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Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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grunt module list generated by generator-angular

Grunt Module List (36s)

it is added to package.json by generator yeoman. All module is in devDependencies. The number of added module is "36".

grunt module

  1. grunt

grunt contrib module

  1. grunt-contrib-clean
  2. grunt-contrib-coffee
  3. grunt-contrib-compass
  4. grunt-contrib-concat
  5. grunt-contrib-connect
  6. grunt-contrib-jshint
  7. grunt-contrib-uglify
  8. grunt-contrib-watch

grunt sub-module

  1. grunt-autoprefixer
  2. grunt-concurrent
  3. grunt-google-cdn
  4. grunt-newer
  5. grunt-rev
  6. time-grunt

grunt minify module

  1. grunt-contrib-cssmin
  2. grunt-contrib-htmlmin
  3. grunt-contrib-imagemin
  4. grunt-ngmin
  5. grunt-svgmin
  6. grunt-usemin

grunt task supporting module

  1. load-grunt-tasks

jshint stylish module

  1. jshint-stylish

karma module

  1. grunt-karma

  2. karma

  3. karma-script-launcher

  4. karma-chrome-launcher

  5. karma-firefox-launcher

  6. karma-phantomjs-launcher

  7. karma-html2js-preprocessor

  8. karma-ng-html2js-preprocessor

  9. karma-coffee-preprocessor

  10. karma-jasmine

  11. karma-ng-scenario

require (import) module

  1. requirejs
  2. karma-requirejs

Short explanation about each module.

  1. grunt

The JavaScript Task Runner

  1. grunt-contrib-clean

Clean files and folders.

  1. grunt-contrib-coffee

Compile CoffeeScript files to JavaScript.

  1. grunt-contrib-compass

Compile Sass to CSS using Compass.

  1. grunt-contrib-concat

Concatenate files.

  1. grunt-contrib-connect

Start a connect web server.

  1. grunt-contrib-jshint

Validate files with JSHint.

  1. grunt-contrib-uglify

Minify files with UglifyJS.

  1. grunt-contrib-watch

Run predefined tasks whenever watched file patterns are added, changed or deleted.

  1. grunt-autoprefixer

Parse CSS and add vendor-prefixed CSS properties using the Can I Use database. Based on Autoprefixer.

  1. grunt-concurrent

Run grunt tasks concurrently.

  1. grunt-google-cdn

Grunt task for replacing refs to resources on the Google CDN.

  1. grunt-newer

Run Grunt tasks with only those source files modified since the last successful run.

  1. grunt-rev

Static file asset revisioning through content hashing.

  1. time-grunt

Displays the elapsed execution time of grunt tasks when done.

  1. grunt-contrib-cssmin

Compress CSS files.

  1. grunt-contrib-htmlmin

Minify HTML

  1. grunt-contrib-imagemin

Minify PNG, JPEG and GIF images.

  1. grunt-ngmin

Grunt task for minifying AngularJS projects.

  1. grunt-svgmin

Minify SVG.

  1. grunt-usemin

Replaces references to non-optimized scripts or stylesheets into a set of HTML files (or any templates/views).

  1. load-grunt-tasks

Load multiple grunt tasks using globbing patterns.

  1. jshint-stylish

Stylish reporter for JSHint.

  1. grunt-karma

grunt plugin for karma test runner.

  1. karma

Spectacular Test Runner for JavaScript.

  1. karma-script-launcher

A Karma plugin. Launcher for shell scripts.

  1. karma-chrome-launcher

A Karma plugin. Launcher for Chrome and Chrome Canary.

  1. karma-firefox-launcher

A Karma plugin. Launcher for Firefox.

  1. karma-phantomjs-launcher

A Karma plugin. Launcher for PhantomJS.

  1. karma-html2js-preprocessor

A Karma plugin. Convert HTML files into JS strings to serve them in a script tag.

  1. karma-ng-html2js-preprocessor

A Karma plugin. Compile AngularJS templates to JavaScript on the fly.

  1. karma-coffee-preprocessor

A Karma plugin. Compile coffee script on the fly.

  1. karma-jasmine

A Karma plugin - adapter for Jasmine testing framework.

  1. karma-ng-scenario

A Karma plugin. Adapter for Angular's Scenario Runner.

  1. requirejs

Node adapter for RequireJS, for loading AMD modules. Includes RequireJS optimizer.

  1. karma-requirejs

A Karma plugin. Adapter for RequireJS framework.

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