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Last active August 25, 2020 14:11
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Allows easy rich text translation
import re
from functools import partial
from markupsafe import Markup, escape
_RE = re.compile(r'\[([\w\s]*)\|\s*([a-z0-9_]+)\s*\]')
def rich_text(text, **params):
data = {}
def repl(m):
Replaces [text|key] with {key} and collects data for insertion into text
content, key = m.groups()
data[key] = params[key](content)
return f'{{{key}}}'
# preserve type of text: Markup or str
text = type(text)(_RE.sub(repl, text))
return text.format(**data)
def test():
def _(value):
return value
def link_to(url, text):
return Markup('<a href="{url}">{text}</a>').format(url=url, text=text)
result = rich_text(
Markup(_('Перейдите в [кабинет продавца|cabinet_url] и активируйте Prosale!')),
cabinet_url=partial(link_to, ''),
assert escape(result) == (
'Перейдите в <a href="">кабинет продавца</a>'
' и активируйте Prosale!'
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