t maxHeapSize = 0);
virtual bool initializeStaticHeap(size_t staticHeapSize);
virtual void* allocate(size_t requestedSize, bool* gcOccured = 0);
virtual void* staticAllocate(size_t requestedSize);
virtual bool isInStaticHeap(void* location);
virtual void collectGarbage() {}
virtual void addStaticRoot(TObject** pointer) {}
virtual void removeStaticRoot(TObject** pointer) {}
virtual void registerExternalPointer(TObject** pointer) {}
virtual void releaseExternalPointer(TObject** pointer) {}
virtual void registerExternalHeapPointer(object_ptr& pointer) {}
virtual void releaseExternalHeapPointer(object_ptr& pointer) {}
virtual bool checkRoot(TObject* value, TObject** objectSlot) { return false; }
virtual uint32_t allocsBeyondCollection() { return 0; }
virtual TMemoryManagerInfo getStat() { return TMemoryManagerInfo(); }
class LLVMMemoryManager : public BakerMemoryManager {
virtual void moveObjects();
struct TFrameMap {
int32_t numRoots;
int32_t numMeta;
const void* meta[0];
struct TStackEntry {
TStackEntry* next;
const TFrameMap* map;
void* roots[0];
struct TMetaInfo {
bool isStackObject : 1;
virtual ~LLVMMemoryManager();
extern "C" { extern LLVMMemoryManager::TStackEntry* llvm_gc_root_chain; }
class Image
std::vector<TObject*> m_indirects;
std::ifstream m_inputStream;
enum TImageRecordType {
invalidObject = 0,
inlineInteger, // inline 32 bit integer in network byte order
byteObject, //
previousObject, // link to previously loaded object
nilObject // uninitialized (nil) field
uint32_t readWord();
TObject* readObject();
template<typename ResultType>
ResultType* readObject() { return static_cast<ResultType*>(readObject()); }
IMemoryManager* m_memoryManager;
Image(IMemoryManager* manager)
: m_memoryManager(manager)
{ }
bool loadImage(const std::string& fileName);
void storeImage(const char* fileName);
template<typename N> TObject* getGlobal(const N* name) const;
template<typename T, typename N> T* getGlobal(const N* name) const { return static_cast<T*>(getGlobal(name)); }
class ImageWriter;
// GLobal VM objects
struct TGlobals {
TObject* nilObject;
TObject* trueObject;
TObject* falseObject;
TClass* smallIntClass;
TClass* arrayClass;
TClass* blockClass;
TClass* contextClass;
TClass* stringClass;
TDictionary* globalsObject;
TMethod* initialMethod;
TObject* binaryMessages[3];
TClass* integerClass;
TSymbol* badMethodSymbol;
extern TGlobals globals;
class Image::ImageWriter
std::vector<TObject*> m_writtenObjects; //used to link objects together with type 'previousObject'
TGlobals m_globals;
TImageRecordType getObjectType(TObject* object) const;
int getPreviousObjectIndex(TObject* object) const;
void writeWord(std::ofstream& os, uint32_t word);
void writeObject(std::ofstream& os, TObject* object);
ImageWriter& setGlobals(const TGlobals& globals);
void writeTo(const char* fileName);
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