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Last active May 13, 2023 15:51
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Bash Aliases
# =============================================================================
# =============================================================================
# misc
alias rm='rm -i'
alias cp='cp -i'
alias mv='mv -i'
alias path='echo -e ${PATH//:/\\n}'
alias now='date +'%T''
alias nowtime=now
alias nowdate='date +'%d-%m-%Y''
alias grep='grep --color'
alias bc='bc -l'
alias psg='ps aux | grep -v grep | grep -i -e VSZ -e'
# Useful aliases, defined whether or not this shell is interactive
alias cls=clear
alias ll="ls -l"
alias l.="ls -A"
alias dir="ls -laF"
alias e="emacs -nw"
# Ls stuff
alias ll='ls -alF'
alias la='ls -A'
alias l='ls -CF'
# Go back 'x' directory levels
alias ...='cd ../../' # Go back 2 directory levels
alias ..3='cd ../../../' # Go back 3 directory levels
# Network control
alias myip='curl'
alias dnstop='dnstop -l 5 eth1'
alias vnstat='vnstat -i eth1'
alias ping='ping -c 5' # Stop after sending count ECHO_REQUEST packets #
alias fastping='ping -c 100 -s.2' # Do not wait interval 1 second, go fast #
alias ports='netstat -q' # Quickly list all listening ports
# File usage
alias df='df -H'
alias du='du -ch'
# History short cut
alias h.='history'
# vim
alias vi=vim
alias vi='vim'
alias config='vim .bashrc'
alias baliases='notepad.exe .bash_aliases'
alias notepad='notepad.exe'
alias ct="column -t"
# cp hosts hosts.
alias d="date +%F"
alias dfc="df -hPT | column -t"
alias dr="screen -dr || screen"
# Colorize ls, grep, and tree
alias ls="ls --color=auto"
alias grep="grep --color=auto"
alias egrep="egrep --color=auto"
# Time in UTC
alias tree="tree -C"
alias utc="TZ=UTC date"
# You may uncomment the following lines if you want ls to be colorized:
export LS_OPTIONS="--color=auto"
alias ls="ls $LS_OPTIONS "
alias ls="ls $LS_OPTIONS"
alias ll="ls $LS_OPTIONS -l"
alias l="ls $LS_OPTIONS -lA"
alias ls="command ls --human-readable --group-directories-first --color=auto -I NTUSER.DAT\* -I ntuser.dat\*"
# Some more alias to avoid making mistakes:
alias rm="rm -i"
alias cp="cp -i"
alias mv="mv -i"
alias dnstop="dnstop eth1"
alias vnstat="vnstat -i eth1"
alias vi="vim"
alias gts="git status -sb"
alias gaa="git add --all"
alias gc="git commit -m $2"
alias gp="git push"
alias gpo="git push origin"
alias gpl="git pull"
alias df="diff --color --color-words --abbrev"
alias rm="rm -iv"
LS_COMMON="$LS_COMMON --color=auto"
LS_COMMON="$LS_COMMON -I NTUSER.DAT\* -I ntuser.dat"\*" test -n "$LS_COMMON" && "
alias ls="command ls $LS_COMMON"
alias ll="ls -l"
alias la="ls -a"
alias lal="ll -a"
alias ls="ls -F --color=auto --show-control-chars"
alias st="status"
alias ci="commit"
alias sendit="git add . && git commit --amend --no-edit"
# Network control
alias myip='curl'
alias dnstop='dnstop -l 5 eth1'
alias vnstat='vnstat -i eth1'
alias ping='ping -c 5' # Stop after sending count ECHO_REQUEST packets #
alias fastping='ping -c 100 -s.2' # Do not wait interval 1 second, go fast #
alias ports='netstat -q' # Quickly list all listening ports
# File usage
alias df='df -H'
alias du='du -ch'
alias config='vim .bashrc'
alias baliases='notepad.exe .bash_aliases'
alias notepad='notepad.exe'
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