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Created March 22, 2024 07:34
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{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
module Main where
import HBS2.Actors.Peer
import HBS2.Clock
import HBS2.Net.Messaging.Unix
import HBS2.Net.Proto
import HBS2.Prelude.Plated
-- import HBS2.Net.Proto.Definition
import HBS2.Net.Proto.Service
import HBS2.System.Logger.Simple
import Codec.Serialise
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Data.ByteString.Lazy (ByteString)
import System.FilePath.Posix
-- import System.IO
-- import System.IO.Temp
import UnliftIO.Async
import Data.List
import UnliftIO
import Test.Tasty.HUnit
data Method1
data Method2
type MyServiceMethods1 = '[ Method1, Method2 ]
instance HasProtocol UNIX (ServiceProto MyServiceMethods1 UNIX) where
type instance ProtocolId (ServiceProto MyServiceMethods1 UNIX) = 0xd79349a1bffb70c4
type instance Encoded UNIX = ByteString
decode = either (const Nothing) Just . deserialiseOrFail
encode = serialise
-- instance (MonadIO m, HasProtocol UNIX (ServiceProto MyServiceMethods1 UNIX)) => HasTimeLimits UNIX (ServiceProto MyServiceMethods1 UNIX) m where
-- tryLockForPeriod _ _ = pure True
type instance Input Method1 = String
type instance Output Method1 = String
instance MonadIO m => HandleMethod m Method1 where
handleMethod n = do
debug $ "SERVICE1. METHOD1" <+> pretty n
case n of
"JOPA" -> pure "KITA"
"PECHEN" -> pure "TRESKI"
_ -> pure "X3"
type instance Input Method2 = ()
type instance Output Method2 = ()
instance MonadIO m => HandleMethod m Method2 where
handleMethod _ = pure ()
instance (HasProtocol UNIX (ServiceProto api UNIX), MonadUnliftIO m)
=> HasDeferred UNIX (ServiceProto api UNIX) m where
deferred _ m = void (async m)
main :: IO ()
main = do
setLogging @DEBUG (logPrefix "[debug] ")
setLogging @INFO (logPrefix "")
setLogging @ERROR (logPrefix "[err] ")
setLogging @WARN (logPrefix "[warn] ")
setLogging @NOTICE (logPrefix "[notice] ")
setLogging @TRACE (logPrefix "[trace] ")
withSystemTempDirectory "test-unix-socket" $ \tmp -> do
let soname = tmp </> "unix.socket"
server <- newMessagingUnix True 1.0 soname
client1 <- newMessagingUnix False 1.0 soname
m1 <- async $ runMessagingUnix server
pause @'Seconds 0.10
m2 <- async $ runMessagingUnix client1
p1 <- async $ flip runReaderT server do
runProto @UNIX
[ makeResponse (makeServer @MyServiceMethods1)
caller <- makeServiceCaller @MyServiceMethods1 @UNIX (msgUnixSelf server)
p2 <- async $ runReaderT (runServiceClient caller) client1
link p1
link p2
results <- forConcurrently ["JOPA", "PECHEN", "WTF?"] $ \r -> do
answ <- callService @Method1 caller r
pure (r, answ)
debug $ "GOT RESPONSES (Method1): " <+> viaShow results
assertBool "assert1" (sortOn fst results == [("JOPA",Right "KITA"),("PECHEN",Right "TRESKI"),("WTF?",Right "X3")] )
r2 <- callService @Method2 caller ()
debug $ "GOT RESPONSE (Method2): " <+> viaShow r2
assertBool "assert2" (r2 == Right ())
cancel p1
pause @'Seconds 0.10
waitAnyCatchCancel [p1,p2,m1,m2]
setLoggingOff @DEBUG
setLoggingOff @INFO
setLoggingOff @ERROR
setLoggingOff @WARN
setLoggingOff @NOTICE
setLoggingOff @TRACE
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