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Working from home
  • Los Angeles, CA
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rsalzer / Paintings.js
Last active January 9, 2023 10:06
Scriptable to show a random painting from the Metropolitan Museum of Art
//Fetches Random Images from the metmuseum-api ; Stores the ids in the keychain in order to prevent multiple calls
//Department ID = 11 is paintings ; use other if you wish
var keychainkey = "paintingIDs"
var res
if(!Keychain.contains(keychainkey)) {
console.log("Keychainentry does not exist... create it");
const url = ''
const req = new Request(url)
res = await req.loadJSON()
let stringified = JSON.stringify(res)
avafloww /
Last active February 18, 2025 13:14
This snippet of code is syntactically valid in both PHP and Java, and produces the same output in both.
//*/public class PhpJava { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.printf("/*%s",
class PhpJava {
static function main() {
"Hello World!");
imjasonh / markdown.css
Last active January 3, 2025 20:15
Render Markdown as unrendered Markdown (see
* {
font-size: 12pt;
font-family: monospace;
font-weight: normal;
font-style: normal;
text-decoration: none;
color: black;
cursor: default;
kuntoaji / progress_bar.rb
Created September 6, 2013 06:54
Simple progress bar script without Gem using Ruby.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
progress = 'Progress ['
1000.times do |i|
# i is number from 0-999
j = i + 1
# add 1 percent every 10 times
if j % 10 == 0
noprompt / word-re.txt
Last active May 2, 2016 15:30
Regular expression for matching any word in `/usr/share/dict/words`.
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.

Build your own private, encrypted, open-source Dropbox-esque sync folder


  • One or more clients running a UNIX-like OS. Examples are given for Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, although all software components are available for other platforms as well (e.g. OS X). YMMV
  • A cheap Ubuntu 12.04 VPS with storage. I recommend Backupsy, they offer 250GB storage for $5/month. Ask Google for coupon codes.

Software components used:

  • Unison for file synchronization
  • EncFS for folder encryption
klange /
Last active December 23, 2024 14:40
It's a résumé, as a readable and compilable C source file. Since Hacker News got here, this has been updated to be most of my actual résumé. This isn't a serious document, just a concept to annoy people who talk about recruiting and the formats they accept résumés in. It's also relatively representative of my coding style.

Since this is on Hacker News and reddit...

  • No, I don't distribute my résumé like this. A friend of mine made a joke about me being the kind of person who would do this, so I did (the link on that page was added later). My actual résumé is a good bit crazier.
  • I apologize for the use of _t in my types. I spend a lot of time at a level where I can do that; "reserved for system libraries? I am the system libraries".
  • Since people kept complaining, I've fixed the assignments of string literals to non-const char *s.
  • My use of type * name, however, is entirely intentional.
  • If you're using an older compiler, you might have trouble with the anonymous unions and the designated initializers - I think gcc 4.4 requires some extra braces to get them working together. Anything reasonably recent should work fine. Clang and gcc (newer than 4.4, at le
joar / _config.yml
Created September 23, 2012 20:01
jekyll + talkatv non-js setup
pygments: true
base_url: ""
Tarrasch /
Last active September 12, 2016 18:14
Unity plus xmonad configuration (Ubuntu 12.04)


This is my xmonad+unity panel config. With this config, you'll have a well integrated panel from unity but still have xmonad as your window manager with your gnome apps, including the pretty gnome-terminal (for those too lazy to learn xmoobar).

This config doesn't have the unity launcher, mainly becuse it causes windows to be unfloatable, besides I'm not fond of it anymore.


Copy and paste these lines (or understand what it does and do it manually).

loisaidasam / gist:2774350
Created May 23, 2012 09:59
One liner for counting unique IP addresses from nginx logs
# One liner for counting unique IP addresses from nginx logs
# Feel free to comment with better ideas - I'm sure it's not the best way of doing this (I'm no awk ninja!)
# Sample output:
# $ cat | awk -F " " '{a[$1]++ } END { for (b in a) { print b, "\t", a[b] } }'
# 49
# 126
cat | awk -F " " '{a[$1]++ } END { for (b in a) { print b, "\t", a[b] } }'