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  • Save void285/12914fd34c6dfb34df1b8d5f92fa82f8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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I remove [1:] elements from every array and got this file, it shows how sublime text save session data. Main content are in window[n]-buffers, selection and buffer settings are in window[n]-groups[n]-sheets[n].
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"Anaconda Python Builder",
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"/D/PortableSoftware/SublimeText3/Data/Packages/PHP Completions Kit/",
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"php syn",
"Set Syntax: PHP"
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"output.tooltips": {
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"Anaconda Python Builder",
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"find": {
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"contents": "some demo text here\n\n",
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"Package Control: Install Package"
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"translation.y": 0.0,
"settings": {
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"bracket_highlighter.clone_regions": [
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"bracket_highlighter.locations": {
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"icon": {}
"SL.13.region_keys": [],
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"show_minimap": false
"pinned_build_system": "",
"layout": {
"cells": [
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"output.reg_replace": {
"height": 580.0
"output.SublimeLinter": {
"height": 312.0
"settings": {},
"output.tooltips": {
"height": 151.0
"template_settings": {},
"project": "demo.sublime-project",
"build_varint": "",
"side_bar_width": 216.0,
"position": "0,2,3,-1,-1,-1,-1,563,26,26,184",
"show_tabs": false,
"show_minimap": true
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"log_indexing": false,
"folder_history": [
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