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Forked from Roy-Orbison/import-from-dir.php
Last active March 16, 2025 06:40
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Import any .sql[.gz] file, from a specifiable directory, rather than only the default adminer.sql[.gz], with Adminer.
* Import SQL files from a directory
* @author joshcangit,
* @author Roy-Orbison,
class AdminerImportFromDir {
protected $dir;
* @param string $dir optional directory to read from, other than Adminer's current working dir.
function __construct($dir = '') {
$dir = (string) $dir;
if ($dir != '') {
$this->dir = $dir;
protected function _readFiles($gz = false) {
$mapped = array();
$glob = "$this->dir*.[Ss][Qq][Ll]";
if ($gz) {
$suffix = '.gz'; # lowercase only because of core
$glob .= $suffix;
$suffix_cut = -3;
if ($files = glob($glob)) {
$from = strlen($this->dir);
foreach ($files as $file) {
if ($from) {
$file = substr($file, $from); # do not expose server paths in output
if ($gz) {
$mapped[substr($file, 0, $suffix_cut)] = $file;
else {
$mapped[$file] = $file;
return $mapped;
function importServerPath() {
static $posted = null;
$files = $this->_readFiles();
if (extension_loaded('zlib')) {
$files += $this->_readFiles(true); # core prioritises files without .gz
if (count($files) > 1) {
if ($posted !== null || !isset($_POST['webfile'])) {
# use existing translation strings
echo "<fieldset><legend>" . Adminer\lang('From server') . "</legend><div>";
echo Adminer\lang('Webserver file %s', '<select name="webfilename">' . Adminer\optionlist(array('' => Adminer\lang('Select')) + $files, $posted, true) . '</select>');
echo ' <input type="submit" name="webfile" value="' . Adminer\lang('Run file') . '">';
echo "</div></fieldset>\n";
$posted = null;
return false; # skip core UI
if (
|| !is_string($_POST['webfilename'])
|| !array_key_exists($_POST['webfilename'], $files)
) {
$posted = '';
return 'SELECTED_FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST'; # can't return empty string because of core file_exists() check
$posted = $_POST['webfilename'];
return $this->dir . $posted;
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