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Created June 19, 2013 20:25
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Spazmo-qore, contribution to the 4k source compo 2004
#include "g.h"
#define f float
f P=3.1415,X= 500,Y=400, o;
#define e glEnd
#define g glVertex3d
#define n glEnable
#define N glNormal3d
#define fl for(
#define i int
c(f h) { f j; glBegin(6); N(0,0,-1);g(0,0,0);
fl j=0;j<=9;j++)g(cos(j*.7)*.1,sin(j*.7)*.1,0); e();glBegin(6);N(0,0,1);
g(0,0,h);fl j=9;j>=0;j--) g(cos(j*.7)*.1,sin(j*.7)*.1,h);
e();glBegin(8); fl j=0;j<=9;j++){
f a=cos(j*.7), b=sin(j*.7); N(a,b,0);g(a*.1,b*.1,0);
g(a*.1, b*.1, h);} e();}C(){f j;o/=10000;
fl j=0;j<=628;j++) {f x=sin(j),y=cos(j);
glRotatef(-o-.5,-o,-o+.01,.3); glColor4f(y,x,x,.5);
glTranslatef(x,y,x); c(x);}}typedef struct
{ Uint8 *d; Uint32 l;}snd;
typedef struct { Sint16 *d;
i l, p, lv, rv;}voyc;voyc voz[1];snd snds[1];i step=0;i hm[100][100];
sp(i vc, i sd, f lv, f rv){voz[vc].l=sd[snds].l/2;voz[vc].p=0;
}char *dp="|...*...*...*...|...*...*...*...";
f rs(f sf, f sp, f *ut, i l)
{ f ph;
i j;fl j=0, ph=sp;j<l;j++)
{ut[j]=sin(ph); ph+=2*P;}
return ph;}s(void *d, char *t, i l){
i vi, j;Sint16 *buf= (Sint16 *)t;l/=4;if(
step[dp]=='|')sp(0, 0, .8, .8);if(dp[step]==
'*')sp(0, 0, .3, .3); rs(800, sin(o), buf, l);
fl vi=0;vi<2;++vi){voyc *v =&voz[vi];if(!v->d)continue;
fl j=0;j<l;j++){ if(v->p>=v->l){v->d=
NULL;break;}buf[j*2] +=v->d[v->p]*v->lv>>8;
buf[j*2+1]+= v->d[v->p]*v->rv>>8;
++v->p;}} step=(step+1)%32;}
ihm(){ i j, k;fl j=0;j<99;
j++){fl k=0; k<99;k++){
hm[j][k]= sin(j*k*o)*100;}
}}i main(i z, char **v){SDL_Event v;SDL_Init(48);
SDL_SetVideoMode(X,Y,32,2);SDL_AudioSpec c;
/* -> SPAZMO-QORE -> PERPLEXITY -> 2004 -> */
c.channels= 2; c.samples =4096; c.callback=s;
i j,k;snds[0].d=malloc(sizeof(Uint8*)*10000);
snds[0].l=10000; fl j=0;j<10000;j++) snds[0].
d[j ]=rand()% 256;n(3042);glHint(3152, 4354);
glDepthFunc ( 515 ) ; glBlendFunc( 770, 1 ) ;
glPolygonMode(1032, 6914);f d[]={1, 1, 1, 0},
s[]={100};glShadeModel( 7424 ); glMaterialfv(
1032, 4610, d ); glMaterialfv(1032, 5633, s);
&c, NULL);SDL_PauseAudio(0);ihm();while(!SDL_PollEvent(&v) || v.type!=2){o=SDL_GetTicks();
glClear(65<<8); glMatrixMode(5889); glLoadIdentity() ;gluPerspective(65, X/Y, 1, 100);
glMatrixMode(5888);glLoadIdentity();gluLookAt(0, 0, 10, 0, 0,0, 0, 1,0);if(o<45000)
{glRotatef ( o / 100, 0, .1, 1);glTranslatef(0, 0, 7);C();}else {glPolygonMode(
GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL);glShadeModel(GL_SMOOTH); o/=300;glTranslatef( 0,
-5, -8);glScalef(.2, .2, .2);glRotatef(o, -1, 1, 0);glTranslatef( -50,
-50, 0);if(dp[step]=='|')ihm();fl j=0;j<99;j++)fl k=0; k<99;k++)
{glBegin( GL_QUADS); glColor4f((f)j/99, (f)k/45, 0.5, 0.1);
g((f)k, (f)j, hm[j][k]/256.0f*100-50); g((f)k+1,(f)j,
hm[j][k+1] / 256.0f*100-50); g((f)k+1, (f)j +1,
hm[j+1][k]/256.0f*100-50);e();} }
SDL_GL_SwapBuffers () ;}
not enuff
ideas so
ill leave
it @ 2674
b y t e s
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