<!DOCTYPE html> |
<html lang="en"> |
<head> |
<meta charset="UTF-8"> |
<title>D3 v5 ES6 Liquid Fill Gauge (optimized for React or Vue)</title> |
<script src="//d3js.org/d3.v5.min.js"></script> |
</head> |
<body> |
<div id="wrapper"></div> |
<script> |
function renderChart (wrapper, curData) { |
if (!wrapper) { |
return |
} |
const { |
select: d3Select, scaleLinear: d3ScaleLinear, |
arc: d3Arc, area: d3Area, active: d3Active, |
interpolate: d3Interpolate, easeLinear: d3EaseLinear, |
} = d3 |
const width = 300 |
const height = 300 |
const minValue = 0 |
const maxValue = 100 |
const initialWaveHeight = 0.3 |
const textSize = 1 |
const initialCircleThickness = 0.1 |
const initialCircleFillGap = 0.2 |
const waveCount = 1 |
const circleColor = '#accbea' |
const textColor = '#5a98d5' |
const waveColor = '#5a98d5' |
const waveTextColor = '#ffffff' |
const textVertPosition = 0.8 |
const waveRiseTime = 2000 |
const waveAnimateTime = 2000 |
const waveOffset = 0 |
const fillPercent = Math.max(minValue, Math.min(maxValue, curData)) / maxValue |
const textRounder = (value) => String(parseFloat(value).toFixed(2)) |
const svgData = d3Select(wrapper).selectAll('svg').data([curData]) |
const svgEnter = svgData.enter().append('svg') // append only on enter |
const radius = Math.min(width, height) / 2 |
const locationX = width / 2 - radius |
const locationY = height / 2 - radius |
svgEnter.attr('width', width) |
svgEnter.attr('height', height) |
const gEnter = svgEnter.append('g') |
.attr('transform', 'translate(' + locationX + ',' + locationY + ')') |
.attr('class', 'liquid-gauge') |
const svgMerge = svgData.merge(svgEnter) |
const waveHeightScale = d3ScaleLinear() |
.range([0, initialWaveHeight, 0]) |
.domain([minValue, minValue + (maxValue - minValue) / 2, maxValue]) |
const textPixels = (textSize * radius / 2) |
const startValue = 0 |
const percentText = '%' |
const circleThickness = initialCircleThickness * radius |
const circleFillGap = initialCircleFillGap * radius |
const fillCircleMargin = circleThickness + circleFillGap |
const fillCircleRadius = radius - fillCircleMargin |
const waveHeight = fillCircleRadius * waveHeightScale(fillPercent * 100) |
const waveLength = fillCircleRadius * 2 / waveCount |
const waveClipCount = 1 + waveCount |
const waveClipWidth = waveLength * waveClipCount |
// Scales for drawing the outer circle. |
const gaugeCircleX = d3ScaleLinear().range([0, 2 * Math.PI]).domain([0, 1]) |
const gaugeCircleY = d3ScaleLinear().range([0, radius]).domain([0, radius]) |
// Scales for controlling the size of the clipping path. |
const waveScaleX = d3ScaleLinear().range([0, waveClipWidth]).domain([0, 1]) |
const waveScaleY = d3ScaleLinear().range([0, waveHeight]).domain([0, 1]) |
// Scales for controlling the position of the clipping path. |
const waveRiseScale = d3ScaleLinear() |
.range([(fillCircleMargin + fillCircleRadius * 2 + waveHeight), (fillCircleMargin - waveHeight)]) |
.domain([0, 1]) |
const waveAnimateScale = d3ScaleLinear() |
.range([0, waveClipWidth - fillCircleRadius * 2]) // Push the clip area one full wave then snap back. |
.domain([0, 1]) |
// Scale for controlling the position of the text within the gauge. |
const textRiseScaleY = d3ScaleLinear() |
.range([fillCircleMargin + fillCircleRadius * 2, (fillCircleMargin + textPixels * 0.7)]) |
.domain([0, 1]) |
// Draw the outer circle. |
const gaugeCircleArc = d3Arc() |
.startAngle(gaugeCircleX(0)) |
.endAngle(gaugeCircleX(1)) |
.outerRadius(gaugeCircleY(radius)) |
.innerRadius(gaugeCircleY(radius - circleThickness)) |
gEnter |
.append('path') |
.attr('d', gaugeCircleArc) |
.style('fill', circleColor) |
.attr('transform', 'translate(' + radius + ',' + radius + ')') |
// Text below the wave |
gEnter |
.append('text') |
.attr('class', 'below-wave-text') |
.attr('text-anchor', 'middle') |
.attr('font-size', textPixels + 'px') |
.style('fill', textColor) |
.text(textRounder(startValue) + percentText) |
.attr('transform', 'translate(' + radius + ',' + textRiseScaleY(textVertPosition) + ')') |
svgMerge |
.select('.below-wave-text') |
.transition() |
.duration(waveRiseTime) |
.on('start', (d, i, group) => { |
const element = group[i] |
d3Active(element).tween('text', () => { |
const textI = d3Interpolate(element.textContent, textRounder(d)) |
return (t) => { |
element.textContent = textRounder(textI(t)) + percentText |
} |
}) |
}) |
// The clipping wave area. |
const clipArea = d3Area() |
.x((d) => waveScaleX(d.x)) |
.y0((d) => waveScaleY(Math.sin(Math.PI * 2 * waveOffset * -1 + Math.PI * 2 * (1 - waveCount) + d.y * 2 * Math.PI))) |
.y1(() => fillCircleRadius * 2 + waveHeight) |
const elementId = 'elementId' |
// Data for building the clip wave area. |
let data = [] |
for (let i = 0; i <= 40 * waveClipCount; i++) { |
data.push({x: i / (40 * waveClipCount), y: (i / (40))}) |
} |
const waveGroupXPosition = fillCircleMargin + fillCircleRadius * 2 - waveClipWidth |
const waveGroupEnter = gEnter.append('defs') |
.append('clipPath') |
.attr('id', 'clipWave' + elementId) |
.attr('transform', 'translate(' + waveGroupXPosition + ',' + waveRiseScale(startValue) + ')') |
waveGroupEnter |
.append('path') |
.attr('class', 'wave-clip-path') |
.attr('d', clipArea(data)) |
.attr('T', 0) |
svgMerge |
.select('clipPath') |
.transition() |
.duration(waveRiseTime) |
.attr('transform', 'translate(' + waveGroupXPosition + ',' + waveRiseScale(fillPercent) + ')') |
// The inner circle with the clipping wave attached. |
const ggEnter = gEnter.append('g') |
.attr('clip-path', 'url(#clipWave' + elementId + ')') |
ggEnter.append('circle') |
.attr('cx', radius) |
.attr('cy', radius) |
.attr('r', fillCircleRadius) |
.style('fill', waveColor) |
// Text above the wave |
ggEnter |
.append('text') |
.attr('class', 'above-wave-text') |
.attr('text-anchor', 'middle') |
.attr('font-size', textPixels + 'px') |
.style('fill', waveTextColor) |
.text(textRounder(startValue) + percentText) |
.attr('transform', 'translate(' + radius + ',' + textRiseScaleY(textVertPosition) + ')') |
svgMerge |
.select('.above-wave-text') |
.transition() |
.duration(waveRiseTime) |
.on('start', (d, i, group) => { |
const element = group[i] |
d3Active(element).tween('text', () => { |
const textI = d3Interpolate(element.textContent, textRounder(d)) |
return (t) => { |
element.textContent = textRounder(textI(t)) + percentText |
} |
}) |
}) |
function animateWave () { |
if (!wrapper) { |
return |
} |
const wave = svgMerge.select('.wave-clip-path'); |
const T = wave.attr('T') |
wave |
.attr('transform', 'translate(' + waveAnimateScale(T) + ',0)') |
wave.transition() |
.duration(waveAnimateTime * (1 - T)) |
.ease(d3EaseLinear) |
.attr('transform', 'translate(' + waveAnimateScale(1) + ',0)') |
.attr('T', 1) |
.on('end', () => { |
wave.attr('T', 0) |
animateWave(waveAnimateTime) |
}) |
} |
animateWave() |
} |
function destroyChart (wrapper) { |
const {select: d3Select} = d3 |
d3Select(wrapper).selectAll('*').remove() |
} |
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => { |
setInterval(() => { |
renderChart(document.querySelector('#wrapper'), Math.random()*100) |
}, 5000) |
renderChart(document.querySelector('#wrapper'), Math.random()*100) |
}) |
</script> |
</body> |
</html> |
Thanks! Works wonderfully!