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Created January 12, 2015 10:47
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Dijkstra in Objective-C
// main.m
// Dijkstra
// Created by Richard S on 12/01/2015.
// Copyright (c) 2015 Richard Sbresny. All rights reserved.
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import "AppDelegate.h"
@interface Graph : NSObject
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSArray *graph;
@implementation Graph
@interface Vertex : NSObject
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *key;
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSArray *neighbours;
@implementation Vertex
@interface Edge : NSObject
@property (nonatomic, strong) Vertex *destinationVertex;
@property (nonatomic, assign) NSInteger distance;
@implementation Edge
- (id)initWithDestination:(Vertex *)destination andDistance:(NSInteger)distance {
if (self = [super init]) {
self.destinationVertex = destination;
self.distance = distance;
return self;
@interface Dijkstra : NSObject
@implementation Dijkstra
+ (NSArray *)getShortestPath:(Graph *)inputGraph {
NSMutableDictionary *distances = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
NSMutableDictionary *foundPaths = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
NSMutableArray *queue = [inputGraph.graph mutableCopy];
for (Vertex *vertex in queue) {
distances[vertex.key] = @(INT_MAX);
foundPaths[vertex.key] = [NSNull null];
Vertex *currentNode = queue[0];
distances[currentNode.key] = @(0);
while ([queue count]) {
// find the closest node
Vertex *closestNode = nil;
NSInteger closestDistance = INT_MAX;
for (Vertex *vertex in queue) {
if (closestNode == nil || [distances[vertex.key] integerValue] < closestDistance) {
closestNode = vertex;
closestDistance = [distances[vertex.key] integerValue];
[queue removeObject:closestNode];
if (closestNode.neighbours != nil) {
for (Edge *neighbour in closestNode.neighbours) {
NSInteger distance = [distances[closestNode.key] integerValue] + neighbour.distance;
if (distance < [distances[neighbour.destinationVertex.key] integerValue]) {
distances[neighbour.destinationVertex.key] = @(distance);
foundPaths[neighbour.destinationVertex.key] = @(distance);
Vertex *startNode = inputGraph.graph.firstObject;
Vertex *targetNode = inputGraph.graph.lastObject;
NSMutableArray *shortest = [@[startNode.key] mutableCopy];
while (startNode != targetNode) {
Vertex *closest = nil;
NSInteger closestDistance = INT_MAX;
for (Edge *edge in startNode.neighbours) {
if (closest == nil || [distances[edge.destinationVertex.key] integerValue] < closestDistance) {
closestDistance = [distances[edge.destinationVertex.key] integerValue];
closest = edge.destinationVertex;
[shortest addObject:closest.key];
startNode = closest;
return [NSArray arrayWithArray:shortest];
int main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
@autoreleasepool {
Vertex *a = [[Vertex alloc] init];
a.key = @"a";
Vertex *b = [[Vertex alloc] init];
b.key = @"b";
Vertex *c = [[Vertex alloc] init];
c.key = @"c";
Vertex *d = [[Vertex alloc] init];
d.key = @"d";
Edge *ab = [[Edge alloc] initWithDestination:b andDistance:11];
Edge *ac = [[Edge alloc] initWithDestination:c andDistance:5];
a.neighbours = @[ab, ac];
Edge *bd = [[Edge alloc] initWithDestination:d andDistance:2];
b.neighbours = @[bd];
Edge *cd = [[Edge alloc] initWithDestination:d andDistance:4];
c.neighbours = @[cd];
Graph *graph = [[Graph alloc] init];
graph.graph = @[a, b, c, d];
NSArray *shortestPath = [Dijkstra getShortestPath:graph];
NSLog(@"%@", [shortestPath componentsJoinedByString:@" ~> "]);
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