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Created July 19, 2022 23:41
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Storybook for ReScript
module Control = {
type t
type _control =
| Radio
| Select
| Text
| Boolean
| Number({min: int, max: int, step: option<int>})
| Range({min: int, max: int, step: option<int>})
let identity: _control => t = control =>
switch control {
| Radio => {"type": "radio"}->Obj.magic
| Select => {"type": "select"}->Obj.magic
| Text => {"type": "text"}->Obj.magic
| Boolean => {"type": "boolean"}->Obj.magic
| Range({min, max, step}) => {"type": "range", "min": min, "max": max, "step": step}->Obj.magic
| Number({min, max, step}) =>
{"type": "Number", "min": min, "max": max, "step": step}->Obj.magic
type argTypes<'value> = {
options: option<array<'value>>,
defaultValue: option<'value>,
control: Control.t,
type story<'props, 'args> = {
title: string,
component: 'props => React.element,
argTypes: option<'args>,
let argType = (~options=?, ~control, ~defaultValue=?, ()) => {
options: options,
control: control->Control.identity,
defaultValue: defaultValue,
external addArgTypes: ('props => React.element, 'args) => unit = "withArgTypes"
let make = (~title, ~component, ~argTypes=?, ()) => {
title: title,
component: component,
argTypes: argTypes,
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