- Slime Matching Game: https://dark-rainstorm.glitch.me/
- Kids Movies/Show Memories: https://inquisitive-time.glitch.me/
- Project: Summer Bucket List Website: https://aerodynamic-camel.glitch.me/
- Ice Cream Puppies Sugar Candy.COM: http://tide-market.glitch.me
- D3T: https://free-chanter.glitch.me
- Kinds of Cats: https://noiseless-bail.glitch.me/
- L+R Pet Servases: https://lunar-clave.glitch.me
- Gaming United Website: https://foil-medicine.glitch.me
- Planet Earth: https://berry-dart.glitch.me/
- Crackers and Crackers Inc.: https://glossy-sloth.glitch.me/
- Molang: https://conscious-timbale.glitch.me/
- A Trip in the Day: https://necessary-shark.glitch.me/public
- A Trip Around the World: https://luxuriant-tank.glitch.me/
- Bot of Gold FTC, Adopt an Inna: https://carnelian-corn.glitch.me/, https://imaginary-algebra.glitch.me/
- Food Website: https://chisel-november.glitch.me/
- Snazzy Slime Sales Website: https://snazzy-slime.glitch.me/
- Crazy Mad Lib Game!: https://free-fisherman.glitch.me
- Evee Co Card Company: https://super-scribe.glitch.me/
- Bargain Books: https://sprinkle-smell.glitch.me/
- truefood: https://gorgeous-closet.glitch.me/
- Jumping Box: https://pool-tank.glitch.me
- Mad Lib Generator: https://waiting-seagull.glitch.me
- The Mortal Instrument: https://the-mortal-instruments-fun.glitch.me
- Franklin Regional Track and Field: https://frtrackandfield.glitch.me
- Masala Dash: https://masaladash.glitch.me/
- Pittsburgh First: https://pittsburghfirst.glitch.me
- JavaScript Invaders: https://blushing-whimsey.glitch.me
- A Trip to the Beach: https://longing-desert.glitch.me
- Mad Lib Generator: https://statuesque-banana.glitch.me
- The Space Jump Game: https://comet-gull.glitch.me
- The Jumping Game: https://like-ferry.glitch.me
- Icons: https://cream-swordfish.glitch.me
- The Jumping Titanic: https://plaid-reward.glitch.me
- The Jumping Box Game: https://saber-snap.glitch.me
- Quizzer: https://befitting-dinosaur.glitch.me
- The "Best" of Technology and Entertainment: https://best-in-tech-and-entertainment.glitch.me
- the Queendom: https://queendom.glitch.me