Apache Maven enables developers to augment repository URL via settings.xml
That might sound powerful, however, it requires to use the same repository IDs across all the projects which might not be always possible.
Let's see how Gradle-based project can be published to a custom repository.
For instance, let's try to publish Apache Calcite to our own Nexus instance.
Of course we don't want to commit the URL and password of our secretNexus
to GitHub, so we need to augment the build without touching the files.
Gradle has Initialization Scripts that enable users to augment all the builds without touching project-specific files.
All we need is to add the publishing repository via init.gradle.kts
// You could place this as $HOME/.gradle/init.gradle.kts
// See more ways to apply init scripts here: https://docs.gradle.org/current/userguide/init_scripts.html#sec:using_an_init_script
// This adds "secretNexus" publishing repository to all the projects
allprojects {
plugins.withId("maven-publish") {
configure<PublishingExtension> {
repositories {
maven {
name = "secretNexus"
val baseUrl = "https://localhost/qwerty"
val releasesUrl = "$baseUrl/repository/maven-releases"
val snapshotsUrl = "$baseUrl/repository/maven-snapshots"
val release = !project.version.toString().endsWith("-SNAPSHOT")
url = uri(if (release) releasesUrl else snapshotsUrl)
credentials {
username = "xxx"
password = "xxx"
That is it. Now Gradle will be able to publish the artifacts to the newly created repository:
$ gw tasks
Publishing tasks
publish - Publishes all publications produced by this project.
publishAllPublicationsToSecretNexusRepository - Publishes all Maven publications produced by this project to the secretNexus repository.
publishToMavenLocal - Publishes all Maven publications produced by this project to the local Maven cache.
Oh, great. Now we have publishAllPublicationsToSecretNexusRepository
task for publishing the artifacts to our repository. We are all set, so we could execute it:
$ gw publishAllPublicationsToSecretNexusRepository
Adding the repository by default might be convenient, however, you might want to avoid adding it for every build you run.
Luckily, init.gradle.kts
is a regular Kotlin code, so you could add if
Let's configure it to add the repository only in case -DaddSecretNexusRepository
is present on the command line:
if (gradle.startParameter.systemPropertiesArgs.get("addSecretNexusRepository")?.toBoolean() == true) {
allprojects {
This configuration might make your builds 99.42% more secure as the repository (and its credentials!) won't be visible to the untrusted build scripts by default.
PS. gw
comes from gdub. I would recommend giving it a try.
Technically speaking, it is known as gradle/gradle#1368, however someone needs to spend time on implementing that :-/