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Created January 26, 2025 17:26
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  • Save volkanunsal/fe75eaec95e02d8dc51706f805bf50a6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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"id": 1,
"optionA": "I work hard to preserve the relationship with my counterpart",
"optionB": "I try to identify the underlying issues",
"style": ["Accommodating", "Collaborating"]
"id": 2,
"optionA": "I work to defuse tense situations",
"optionB": "I gain concessions by being persistent",
"style": ["Avoiding", "Competing"]
"id": 3,
"optionA": "I focus on solving the other party's problem",
"optionB": "I try to avoid unnecessary conflicts",
"style": ["Accommodating", "Avoiding"]
"id": 4,
"optionA": "I search for a fair compromise",
"optionB": "I work hard to preserve the relationship",
"style": ["Compromising", "Accommodating"]
"id": 5,
"optionA": "I suggest fair compromises",
"optionB": "I avoid personal confrontations",
"style": ["Compromising", "Avoiding"]
"id": 6,
"optionA": "I seek the midpoint between our positions",
"optionB": "I search for the problems underlying our disagreements",
"style": ["Compromising", "Collaborating"]
"id": 7,
"optionA": "I tactfully resolve many disagreements",
"optionB": "I expect 'give and take' in negotiations",
"style": ["Avoiding", "Compromising"]
"id": 8,
"optionA": "I clearly communicate my goals",
"optionB": "I focus my attention on the other side's needs",
"style": ["Competing", "Collaborating"]
"id": 9,
"optionA": "I prefer to put off confrontations with other people",
"optionB": "I win my points by making strong arguments",
"style": ["Avoiding", "Competing"]
"id": 10,
"optionA": "I am usually willing to compromise",
"optionB": "I enjoy winning concessions",
"style": ["Compromising", "Competing"]
"id": 11,
"optionA": "I candidly address all the problems between us",
"optionB": "I care more about the relationship than winning the last concession",
"style": ["Collaborating", "Accommodating"]
"id": 12,
"optionA": "I try to avoid unnecessary personal conflicts",
"optionB": "I search for fair compromises",
"style": ["Avoiding", "Compromising"]
"id": 13,
"optionA": "I give concessions and expect some concessions in return",
"optionB": "I strive to achieve all my goals in negotiations",
"style": ["Compromising", "Competing"]
"id": 14,
"optionA": "I enjoy getting concessions more than making them",
"optionB": "I strive to maintain the relationship",
"style": ["Competing", "Accommodating"]
"id": 15,
"optionA": "I accommodate their needs to preserve the relationship",
"optionB": "I leave confrontational situations to others if I can",
"style": ["Accommodating", "Avoiding"]
"id": 16,
"optionA": "I try to address the other person's needs",
"optionB": "I work hard to achieve all my goals",
"style": ["Accommodating", "Competing"]
"id": 17,
"optionA": "I make sure to discuss my goals",
"optionB": "I emphasize areas on which we agree",
"style": ["Competing", "Avoiding"]
"id": 18,
"optionA": "I am always looking out for the relationship",
"optionB": "I give concessions and expect the other side to do the same",
"style": ["Accommodating", "Compromising"]
"id": 19,
"optionA": "I identify and discuss all of our differences",
"optionB": "I try to avoid confrontations",
"style": ["Collaborating", "Avoiding"]
"id": 20,
"optionA": "I obtain my share of concessions",
"optionB": "I strive to maintain relationships",
"style": ["Competing", "Accommodating"]
"id": 21,
"optionA": "I identify and discuss all of our differences",
"optionB": "I look for the compromises that might bridge the gap",
"style": ["Collaborating", "Compromising"]
"id": 22,
"optionA": "I develop good relations with the other party",
"optionB": "I develop options that address both of our needs",
"style": ["Accommodating", "Collaborating"]
"id": 23,
"optionA": "I seek the middle ground",
"optionB": "I strive to achieve my goals in negotiations",
"style": ["Compromising", "Competing"]
"id": 24,
"optionA": "I identify all of our differences and look for solutions",
"optionB": "I try to avoid unnecessary conflicts",
"style": ["Collaborating", "Avoiding"]
"id": 25,
"optionA": "I try to preserve the relationship with my counterpart",
"optionB": "I search for fair compromises",
"style": ["Accommodating", "Compromising"]
"id": 26,
"optionA": "I emphasize the issues on which we agree",
"optionB": "I uncover and address the things on which we disagree",
"style": ["Avoiding", "Collaborating"]
"id": 27,
"optionA": "I work hard to achieve my goals",
"optionB": "I pay attention to the other person's needs",
"style": ["Competing", "Collaborating"]
"id": 28,
"optionA": "Look for the fair compromise",
"optionB": "I try to identify all of the underlying problems",
"style": ["Compromising", "Collaborating"]
"id": 29,
"optionA": "I avoid unnecessary disagreements",
"optionB": "I focus on solving the other person's problem",
"style": ["Avoiding", "Accommodating"]
"id": 30,
"optionA": "I strive to achieve my goals",
"optionB": "I work to address everyone's needs",
"style": ["Competing", "Collaborating"]
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