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Created April 17, 2021 13:17
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// See
// Sample expressions:
// FindBy${Name}
// FindFirstBy${Name}
// FindBy${Name}And${OperationType}OrderBy${Name}And${OperationType}DescCount
Query "query"
= s:Start t:Transform* f:Finalizer?
{ return {start: s, transforms: t, finalizer: f} }
Start "start"
= FindBy
Transform "transform"
= OrderBy
Finalizer "finalizer"
= 'Count' { return {op: 'COUNT'} }
FindBy "findBy"
= 'Find' finder:('First' / 'All')? 'By' e: Expression
{ return {op: 'FIND', finder: finder, expression: e} }
Expression "expr"
= head:SimpleExpr tail:('And' e: SimpleExpr { return e })*
{ return {type: 'AND', args: [head, ...tail]} }
SimpleExpr "simpleExpr"
= field:FieldName operation:('Contains' / 'StartsWith' / 'Between')?
{ return {type: 'field', fieldName: field, operation: operation} }
FieldName "fieldName"
= '${' name:([^}]+ { return text() }) '}' { return name }
OrderBy "orderBy"
= 'OrderBy' head:FieldCollation
tail:('And' field: FieldCollation { return field })* {
return {op: 'orderBy', columns: [head, ...tail]}
FieldCollation "fieldCollation"
= field:FieldName dir:SortDir? { return {field: field, dir: dir} }
SortDir "sortDir"
= 'Asc' / 'Desc'
// FindBy${Name}And${OperationType}OrderBy${Name}And${OperationType}DescCount
"start": {
"op": "FIND",
"finder": null,
"expression": {
"type": "AND",
"args": [
"type": "field",
"fieldName": "Name",
"operation": null
"type": "field",
"fieldName": "OperationType",
"operation": null
"transforms": [
"op": "orderBy",
"columns": [
"field": "Name",
"dir": null
"field": "OperationType",
"dir": "Desc"
"finalizer": {
"op": "COUNT"
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