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Last active December 21, 2015 17:09
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Python Cheat Sheets - Setting up your environment

Python Cheat Sheets

By Victor Payno

Setting up your environment


If you haven't already, create a HOME variable that points to %USERPROFILE%.

  • Download installer from and install it. I'm using 2.7.x 64-bit. Make sure you add C:\Devel\Python\2.7\ and C:\Devel\Python\2.7\Scripts to your profile's PATH environment variable.

  • Download curl from and install curl.exe and it's dll files to C:\Devel\Tools. Make sure you add it to your profile's PATH variable. Run the mk-ca-bundle.vbs script from the C:\Devel\Tools directory and set the environment variable CURL_CA_BUNDLE to C:\Devel\Tools\ca-bundle.crt .

  • Download easy_install from

curl.exe | python.exe
  • Install PIP
easy_install pip
  • Use pip to install the following packages.
pip install pyreadline

pip install nose

pip install pexpect

pip install ipython

pip install fabric
  • Setup .pythonrc

    • Create the environment variable PYTHONSTARTUP and set it to %USERPROFILE%.pythonrc . Next use notepad to create that file and add the following to it.
import atexit
import os
import re
import readline
import rlcompleter
import sys
import time
import timeit

history = os.path.expanduser('~/.python_history')
readline.parse_and_bind('tab: complete')
atexit.register(readline.write_history_file, history)

def t(*args):
    return timeit.Timer(*args).timeit()

This will add readline support, save your history to a file and creates a time function (like in BASH) that can be used to time code.

  • Download and install Console from .

    • Extract the Console directory to C:\Devel\Tools\Console and add the path to your PATH variable.

    • Right click "console.inf" and pick "Install" to add the "Console Here" explorer context menu option.

  • Configure iPython.

    • Create %USERPROFILE%\ and add the following to it.
from IPython import ipapi
ipapi.get().ex("from ipipe import *")

  • Create the Windows Command Script C:\Devel\Python\2.7\iPythonShell.cmd and add the following to it.


ipython --profile sh
  • Create a shortcut in Start | Programs | Python that points to this script.



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