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vmenajr /
Last active November 22, 2023 18:09
instruqt support lib
set -euxo pipefail
echo "Running track setup script"
until [ -f /opt/instruqt/bootstrap/host-bootstrap-completed ]; do
echo "Waiting for instruqt bootstrap to complete"
sleep 1
# check if temp dir exists
if [ ! -d /tmp ]; then
vmenajr /
Created April 30, 2020 11:22 — forked from krsna1729/
compile statically linked dpdk apps
vmenajr / gist:8209a97f79c1e8817b5722c29db07478
Last active March 10, 2021 05:06
MongoDB Ubuntu 16.04 sticky ulimits
# system maximum
cat /proc/sys/fs/file-max
# available limit
ulimit -n
# Increase system-wide limit in /etc/sysctl.conf
fs.file-max = 200000
# Refresh
vmenajr / gist:c48f8ea74270e6ff12a3
Last active November 26, 2015 02:48
windows.iso is zero bytes
2015/11/25 21:37:16 ui: ==> vmware-iso: Connected to WinRM!
==> vmware-iso: Connected to WinRM!
2015/11/25 21:37:16 ui: ==> vmware-iso: Uploading the 'windows' VMware Tools
==> vmware-iso: Uploading the 'windows' VMware Tools
2015/11/25 21:37:16 packer-builder-vmware-iso: 2015/11/25 21:37:16 Uploading file to 'c:/users/vagrant/windows.iso'
2015/11/25 21:40:30 packer-builder-vmware-iso: #< CLIXML
2015/11/25 21:40:30 packer-builder-vmware-iso: <Objs Version="" xmlns=""><S S="Error">Exception calling "Join" with "2" argument(s): "Exception of type 'System.OutOf_x000D__x000A_</S><S S="Error">MemoryException' was thrown."_x000D__x000A_</S><S S="Error">At line:14 char:35_x000D__x000A_</S><S S="Error">+ $base64_string = [string]::join &lt;&lt;&lt;&lt; ("",$base64_lines)_x000D__x000A_</S><S S="Error"> + CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [], MethodInvocationException_x000D__x000A_</S><S S="Error"> + FullyQualifiedErrorId : DotNetMethodExce