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Created November 17, 2016 16:15
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some lattice examples
(* REPL: #use "";; *)
#require "batteries";;
#require "ppx_deriving.std";;
open BatteriesExceptionless
let nopath x = let open String in let i = (rindex x '.' |? -1) + 1 in sub x i (length x - i);;
module type PartialOrder = sig
type d [@@deriving show, enum]
val leq : d -> d -> bool
module F (PO : PartialOrder) = struct
open PO
let ds = Set.(map (Option.get%d_of_enum) (of_enum (min_d -- max_d)))
let show x = "{"^(Set.to_list x |> (nopath%show_d) |> String.concat ", ")^"}"
let relations = Set.filter (uncurry leq) (Set.cartesian_product ds ds) |> Set.to_list |> (Tuple2.mapn show_d)
let filter p = Set.filter p ds
let inter f xs = List.fold_right (Set.intersect%f) xs ds
let min s = Set.filter (fun x -> Set.for_all (leq x) s) s
let max s = Set.filter (fun x -> Set.for_all (flip leq x) s) s
let ub' x = filter (leq x)
let lb' x = filter (flip leq x)
let ub = inter ub'
let lb = inter lb'
let lub = min % ub
let glb = max % lb
(* gives some counter example if PO is not a complete lattice *)
let counter_example = Set.cartesian_product ds ds |> Set.to_list |> List.find_map (fun (a,b) -> if Set.is_empty (lub [a;b]) then Some (a,b) else None)
* C
* |
* B
* |
* A
module Ex1 = struct
module PO = struct
type d = A | B | C [@@deriving show, enum]
let leq = (<=)
include PO include F (PO)
* D
* / \
* B C
* \ /
* A
module Ex2 = struct
module PO = struct
type d = A | B | C | D [@@deriving show, enum]
let leq x y = x=y || x=A || y=D
include PO include F (PO)
* E
* |
* D
* / \
* B C
* \ /
* A
module Ex3 = struct
module PO = struct
type d = A | B | C | D | E [@@deriving show, enum]
let leq x y = x=y || x=A || y=E || y=D && x<>E
include PO include F (PO)
* F
* / \
* D E
* | X |
* B C
* \ /
* A
module Ex4 = struct
module PO = struct
type d = A | B | C | D | E | F [@@deriving show, enum]
let leq = curry @@ function
| A,_ | _,F | B,D | B,E | C,D | C,E -> true
| x,y when x=y -> true
| _ -> false
include PO include F (PO)
(* some examples *)
open Ex4;;
show @@ ub [B;C];; (* = "{D, E, F}" *)
show @@ lub [B;C];; (* = "{}" *)
show @@ glb [B;C];; (* = "{A}" *)
counter_example;; (* = Some (B, C) *)
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