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Created September 26, 2017 14:47
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AutoHotkey script to change Caps Lock to Control on hold and Escape on press and release
; Change Caps Lock to Control when held down; otherwise, Escape
; Originally based on the answer provided in
; [this](
; StackExchange SuperUser question.
; A shortcut should be created for this script and placed in the Windows 10
; user's startup folder to automatically enable the feature on boot/startup.
; The user's startup folder can be found using the following steps:
; 1. Windows Key+R. The _Run_ dialog will appear.
; 2. Enter the following: `%appdata%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup`
; 3. Press Enter key. A file explorer dialog will appear.
; Obviously, [AutoHotkey]( must be installed for this to work.
Send {Blind}{Ctrl Down}
cDown := A_TickCount
*CapsLock up::
If ((A_TickCount-cDown)<400) ; Modify press time as needed (milliseconds)
Send {Blind}{Ctrl Up}{Esc}
Send {Blind}{Ctrl Up}
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rhh4x0r commented Sep 11, 2023

Here's my revised version for AHK v2:

    Send "{LControl down}"

*CapsLock up::
    Send "{LControl Up}"

    if (A_PriorKey=="CapsLock"){
	if (A_TimeSincePriorHotkey < 1000)
		Suspend "1"
		Send "{Esc}"
		Suspend "0"

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@rhh4x0r thank you so much! I’ve been trying to find a working version for v2 for a while

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@rhh4x0r LifeSaver man, it works perfectly!

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Thanks @rhh4x0r!

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maybe add following line at the beginning to disable capslock completely.

SetCapsLockState 'AlwaysOff'

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KevinNitroG commented Nov 28, 2024

My version for holding Ctrl and toggle Caps (ahk v2)

  Send "{Blind}{LControl down}"

CapsLock up::
  Send "{Blind}{LControl Up}"
  if (A_PriorKey == "CapsLock" and A_TimeSincePriorHotkey < 400)
    SetCapsLockState !GetKeyState("CapsLock", "T")

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Thank you so much!! @rhh4x0r!

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