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Created November 22, 2012 10:56
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Save volodymyrsmirnov/4130552 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
We found a way that includes 23 stations and requires 2 transfers
Route plan: Akademmistechko -> Zhytomyrska -> Sviatoshyn -> Nyvky -> Shuliavska -> Politekhnichnyi Instytut -> Vokzalna -> Universytet -> Teatralna -> Khreshchatyk -> Maidan Nezalezhnosti -> Ploshcha Lva Tolstoho -> Palats Sportu -> Klovska -> Pecherska -> Druzhby Narodiv -> Vydubychi -> Slavutych -> Osokorky -> Pozniaky -> Kharkivska -> Vyrlytsia -> Boryspilska
Consider make a transfer from Khreshchatyk to Maidan Nezalezhnosti
Consider make a transfer from Ploshcha Lva Tolstoho to Palats Sportu
We found a way that includes 21 stations and requires 1 transfers
Route plan: Akademmistechko -> Zhytomyrska -> Sviatoshyn -> Nyvky -> Shuliavska -> Politekhnichnyi Instytut -> Vokzalna -> Universytet -> Teatralna -> Zoloti Vorota -> Palats Sportu -> Klovska -> Pecherska -> Druzhby Narodiv -> Vydubychi -> Slavutych -> Osokorky -> Pozniaky -> Kharkivska -> Vyrlytsia -> Boryspilska
Consider make a transfer from Teatralna to Zoloti Vorota
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys, re
class ptroute(object):
lines = dict()
graph = dict()
idtostation = dict()
stationtoid = dict()
stationsinlines = dict()
def __init__(self, db):
routedbf = open(db, "r")
currentline = None
sti = 0
for l in routedbf.readlines():
if l[0] == "#" or l[0] == " ":
if l[0] == "L":
currentline = l[2:].strip()
self.lines[currentline] = list()
stli = 0
if l[0] == "S":
if currentline == None:
raise Exception("S without L, wrong file format")
i = 0
lsp = 0
stations = l[2:].strip() + "\n"
while i < len(stations):
if stations[i] == "<" or stations[i] == ">" or stations[i] == "\n":
station = dict(
id = sti,
name = stations[lsp:i].strip(),
canarrive = False,
candepart = False,
cantransfer = None,
if stations[i] == "<":
station["canarrive"] = True
if stations[i + 1] == ">":
station["candepart"] = True
i = i + 1
elif stations[i] == ">":
station["candepart"] = True
tp = station["name"].find("^")
if tp != -1:
station["cantransfer"] = station["name"][tp + 1:].strip()
station["name"] = station["name"][0:tp].strip()
lsp = i + 1
sti = sti + 1
stli = stli + 1
i = i + 1
for i in self.lines:
j = 0
while j < len(self.lines[i]):
self.idtostation[self.lines[i][j]["id"]] = self.lines[i][j]
self.stationtoid[self.lines[i][j]["name"]] = self.lines[i][j]["id"]
j = j + 1
for i in self.lines:
j = 0
while j < len(self.lines[i]):
if not self.lines[i][j]["id"] in self.stationsinlines:
self.stationsinlines[self.lines[i][j]["id"]] = list()
self.graph[self.lines[i][j]["id"]] = dict()
j += 1
j = 0
while j < len(self.lines[i]):
if self.lines[i][j]["candepart"] == True:
self.graph[self.lines[i][j]["id"]][self.lines[i][j + 1]["id"]] = 1
if self.lines[i][j]["canarrive"] == True:
self.graph[self.lines[i][j + 1]["id"]][self.lines[i][j]["id"]] = 1
if self.lines[i][j]["cantransfer"] != None:
self.graph[self.lines[i][j]["id"]][self.stationtoid[self.lines[i][j]["cantransfer"]]] = 5
j += 1
# Recursive all path solution
def searchloop(self, start, end, path=None, maxdepth=30):
if path == None:
path = list()
if maxdepth == 0:
return []
path = path + [start]
if start == end:
return [path]
if not self.graph.has_key(start):
return []
paths = []
for node in self.graph[start]:
if node not in path:
newpaths = self.searchloop(node, end, path, maxdepth= maxdepth - 1)
for newpath in newpaths:
return paths
# Dijkstra shortest path
def dijkstrashp(self, start, end):
import heapq
def flatten(L):
while len(L) > 0:
yield L[0]
L = L[1]
q = [(0, start, ())]
visited = set()
while True:
(cost, v1, path) = heapq.heappop(q)
if v1 not in visited:
if v1 == end:
return list(flatten(path))[::-1] + [v1]
path = (v1, path)
for (v2, cost2) in self.graph[v1].iteritems():
if v2 not in visited:
heapq.heappush(q, (cost + cost2, v2, path))
# Bellman-Ford shortest path
def bellmanfordshp(self, start, end):
d = dict()
p = dict()
for node in self.graph:
d[node] = float('Inf')
p[node] = None
d[start] = 0
for i in range(len(self.graph) - 1):
for u in self.graph:
if u == end:
for v in self.graph[u]:
if d[v] > d[u] + self.graph[u][v]:
d[v] = d[u] + self.graph[u][v]
p[v] = u
path = []
while True:
if end == start: break
end = p[end]
return path
# A-star shortest path
def astarshp(self, start, target):
import heapq
graph = self.graph.copy()
closedset = []
openset = [(0, start)]
came_from = dict()
g_score = dict()
g_score[start] = 0
def reconstruct_path(came_from, current_node):
if current_node in came_from:
p = reconstruct_path(came_from, came_from[current_node])
if type(p) is int: return [p, current_node]
return p
return current_node
while len(openset):
(f_score,current) = heapq.heappop(openset)
if current == target:
return reconstruct_path(came_from, target)
for neighbor in graph[current]:
if neighbor in closedset:
tentative_g_score = g_score[current] + graph[current][neighbor]
if neighbor not in g_score:
g_score[neighbor] = float("Inf")
if neighbor not in g_score:
g_score[neighbor] = float("Inf")
if (graph[current][neighbor], neighbor) not in openset or tentative_g_score <= g_score[neighbor]:
came_from[neighbor] = current
g_score[neighbor] = tentative_g_score
if target not in graph[neighbor]:
graph[neighbor][target] = float("Inf")
f_score = g_score[neighbor] + graph[neighbor][target]
if (f_score, neighbor) not in openset:
heapq.heappush(openset, (f_score, neighbor))
def find(self, start, end, maxdepth=1000, alg="loop"):
try: start = self.stationtoid[start]
except KeyError: return None
try: end = self.stationtoid[end]
except KeyError: return None
result = list()
pathresults = list()
reverse = None
if alg in ("dijkstra", "bellmanford", "astar"):
if start > end:
reverse = start
start = end
end = reverse
if alg == "loop":
pathresults = self.searchloop(start, end, maxdepth=maxdepth)
elif alg == "dijkstra":
pathresults = [self.dijkstrashp(start, end)]
elif alg == "bellmanford":
pathresults = [self.bellmanfordshp(start, end)]
elif alg == "astar":
pathresults = [self.astarshp(start, end)]
if not reverse == None:
for path in pathresults:
pathlines = set()
pathnames = list()
transfers = list()
transfersnames = list()
i = 0
while i < len(path):
if self.idtostation[path[i]]["cantransfer"] != None and i < len(path) - 1:
tid = self.stationtoid[self.idtostation[path[i]]["cantransfer"]]
if path[i + 1] == tid:
transfers.append((path[i],path[i + 1]))
transfersnames.append((self.idtostation[path[i]]["name"], self.idtostation[path[i + 1]]["name"]))
i = i + 1
"transferscnt": len(pathlines) - 1,
"transfersid": transfers,
"transfersname": transfersnames,
"stationscnt": len(path),
"stationsid": path,
"stationsname": pathnames
return result
kiyvsubway = ptroute(db="subway.txt")
for possiblepath in kiyvsubway.find("Minska", "Vyrlytsia", alg="bellmanford"):
print "We found a way that includes %d stations and requires %d transfers" % (possiblepath["stationscnt"], possiblepath["transferscnt"])
print "Route plan:", " -> ".join(possiblepath["stationsname"])
for transfer in possiblepath["transfersname"]:
print "Consider make a transfer from %s to %s" % transfer
print "\n"
# Kiev Subway
# 22.11.2012
# subway optimal routes searching example
# Red Line
L: Sviatoshynsko-Brovarska Line
S: Akademmistechko <> Zhytomyrska <> Sviatoshyn <> Nyvky <> Shuliavska <> Politekhnichnyi Instytut <> Vokzalna <> Universytet <> Teatralna ^ Zoloti Vorota <> Khreshchatyk ^ Maidan Nezalezhnosti <> Arsenalna <> Dnipro <> Hidropark <> Livoberezhna <> Darnytsia <> Chernihivska <> Lisova
# Blue Line
L: Kurenivsko-Chervonoarmiyska Line
S: Heroiv Dnipra <> Minska <> Obolon <> Petrivka <> Tarasa Shevchenka <> Kontraktova Ploshcha <> Poshtova Ploshcha <> Maidan Nezalezhnosti ^ Khreshchatyk <> Ploshcha Lva Tolstoho ^ Palats Sportu <> Olimpiiska <> Palats "Ukrayina" <> Lybidska <> Demiivska <> Holosiivska <> Vasylkivska <> Vystavkovyi Tsentr
# Green Line
L: Syretsko-Pecherska Line
S: Syrets <> Dorohozhychi <> Lukianivska <> Zoloti Vorota ^ Teatralna <> Palats Sportu ^ Ploshcha Lva Tolstoho <> Klovska <> Pecherska <> Druzhby Narodiv <> Vydubychi <> Slavutych <> Osokorky <> Pozniaky <> Kharkivska <> Vyrlytsia <> Boryspilska <> Chervony Khutir
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