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Kelvin vousmeevoyez

View GitHub Profile
vousmeevoyez /
Created February 19, 2025 04:54
import requests
import json
import hashlib
import base64
customer = "HR"
key = "HR001188"
url = ""
data = {
# Prompt for Django Unit Tests Using Pytest
I want you to act as a Senior full-stack Django developer. Once I provide the Django models, views, or utility functions, your task is to develop a comprehensive suite of unit tests for a provided Django codebase. Follow these guidelines for an effective testing process:
## **Understand the Codebase**
- Analyze the Django code thoroughly, step by step.
- Identify any ambiguity or missing information, such as model fields, methods, constants, conditions, external dependencies, API integrations, etc.
- Provide steps, questions, and seek clarification for better code understanding. Only proceed to the next step once you have fully analyzed the codebase.
## **Testing Framework**
vousmeevoyez / SignUpPage.jsx
Created August 22, 2024 12:53
minimalist sign up page using bootstrap + react
import axios from 'axios';
import React, { useState } from 'react';
import { useForm } from 'react-hook-form';
const SignUp = () => {
const { register, handleSubmit, formState: { errors } } = useForm();
const [apiError, setApiError] = useState(''); // State to hold API error message
const [loading, setLoading] = useState(false); // State to manage loading state
const onSubmit = async (data) => {
function findPairsWithSum(arr, target) {
// to store paris
const pairs = [];
// to store seen number with their index
const seenNum = {};
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
// calculate the complement / pair by deducting the current number with target
const complement = target - arr[i];
# This file configures the analyzer, which statically analyzes Dart code to
# check for errors, warnings, and lints.
# The issues identified by the analyzer are surfaced in the UI of Dart-enabled
# IDEs ( The analyzer can also be
# invoked from the command line by running `flutter analyze`.
# The following line activates a set of recommended lints for Flutter apps,
# packages, and plugins designed to encourage good coding practices.
include: package:flutter_lints/flutter.yaml
curl -X GET \
-H "Cookie: appSession=eyJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJBMjU2R0NNIiwiaWF0IjoxNjg5Nzc2Mzc3LCJ1YXQiOjE2ODk4Mjg0MDMsImV4cCI6MTY4OTkxNDgwM30..hdFiluAQILc6VHnr.I0WFv7xC_A80jk7lN6oWbQ7GrSybBHaNu-A7MRoDa6LSj8t5jv26OQMhoyFpA2ky2fJrFgx_bTwdqrg-0Uldmtd9og32FJ54XIC1_4TompBqR8bPjiaHmGIXNFtNt9C8GIV7o37PqyeusCIGUwmvBU5U6rPYqMKpaJdzzgExRQZHHH9fQrMyeuwnIYbKyw0zOEAhc3hEnCh8eEzPk7Bj98DBAV490WNAVDqUdtxdoLM2A6e7CxuJ8sfvo0wKPa16urRrr2Ah5pUzXlsJmhwaqKF01POAAcexfT2mi9-esyPZKemZnnf25AL3KJ0M6CmD73nBaqFYdigh67FA-twuVjFNQVgdOoNTKAAZHFAaCgyvIEGhZECHGc_ATGFz4j0itFjN_lQGh8_j2XdFc3EV4axg2GPY59U4ogn9Rw6toKedG0QuML7VI0GpE16j-yafxJL-IBfyQvEvMhcnFsz0YLO9PgIGmR5S-JojSIGSyjGmR2FlYZuhize_dJJJWRtdJl0KkAKiW2LBrH2IoL01pPFnc64WUObYiLExYy1mKpmiK3PmhfwrmA8qAcdklLt8t67A3A4ZpfyyL7s9YOv_Nqi74V82ORW0lI3fvkJKWdmvCXyaLaYi6GzTLhq_luL50oYNCsOKN-B7doquJ3bu9bZkGgNOUrxt0J_WrMCb-lkcH-z4BOrVDS5B8P9Q9MB8xH2y6bHNfaVRLjwGBWibIl2rqp8I8PSl_GvbYzqeWbUqkK-D6VZ240r4Zz2F0NdYqNSEOXKFCVPZSKsdBqVrxQeWGJrFiZfN2aqSzpU0dtTL2AG_QN08SqlREl184IFhP5ysL_HH-cfZlXTbk0LFTo48Kzr
vousmeevoyez / upload.json
Created August 17, 2022 01:01
Wed Aug 17 2022 01:01:46 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
[{"externalId":"5116727025","name":"YIHUA 1502DD POWER SUPPLY (2 AMPER) LED ORIGINAL","description":"YIHUA 1502DD LED Power Supply DN\n\n1. power supply Ini adalah untuk pekerjaan pemeliharaan ponsel / komputer\ndan dirancang khusus, semua fungsi, peralatan catu daya.\n2.Dual LED display untuk menunjukkan arus dan tegangan.peralatan perbaikan ponsel berperforma tinggi yang terjangkau dan mudah dioperasikan.\n3.a.Comes dengan fungsi output DC 0-15V (output tegangan dapat disesuaikan baik oleh roda gigi atau pengontrol slide).\n4.Setiap dua pengaturan daya: disesuaikan sepanjang rentang 0.6A-2A.\n5. Perlindungan sirkuit pendek dan fungsi pemulihan otomatis\n6. Saat ini: 0-2A dengan tingkat output langsung 1.5V, 3.6V, 4.8V, 6.0V atau 7.2V.\n\nParameter\nNilai tegangan AC220V ± 10% 50Hz\nKekuatan mesin lengkap 15W\nLingkungan pengoperasian 0 ~ 40 ℃ kelembaban relatif < 80 %\nSuhu penyimpanan -20 ~ 80 ℃ kelembaban relatif < 80 %\nDimensi bodi mesin 17 * 21 * 16.5cm\n\nParameter kinerja\nTegangan output Disesuaikan
vousmeevoyez / sample.json
Last active July 14, 2022 07:37
Sample JSON
{"text": "Hello"}
vousmeevoyez / upload.json
Created July 8, 2022 06:31
Fri Jul 08 2022 06:31:57 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
[{"externalId":"2232908001","name":"MAMYPOKO PANTS XTRA KERING S40/M34/L30/XL26/XXL24","description":"Selamat datang di SusuRaya\nPENGIRIMAN DILAKUKAN H+1 UNTUK PESANAN YANG MASUK JAM 10 PAGI \n>> Untuk proses RETUR dan KOMPLAIN akan diproses dengan lampiran video UNBOXING dengan paket kondisi utuh (BELUM TERBUKA).\n>> Proses RETUR (Baik salah UKURAN/PRODUK/KURANG LENGKAP) Akan kami proses secepatnya saat Video UNBOXING memenuhi syarat.\n>> Semua proses retur akan di proses melalui SHOPEE\n>> Pembatalan dan perubahan pesanan hanya bisa diproses melalui SHOPEE tidak bisa secara manual (Info melalui CHAT)\n>> MANFAATKAN VOUCHER GRATIS ONGKIR XTRA DAN CASHBACK XTRA UNTUK BERBELANJA LEBIH HEMAT DI SUSURAYA.\n\nKEUNGGULAN PRODUK MAMYPOKO PANTS X-TRA KERING:\n- Bantalan X-tra Kering: Menyerap lebih cepat dan menyebar ke seluruh bagian, sehingga tidak menggumpal. Kulit tetap kering, Si Kecil nyaman disaat aktif maupun tidur.\n- 10 Jam Daya Serap: 40x Gel Ekstra Serap, menyerap pipis bisa mengembang hingga 40 kali da
vousmeevoyez / upload.json
Created July 8, 2022 04:37
Fri Jul 08 2022 04:37:36 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
[{"externalId":"7677573069","name":"Power Supply Switching 12V 20A","description":"Switch Mode CCTV Power Supply 12V 20A with Fan / Kipas Pendingin\nInput Voltage : AC 100-120V AC 220-240V\nDC Voltage : DC 12V 20A 1\nOutput Current : 10x 1Afused dutlets (12AMax)\n\ndigunakan untuk menyalurkan power DC 12Volt ke kamera CCTV yang ada di suatu area/ bangunan. \nSetiap channel kamera memiliki proteksi sekring untuk mengisolasi kerusakan apabila terjadi hubungan singkat.\nDengan aliran listrik yang tersentral, aliran listrik ke Kamera dapat lebih mudah dikontrol / maintenance.","source":0,"url":" Switching 12V 20A-i.157555428.7677573069","discount":0,"price":9000000000,"ratingAverage":4.961538461538462,"ratingCount":26,"images":[""],"sold":90,"view":0,"stock":912},{"externalId":"9980582207","name":"PSU PC PSU ADVANCE POWER SUPPLY ADVANCE 450W original","description":"Spesifikasi :\n450W Maximum Power\n\nATX12V Ver.2.2 Com