Service accounts make it very easy to authorize appengine requests to other Google APIs and services.
To use a service account in the appengine SDK, you have to add two undocumented options when you run the development server:
More info in this request for documentation issue
You can create or find the service account in the developers console permissions section of your appengine cloud project.
And you can create and download a p12 key for the service account.
Use OpenSSL to convert this p12 key in a RSA pem key.
I used this OpenSSL installer for Windows.
To create the pem key file use:
openssl pkcs12 -in <P12_KEY_PATH> -nocerts -nodes -passin pass:notasecret | openssl rsa -out <PEM_KEY_PATH>
- upload GCS object: appengine-gcs-upload
- download GCS object: appengine-gcs-signed-url
- GCS insert / delete acl: appengine-gcs-acl-insert-delete